I am not sure how can I achieve this output. In this case, my column is one but the internal value is multiple but I need to merge all and create one unique column header. column "NAME" has multiple values
Please go through with the below problem.
Sounds like you would follow steps like:
create new table, split name into col, row, sort by row, col to create:
row col data
1 A Hello
1 B New
2 A World
2 B World
then pivot on col and your are done.
row A B
1 Hello New
2 World World
does that describe your problem?
Let's say I have an existing table A with a column called contact_name and a ID column id as the primary key.
All the rows in A have the name value as "NULL" right now.
Another table B has different columns, but one of which is contact_name, and another is ref_id.
Each ref_id in B corresponds to a value of id in A, and there may be multiple rows in B that share the same value for ref_id (meaning they all correspond to a single entry in A).
Let me set up an example:
Table A
id | contact_name
1 | [NULL]
2 | [NULL]
Table B
ref_id | contact_name
1 | "John"
2 | "Helen"
2 | "Alex"
Note there are theoretically other values in each table but for the sake of brevity I'm just showing the values I'm interested in using.
I want to populate contact_name in table A with the first entry of the corresponding contact_name in B, where B.(first)ref_id = A.id, without adding any rows or editing the rest of the rows in either table. That is, I want A in my example to now be:
id | contact_name
1 | "John"
2 | "Helen"
Again, note how the first contact_name value, "Helen", in B is selected, not any other subsequent one, like "Alex".
The MERGE function is made for this. Give it a try:
ON (a.ID = b.REF_ID)
You could try using Five, a low-code development environment that lets you manage your MySQL database, and build a web application on top of it.
Whenever You can add a new column in a Table, Five will give you a prompt where you can use a query to populate that particular column.
Here are the steps:
Import your existing MySQL database into Five
Add a new column to your database.
Five will prompt you to fill in values for the new column. Five gives you four options:
A. you can leave the new column empty,
B. assigned a Default value,
C. Copy Values to an existing field
D. Write a custom query.
Refer to This Screenshot to get an idea how things look inside Five
Hope this helps!
Disclaimer: I work for Five
I have 2 tables name Table A and Table B
"Table A has 10 columns named ta1, ta2, ta3...ta10"
"Table b has 2 columns name id (PK,AI) and tb1"
My requirement is to combine "ta3" and "ta4" from table A initially,
or it will check for the "tb1" column whether any same data is available, if available do nothing else insert the new data.(if a new row is added in the ta3 or ta4, it should be added to the 2nd table column named tb1)
I have checked other functions in the for combining the data from ta3 and ta4 by using the "unnest" function, but if I use that, I'm getting stuck in the insert, as it will insert on each query rather than checking whether any data is there or not.
any solution on this legends.
simply I just want to combine 2 column from 1st table and store it in a column on 2nd table, but in 2nd table's column it should be only distinct values taken from both of those 1st table columns. this should automatically check for the values in the column of 2nd table and compare that with the new one and if there is change the insert else neglect. I hope my question is clear.
Table 2
new table-1
Expected table-2
I would like to generate a new ID number for every new combination of column 1 and column 2.
For example:
ID | column 1 | column 2
1 | peter | blue
2 | mark | red
1 | peter | blue
As there will be new rows added over time, with new values, this should be able to auto-update.
I tried DENSE_RANK(), which seemed to work. But it gave an error when I put it as a statement in a calculated column, so I guess this is not possible? (Still very new to SQL).
Thanks for any help!
Error message: #1901 - Function or expression 'dense_rank()' cannot be
used in the GENERATED ALWAYS AS clause of `ProductIdentifier
What I basically want is to link a row to another table based on the 2 columns. I could also concatenate the two columns of course, but I read somewhere that doing this with string will be slower. It will ultimately be a big table with currently 200.000+ rows and growing to millions. Is this something I could/should do?
I don't understand. If you want column1/column2 to be unique, then they should be in their own table:
create table t12 (
t12_id int auto_increment primary key,
column1 int,
column2 int,
unique (column1, column2)
This gives you the unique value for the pair that you seem to want.
