ADF DATA FLOW NULL Column - azure-data-factory-2

I am inserting records into a table where a column called TenantID is not nullable. I have added this column as cross join into my data flow, and during preview it seems to have the value
But when I debug the pipeline, encountered following error :
Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'TenantID', table 'dbo.Item'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.\njava.sql.BatchUpdateException: Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'TenantID', table 'dbo.Item'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.\n\tat
How to troubleshoot further to understand which row is returning null.I did a cross join, hence all valued should have been applied
Edit 1 : I tried exporting the same dataset into CSV, and true that none of the records had null TenantID.


Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'id', table 'XXX'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails

I am getting an insert error:
Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'id', table 'db.dbo.table';
column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails
I have checked the data and the column I am inserting into 'id' does not have any nulls.
Any suggestions?
The error
column does not allow nulls
is happening because you are trying to insert data which has NULL for the column id, for at least one record which you are trying to insert. It has nothing to do with the state of the column before you attempted the insert. Check the source of your insertion data and remove/replace the NULL values, or alter the id column to accept NULL.
When looking at your SQL table design, scroll through "Column Properties" to "Identity Specification". In that drop-down, change "(Is Identity)" to Yes. This setting tells the table to auto-increment the ID field.
Null is not a particular value, but rather, an indication that you don't know the value for this field. It means, "VALUE UNKNOWN". If the field is not NULLable (i.e., if "UNKNOWN" is not permissible), then the INSERT will not be allowed. This is particularly true for an ID column, which might be INDEXed — perhaps even the PRIMARY KEY of the table. Some databases do not allow NULL in INDEXes (particularly primary indexes) at all.

Insert null in one column on two columns same value in Oracle sql

i have inserted value from one table to another and i want to check if two columns values are same in a row insert null in one column of another table(table in which i am inserting values. In my example it is table1).
My existing query is given as follows how should i convert it according to my requirement.
INSERT INTO table1 (date1,date2)
SELECT substr(numtodsinterval(MAX(date1)-MIN(date2),'day'),
FROM table2 where ....;

Can't insert records with null values

insert into [Table2] ([a], [b]) select [a], [b] from Table1
I can't add records if either a or b has null value; otherwise, the code is fine. I did not knowingly define any columns in any table as NOT NULL (columns allow null values by default, yes?).
Table2 has 12 fields and it apparently accepts nulls, as I have successfully inserted into it dozens of records with just two fields (a & b) that have actual values, using the statement above. Only problem is, again, it doesn't add records if either a or b has null value. There are no error messages. I'm working in VB.Net, if that's any help.
Edit: working with MS Access.
I think you haven't missed to create the table columns with allow null. Check your database where if you have create the columns with "not null" Property.

cannot insert value NULL into column error shows wrong column name

I've added a new column(NewValue) to my table which holds an int and allows nulls. Now I want to update the column but my insert statement only attempts to update the first column in the table not the one I specified.
I basically start with a temp table that I put my initial data into and it has two columns like this:
create table #tempTable
OldValue int,
NewValue int
I then do an insert into that table and based on the information NewValue can be null.
Example data in #tempTable:
OldValue NewValue
-------- --------
34556 8765432
34557 7654321
34558 null
Once that's complete I planned to insert NewValue into the primary table like so:
insert into myPrimaryTable(NewValue)
select tt.NewValue from #tempTable tt
left join myPrimaryTable mpt on mpt.Id = tt.OldValue
where tt.NewValue is not null
I only want the NewValue to insert into rows in myPrimaryTable where the Id matches the OldValue. However when I try to execute this code I get the following error:
Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'myCode', table 'myPrimaryTable'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.
But I'm not trying to insert into 'myCode', I specified 'NewValue' as the column but it doesn't seem to see it. I've checked NewValue and it is set to allow int and is set to allow null and it does exist on the right table in the right database. The column 'myCode' is actually the second column in the table. Could someone please point me in the right direction with this error?
Thanks in advance.
INSERT always creates new rows, it never modifies existing rows. If you skip specifying a value for a column in an INSERT and that column has no DEFAULT bound to it and is not identity, that column will be NULL in the new row--thus your error. I believe you might be looking for an UPDATE instead of an INSERT.
Here's a potential query that might work for you:
mpt.NewValue = tt.NewValue
myPrimaryTable mpt
INNER JOIN #tempTable tt
ON mpt.Id = tt.OldValue -- really?
tt.NewValue IS NOT NULL;
Note that I changed it to an INNER JOIN. A LEFT JOIN is clearly incorrect since you are filtering #tempTable for only rows with values, and don't want to update mpt where there is no match to tt--so LEFT JOIN expresses the wrong logical join type.
I put "really?" as a comment on the ON clause since I was wondering if OldValue is really an Id. It probably is--you know your table best. It just raised a mild red flag in my mind to see an Id column being compared to a column that does not have Id in its name (so if it is correct, I would suggest OldId as a better column choice than OldValue).
Also, I recommend that you never name a column just Id again--column names should be the same in every table in the database. Also, when it comes join time you will be more likely to make mistakes when your columns from different tables can coincide. It is much better to follow the format of SomethingId in the Something table, instead of just Id. Correspondingly, the suggested old column name would be OldSomethingId.

Can't INSERT INTO SELECT into a table with identity column

In SQL server, I'm using a table variable and when done manipulating it I want to insert its values into a real table that has an identity column which is also the PK.
The table variable I'm making has two columns; the physical table has four, the first of which is the identity column, an integer IK. The data types for the columns I want to insert are the same as the target columns' data types.
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Message] ([Name], [Type])
SELECT DISTINCT [Code],[MessageType]
FROM #TempTableVariable
This fails with:
Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.Message' with unique index
'IX_Message_Id'. The duplicate key value is (ApplicationSelection).
But when trying to insert just Values (...) it works ok.
How do I get it right?
It appears that the data "ApplicationSelection" is already in the database. YOu need to write the select to exclude records that are already in the database. YOu can do that with a where not exists clause or a left join. LOok up teh index to see what field is unique besides the identity. That will tell you what feild you need to check to see if teh record currently exists.