Java JUnit JVM_EnqueueOperation() stubbed - jvm

I get this error while trying to run a JUnit Test on eclipse Oxygen Using Ibm's jdk8.
Is there any known bug in this version of jdk? How can I fix/avoid it?

Seems like the unit test uses PowerMock, which does not currently support IBM JDK.
PowerMock tries to load an agent via HotSpot Attach Mechanism, but it should use J9 attach mechanism instead.
See the following issues for details:

Worked by adding the Mocking-Library path as VM Argument to the JRE as already stated by apangin.
To do that:
Window→ Preferences → Java → Installed JREs: select JDK, edit it and add the following to Default VM Arguments:


Gradle sync fails when creating a new Kotlin project with default settings in freshly installed IntelliJ IDEA

I wanted to learn some Kotlin so I installed IntelliJ IDEA, created a new Kotlin project with the default settings and then the IDE tells me that Gradle sync has failed. Here's the error message:
Could not open init generic class cache for initialization script 'C:\Users\<my_name>\AppData\Local\Temp\wrapper_init.gradle' (C:\Users\<my_name>\.gradle\caches\6.8\scripts\344chmz69zyndatc9zp4rwux5).
> BUG! exception in phase 'semantic analysis' in source unit '_BuildScript_' Unsupported class file major version 60
I googled the error and got a suggestion to try a different JDK version. Tried a few different versions but that didn't help. Then I installed the IDE on my laptop to see if that works and there I don't get any errors. As far as I can tell, the project settings were exactly the same on both machines but obviously something is messed up on my desktop computer. Both have Windows 10.
I'm also not at all familiar with the Java/Kotlin ecosystem or the build tools or whatever so I honestly have no idea how I could even begin fixing some Gradle errors. I don't really even know what Gradle is or what it does. So can you help me?
First, check the version which the project uses: File > Project Structure. Or, during project creation ( / example with SDK 1.8)
It has to be the same as JDK / SDK installed on your computer.
To verify java version installed in your terminal:
java -version
openjdk version "1.8.0_252"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_252-8u252-b09-1~19.10-b09)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.252-b09, mixed mode)

install Thick client on idempiere

During installation, when I click on ADempiere-client.exe file to run it for login, I couldn't. because the bellow massage will occur,"in dialog box"
java hotspot(tm) 64-bit server vm - 1.8.0_131 <> 1.6.0 | 1.7.0
Specified your question.. Do you run from from Eclipse? But the problem i can see your java not supported for idempiere you using. Use idempiere new version 5.1..
Learn to make your workspace in here :
This link for setup your workspace for idempiere
The dialog box said you need to use java version 1.6.x or 1.7.x. but you have 1.8.
What idempiere version ? on idempeire 4.1 swing client you need java 8

Error in adding the Apache CFX run time in eclipse

I am newbie to web services. i am trying to generate stubs using Apache CFX on eclipse. when i try to add CFX in preferences using Windows >> Preference eclipse gives error "Invalid Type Name". i tried to change the JRE from JDK 6 to 7. change the versions of CFX but still problem persists.
Please help in resolve the problem
I found the solution. The problem because of multiple java version installed on my machine and CFX found two different versions of JAXB. I uninstalled java 7 from my machine and then it worked with java 6.

iReport 5.5.0 won't start

I want to use iReport on ubuntu 12.04. When I try to start it, it stands still and just gives me this error:
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: You have loaded library /tmp/jna4023560596826437553.tmp which might have disabled stack guard. The VM will try to fix the stack guard now.
It's highly recommended that you fix the library with 'execstack -c <libfile>', or link it with '-z noexecstack'.
How can I solve this problem ?
Edit: I tried: execstack -c /tmp/jna4023560596826437553.tmp but that didn't help.
This error seems more related to a JVM problem instead of jasper. Indeed, Java 7 on linux has a feature which blocks code written in C (or other languages like Ruby etc) and linked into Java (the so-called Java Native Interface - JNI) from halting the whole VM if it’s written badly or maliciously.
So, if you're using java version 1.7, getting back to 1.6 should do the trick. But if you want to keep this version, then try a clean uninstall and re-install of java:
Notice that if you're not running on 1.7 , it could be a compatibility problem. Try to match the right jars required for iReport to get it work on linux.
I'm using ubuntu and I did below,
Opened the ireport.conf
and uncomment jdkhome
and added java 7 paths (since my default is java 8)

Timeout while trying to contact RemoteTestNG in Selenium on Mac

I have a TestNG setup running on Eclipse Indigo 20120216-1857 and TestNG for Eclipse v2.0. Dev environment is Mac OSX 10.8.2. Target is a web server running on Ubuntu 12.04.
Error: 'Couldn't contact the RemoteTestNG client. Make sure you don't have an older version of testng.jar on your class path.'
This error only happens when i'm running selenium scripts. not on my other api oriented test cases. I have selenium-server-standalone-2.25.0.jar running.
This same setup is working on my windows 7 dev environment.
This is a brand new eclipse setup and workspace on the mac.
I had met same question. I hope my resolved method can help you.
Please open Eclipse->Preferences->Then click TestNG->Restore Defaults
root reason: I had use ReportNG instead of testng default report,but after that I forgot to restore config. So when I make a new project,run as TestNG,but not add ReportNG jars, it report error.