Hide/Show the corresponding data from the chart on legend click ngx-charts - ngx-charts

I am working with angular 6 and ngx-chart and I need on clicking the legend item, the corresponding data from the chart should show/hide
The ng-chart library does have this functionality and my client requests it.
I have almost everything working but I have a problem when applying axisFormat. once I remove an item from the legend it reformats the x-axis and doesn't literally put how the data comes without applying the AxisFormat. Any solution?
onSelect (event) {
let temp = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.multi));
this.sourceData = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.multi2));
if (this.isDataShown(event)) {
//Hide it
temp.some(pie => {
const pie2 = pie.name[0] + ',' + pie.name[1];
// console.log('pie', pie[0], event, pie2);
if (pie2 === event) {
pie.series = [];
return true;
} else {
//Show it back
console.log('Entramos en el ELSE');
const pieToAdd = this.sourceData.filter(pie => {
const pie2 = pie.name[0] + ',' + pie.name[1];
return pie2 === event;
temp.some(pie => {
const pie2 = pie.name[0] + ',' + pie.name[1];
if (pie2 === event) {
pie.series = pieToAdd[0].series;
return true;
console.log('log temp: ' + JSON.stringify(temp));
this.multi = temp;
// this.axisFormat(this.multi);
isDataShown = (name) => {
const selectedPie = this.multi.filter(pie => {
const pie2 = pie.name[0] + ',' + pie.name[1];
return pie2 === name && pie.series[0] !== undefined;
return selectedPie && selectedPie.length > 0;
axisFormat(val) {
const options = { day: 'numeric', month: 'short', hour: '2-digit', minute: '2-digit' };
// Esto funciona pero al hacer timeline no pone horas val.toLocaleDateString("es-ES", options);
console.log('val:', val.toLocaleDateString('es-ES', options));
return val.toLocaleDateString('es-ES', options);
<ngx-charts-line-chart [view]="" [scheme]="colorScheme" [results]="multi" [gradient]="gradient" [xAxis]="showXAxis" [yAxis]="showYAxis" [legend]="showLegend" legendPosition="'below'" [showXAxisLabel]="showXAxisLabel" [showYAxisLabel]="showYAxisLabel"
[xAxisLabel]="xAxisLabel" [yAxisLabel]="yAxisLabel" [autoScale]="autoScale" [timeline]="timeline" [roundDomains]="true" [animations]="animations" (select)="onSelect($event)" [xAxisTickFormatting]="axisFormat">
<ng-template #seriesTooltipTemplate let-items="model">
<p>{{items[0].name | date:'medium'}}</p>
<li *ngFor="let item of items">
{{item.series}}: {{item.value | number}}
I have already managed to solve the problem adding an example in case it can help other people.

I am kinda new to Stack Overflow, but i think you should specify your answer more and show us what you already tried. Nevertheless I will try to help you.
You should give your chart a (select)="onClickFunction ($event)" in HTML. In your TS you then call the onClickFunction(event). I always start with giving it a console.log(event) to see what i get from clicking on the legend.
After clicking on the legend, you get the label of the element you clicked on. You can then search for this label in your data and remove this data out of the array you use for filling the chart.
If you provide a stackblitz or plunker wtih your code, I will gladly show you how to do it.

This is how we can achieve it for ngx-pie-chart. With the help of select event, capture it, identify the item from the data and make it zero. Next, on the next click, add the value back from the source copy. See it working here ngx-pie-chart label-filter
onSelect (event) {
let temp = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.single));
if (this.isDataShown(event)) {
//Hide it
temp.some(pie => {
if (pie.name === event) {
pie.value = 0;
return true;
} else {
//Show it back
const pieToAdd = this.sourceData.filter(pie => {
return pie.name === event;
temp.some(pie => {
if (pie.name === event) {
pie.value = pieToAdd[0].value;
return true;
this.single = temp;
isDataShown = (name) => {
const selectedPie = this.single.filter(pie => {
return pie.name === name && pie.value !== 0;
return selectedPie && selectedPie.length > 0;