You can't use window functions in a generated column, as you found out. You can, however, compute the information on the fly in a view:
create view myview as
select id, column1, column2, dense_rank() over(order by column1, column2) rn
from mytable
Then you can query the view instead of the table, like:
select * from myview;
I had to make a new table to get the Include statement working in Entity Framework since EF was looking for a table called be_PostTagbe_Posts. I was using EF Code First from DB. But now the question is about SQL. I added one row of data and now the include works. But what I am looking for is a SQL command that can copy data from 1 column in 1 table and 1 column in another into the new be_PostTagbe_Posts table. In the be_Posts table I need the data in PostRowID to go into be_Posts_PostRowID and PostTagId to go into be_PostTag_PostTagID. Both be_PostTag_PostTagID and be_Posts_PostRowID are in the new be_PostTagbe_Posts table. I am not very good with SQL so not sure how to do this.
Edit: Thanks for the answers. I tried 2 separate queries but only data was inserted into the the be_PostTag_PostTagID while be_PostTag_PostRowID remained null.
And I tried this query which returned The multi-part identifier "be_PostTag.PostID" could not be bound.
INSERT INTO be_PostTagbe_Posts(be_PostTag_PostTagID, be_Posts_PostRowID)
SELECT be_PostTag.PostTagID, be_Posts.PostRowID
WHERE be_PostTag.PostID = be_Posts.PostID
This only inserted half the data - even 2 inserts leave one column null
INSERT INTO be_PostTagbe_Posts (be_Posts_PostRowID)
SELECT PostRowID FROM be_Posts;
INSERT INTO be_PostTagbe_Posts (be_PostTag_PostTagID)
SELECT PostTagID FROM be_PostTag;
And yet management studio tells me the query executed successfully but one column is still null. Weird.
Here are screenshots of the tables:
SELECT PostTagID AS be_PostTag_PostTagID, PostRowID AS be_Posts_PostRowID
INTO be_PostTagbe_Posts
FROM be_PostTag
Inner JOIN be_Posts
ON be_PostTag.PostID=be_Posts.PostID
That command created the new table with the 2 columns populated.
If i understand you ,you want to Copy Table Z's Column A to Table X And Table Z's Column B to Table Y.
If it is so, According to your question it is not clear about Table Structure of TableX and TableY
Assuming TableX And TableY to single ColumnTable [Apart from IdentityColumn] our query will be
Rest put your Entire Structure of Table To Get More Help Because These query are on Assumptions
There's not enough information in your question to give you a working example, but this would be the general syntax for INSERTing into a different table using a query SELECTing from two other tables.
INSERT INTO destination_table(wanted_value_1, wanted_value_2)
SELECT table_1.source_field_1, table_2.source_field_1
WHERE table_1.matching_field = table_2.matching_field
There has to be some sort of relationship between the two tables for the WHERE clause to work in that statement. I'm guessing based the little information you provided that there is a PostRowID field somewhere in the table that contains the tags such that your data would look similar to this in the tag table:
PostRowID PostTagID
--------- ---------
1 1
1 2
1 3
1 4
2 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
It sounds like you should use two sql statements:
Insert into `be_PostTagbe_Posts` (`be_PostTag_PostTagID`)
select `PostTagID` from POSTTAGIDTABLE
Insert into `be_PostTagbe_Posts` (`be_Posts_PostRowID`)
select `PostRowID` from POSTTAGIDTABLE
unless the items have some sort of relationship, then if you have a select statement that will select the merged data in two columns you can just do
Insert into `be_PostTagbe_Posts` (`be_PostTag_PostTagID`,`be_Posts_PostRowID`)
(select statement that selects the two items)
I was wondering if it was possible to multiply two columns and if so how would this take place
Suppose I have a table
a b
1 4
2 5
3 6
Could I do something like
SELECT a *b from table
Would this multiply the contents row by row then store it in a new column
Are these result right
That query would multiply the values, but it wouldn't "store it in a new column" To store it you would have to issue an update statement.
Assuming you add a new column ("c") to your table you could do:
update table
set c = a * b
If all you need is the new column in a result set, without modifying the underlying table you could:
select a, b, (a*b) as c from table
Yes you can perfectly do that.
To clarify: The query and output you mentioned in your question are correct.
Rather than storing a calculated column in a base table, consider a viewed table:
SELECT a, b,
a * b AS my_calc
FROM MyTable;