Cannot access Vue CLI dev server from other devices in network - vue.js

I have a Vue CLI project started using npm dev server (npm run serve)
I have this:
App running at:
- Local: http://localhost:8080/
- Network:
At local computer I can access the site with browser using both: local and network addresses.
From other devices of local network - cannot (ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT).
Problem is not in port/firewall: I have tried different ports (e.g. flask server works good (and other devices can access) with one of the ports I tried).
Please help.


Host Nuxt.js and Express.js On Ubuntu server via putty and run it all the time

I have done a project for BE and FE (Express.js and Nuxt.js), but when it build and run it via putty on ubuntu server, this is what I get
Is that a way to make it live using Putty?
And what happens if I close Putty, will Express and Nuxt still be running on the server?
This is not a conventional way of exposing something to the Internet since it's not publicly facing the Internet (the only way right now to have access to your apps is to know the IP of the server, username + password of the SSH account).
Also, you're running the server in dev mode here, not something optimized in terms of speed.
You will need to use yarn generate (or yarn build) then yarn start on Netlify, Vercel or any platform like that for your Frontend (free service usually if using SSG).
Here is a whole list of places and how to host there for the frontend:
As for your backend, you may host it on Heroku,, Railway or any place of your choice (with a Node.js available).
Even a bare metal SSD can be good for such but it will require more setup overall.

Port forwarding local server to Expo android emulator

I have a local server running in my laptop. I want to access it via localhost in the android emulator. How can I do this?
You can access host machine from inside the android emulator by going to the address inside the emulator.
For example if you have a web service accessible on localhost:8080 on your local machine, you can access the same by typing
from inside the emulator. More details about emulator networking you can read in the official documentation

Can you use the LAN option to connect your phone to an Expo project when using WSL2?

I have created a new app using expo init <app_name>.
When I lunch it using sudo expo start, the LAN does not work, I get Connection response timed out
My setup is WSL2 + Ubuntu 20.04, and the PC has no WiFi, but my phone is connected to the same home network via WiFi.
I've tried many of the solutions provided by posts here and other forums, including some scripts to forward ports, but none of them worked. The tunnel option does work

Viewing React app running on a WSL2 machine

I am developing a create-react-app on Ubuntu 18.04 on WSL2. I am trying to view the app from my iPhone that is connected to the same network. I can access the app if I clone the repo and run it from Windows 10 but I can't seem to connect to WSL. I have tried the IP address that the webserver says to use:
Local: http://localhost:3000
On Your Network: http://1xx.xx.xx.x:3000
but that doesn't work. Has anyone experienced this problem before?

npm run serve: Site cannot be reached from other computers

I have installed vue new and I runned vue create .... Then I've tried to reach the site at localhost:8080 (as it was told in the console) directly from my Raspberry Pi I'm working on. Furthermore I've reached the site at the IP-address of my Raspberry Pi, also directly in the web browser on my Pi.
Why can't I reach this site (with the IP-address:port(8080)) from another computers (I've already tried my mobile and my computer)?