In React-native i'm using 'sharingan-rn-modal-dropdown'; Dropdown in form for add and edit data but selected values not getting reflected in dropdown

what exactly is happening is when i select the delivery service onChangeService i'm setting the next dropdown i.e. carrier's list.Also i'm setting the selected carrier as per the service.But all the time value is getting set correctly in {this.state.selectedCarrierName} but still i can show its label only.lists contain label an value pair
async onChangeService(value) {
//{ ...this.props.deliveryOptionsValue, selected: value.value === value }
this.setState({ newCarrierList: [], selectedCarrierName: '', selectedCararierName: '' });
const priceDeliveryService = this.props.orderDetailsDTO.priceDeliveryServiceDTOs;
console.log("carriers", JSON.stringify(this.props.carriers));
var newList = [];
var carrier = '';
await priceDeliveryService.forEach(m => {
console.log("compare", m.serviceId === value.id);
if (m.serviceId === value.id) {
console.log("carrier", JSON.stringify(this.props.carriers));
let l = this.props.orderDetailsDTO.carriers.filter(n => n.id === m.carrierId);
console.log("l", l);
if (l !== undefined) {
// / orderList: [...this.state.orderList, ...content]
// this.setState({ newCarrierList: [...this.state.newCarrierList, ...l[0]] });
console.log("defa", newList);
if (m.defaultCarrierService) {
this.setState({ selectedCarrier: l[0], selectedCarrierName: l[0].name });
carrier = l[0].name;
} else {
this.setState({ selectedCarrier: newList[0], selectedCarrierName: newList[0].name });
carrier = newList[0].name;
const list = newList.map(item => ({
label: item.name,
value: item
this.setState({ newCarrierListValue: list, newCarrierList: newList })
console.log("newCarrierListValue", list);
console.log("newCarrierList", newList);
// console.log("carrier service", p.carrierName, value.id);
const carrierServices = this.props.orderDetailsDTO.carrierServiceDTO;
const pi = await this.setCarrierService(carrierServices, value, carrier);
// let pi;
// for (let i = 0; i < carrierServices.length; i++) {
// console.log("if", carrierServices[i].cdlServiceId == value.id, carrierServices[i].carrierName === carrier)
// if (carrierServices[i].cdlServiceId == value.id && carrierServices[i].carrierName === carrier) {
// console.log("mathced data", carrierServices[i]);
// pi = carrierServices[i];
// console.log(pi);
// break;
// }
// }
this.setState({ carrierService: pi.serviceName, carrierServices: carrierServices });
<Dropdown required
label="Select delivery option"
// enableSearch
onChange={(value) => {
console.log(" change value", value);
this.setState({ selectedDeliveryOptionName: value.name, selectedDeliveryOption: value, deliveryOptionError: false, });
}} />
label="Select a carrier"
// selectedValue={this.state.selectedCarrierName}
onChange={value => {
// console.log("value", value);
this.setState({ selectedCarrierName: value.name, selectedCarrier: value });
this.onChangeCarrier(value, this.state.selectedDeliveryOption);
}} />

