How to change the app icon background color in react-native for android - react-native

Please how do I properly change the default background color of app icon which is white to a one of my choice?
I'm using React-native 0.62

if your icon has already a white background you are not able to change that from the app,if you want to do that it need some complicated border detecting and then you can change it!, you need to modify changes outside of app, or just make its background transparent with Photoshop then use and give background to its parent.
i hope it helps


How to fix White Screen after Splash Screen in React Native for iOS

For Android, I made the color of the white screen the same as the Splash Screen color. So how do I change the color of the white screen on iOS?
use react-native-bootsplash or implement splash screen by your own.
you can change the bg color of splash screen using xCode, find and select the .storyboard that is currently used in your project.
from the right side of your x code controls, you will see background prop, from there you can change it.

Drawer White Background is stuck on display after orientation changes

For some reason when the orientation changes, I get a white box, which I am assuming is the place of the Drawer pre orientation change. Picture: Simulator Example
If I fully remove and re-render the Home component the white box will go away, but I would like to try and avoid that. I have tried passing height/width props when the dimensions change, but that didn't seem to fix the problem. Would be nice to get some help on this since I am stuck.

React Native BlurView Brightness too dark or too bright

I use a React Native BlurView in my React Native project. I want to have a blur effect like in Adobe XD or Figma where the color stays the same, but everything which is under the view will get blurred.
When I apply the BlurView on my View I get this result:
If I change it to dark it looks like this:
But is there no way that the colors stay the same like this?:
Sadly there is no option to do this. If you use React Native Blur View there is no option where you can choose whether the blur should be dark or bright. Today there is not good library for blur in React Native. Maybe there will be a new in the future.
Try to add a style to your BlurView and then add it a backGround color.
I would set the brightest one and then a light grey with transparency.

React-native Text input color issue in full screen editing

In my react-native android app, This is the same text box in portrait & Landscape views.
I have used selectionColor & underlineColorAndroid properties to set the font color.
<TextInput selectionColor={FormElements.textInputSelectionColor} underlineColorAndroid={FormElements.textInputSelectionColor} placeholder={"Email Address"} placeholderTextColor={FormElements.textInputPlaceholderColor} keyboardType="email-address" value={}/>
But the issue is in the full screen edit (on landscape mode) it's hard to read in white background.
So I want either to change make full screen edit background color or text color back to black on full screen.
I tried, but couldn't find a solution yet.
Cam someone please give me a solution for this?
This full screen popup doesn't come up only landscape mode. it comes up when ever there is not enough space to occupy the keyboard.
I was encountering this issue too. After a few hours of exploring I found this property of React Native TextInput "disableFullscreenUI"
In my case I only want the normal input editing and don't show the Fullscreen editor.
<TextInput disableFullscreenUI={true} />
and the fullscreen mode will go away upon edit then the editing will remain inside the TextInput.
Hope this helps
There are libs such as react-native-orientation which allow you to check if the user changed the screen orientation. It would be possible to apply different styles based on the orientation.
However, for the scenario you mentioned, I don't think it would be user friendly to change colors depending on the orientation. I'd recommend you to use a standard color combination that looks fine in all resolution and orientations.
Hope it helps.
This was an issue with RN. I have updated my app to RN V50.0 (earlier it was V47.0). Now the above issue is not there anymore. TextBox shows black color fonts when it's popped up.

Set Background of ToastNotification

I want to know that how we can change the background color for the toast notification in Windows Metro (or Desktop) app.
Thanks in advance.
You can set "Foreground text" in you app manifest to dark or light.
This follows the "Background color" of the app manifest - and hence will be the same as the app's tile background.
For most of the apps I've worked on, it's enough to set the tile color according the UI spec - and then set the 'foreground text' to light or dark. You can surely override the light/dark themes if you want to too.
For desktop apps, the background color used on toast notifications (and Start screen tiles) is not configurable by the app itself. The color for the tiles is determined by the Start screen color theme chosen by the user (PC Settings -> Personalize -> Start screen), and the color of the background of toast notifications is always gray (when not in a high-contrast theme).
I think it always use the color that is specified in your manifest file. So to change the color, you have to change the color of your whole application.