Update v-html without misbehaving focus on typing VUE JS

I need help,
when the user types in an input box I want to highlight the link with blue color if any
My Research
when I dig into it, I realize that without using a contenteditable div it's not possible to do, also there is no v-model associated with contenteditable div I am manually updating the state.
so far I have this, courtesy- contenteditable div append a html element and v-model it in Vuejs
<div id="app"><div class="flex">
<div class="message" #input="updateHtml" v-html="html" contenteditable="true"></div>
<div class="message">{{ html }}</div>
let app = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
html: 'some text',
methods: {
updateHtml: function(e) {
this.html = e.target.innerHTML;
renderHtml: function(){
this.html += '<img src="https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/max/853/1*FH12a2fX61aHOn39pff9vA.jpeg" alt="" width=200px>';
every time user types something, the focus is misbehaving which is strange to me, I want v-html to update along with user types #keyup,#keydown also have the same behavior.it works ok on #blur #focusout events, but that's not what I want
Appreciate Help.Thanks
I figured it out myself. Posting the answer so that may help other developers. v-HTML doesn't do all the trick. You’ll need to store the cursor position so it can be restored properly each time the content updates as well as parse the content so that it renders as expected. Here is the example
An example of live syntax highlighting in a content-editable element. The hard part is storing and restoring selection after changing the DOM to account for highlighting.
<div contentEditable='true' id='editor'>
Edit text here. Try some words like bold and red
Just a demo trivial syntax highlighter, should work with any syntax highlighting you want to implement.
const editor = document.getElementById('editor');
const selectionOutput = document.getElementById('selection');
function getTextSegments(element) {
const textSegments = [];
Array.from(element.childNodes).forEach((node) => {
switch(node.nodeType) {
case Node.TEXT_NODE:
textSegments.push({text: node.nodeValue, node});
textSegments.splice(textSegments.length, 0, ...(getTextSegments(node)));
throw new Error(`Unexpected node type: ${node.nodeType}`);
return textSegments;
editor.addEventListener('input', updateEditor);
function updateEditor() {
const sel = window.getSelection();
const textSegments = getTextSegments(editor);
const textContent = textSegments.map(({text}) => text).join('');
let anchorIndex = null;
let focusIndex = null;
let currentIndex = 0;
textSegments.forEach(({text, node}) => {
if (node === sel.anchorNode) {
anchorIndex = currentIndex + sel.anchorOffset;
if (node === sel.focusNode) {
focusIndex = currentIndex + sel.focusOffset;
currentIndex += text.length;
editor.innerHTML = renderText(textContent);
restoreSelection(anchorIndex, focusIndex);
function restoreSelection(absoluteAnchorIndex, absoluteFocusIndex) {
const sel = window.getSelection();
const textSegments = getTextSegments(editor);
let anchorNode = editor;
let anchorIndex = 0;
let focusNode = editor;
let focusIndex = 0;
let currentIndex = 0;
textSegments.forEach(({text, node}) => {
const startIndexOfNode = currentIndex;
const endIndexOfNode = startIndexOfNode + text.length;
if (startIndexOfNode <= absoluteAnchorIndex && absoluteAnchorIndex <= endIndexOfNode) {
anchorNode = node;
anchorIndex = absoluteAnchorIndex - startIndexOfNode;
if (startIndexOfNode <= absoluteFocusIndex && absoluteFocusIndex <= endIndexOfNode) {
focusNode = node;
focusIndex = absoluteFocusIndex - startIndexOfNode;
currentIndex += text.length;
function renderText(text) {
const words = text.split(/(\s+)/);
const output = words.map((word) => {
if (word === 'bold') {
return `<strong>${word}</strong>`;
else if (word === 'red') {
return `<span style='color:red'>${word}</span>`;
else {
return word;
return output.join('');
Hope this helps...

VueJs - How can i know when the scroll bar of DIV reach its bottom

I am new to Vuejs. How can I get a message when a div in Datatable vuejs reach the bottom of its page. It will be really helpful when someone helps me out.
I am posting the answer for this question which i got it correctly. Actually i got ideas from someones comment in this question, which i am not able to see it now.
Adding code:
mounted() {
let box = document.querySelector(".v-data-table__wrapper");
// #ts-ignore
box.addEventListener("scroll", this.scrollHandler);
* Infinite scroll event
scrollHandler(e) {
// #ts-ignore
let context = this.$store.state[this.$options.parent.fileName];
if (!context.lazyLoading.enabled) {
let el = e.srcElement;
// #ts-ignore
this.reachedBottom = false;
// #ts-ignore
let context = this.$store.state[this.$options.parent.fileName];
// #ts-ignore
if (!this.reachedBottom) {
if (el.scrollTop >= (el.scrollHeight - el.clientHeight) - 100) {
// #ts-ignore
this.reachedBottom = true;
if (context.lazyLoading.enabled && context.lazyRecords && context.lazyRecords.length > 0)
context.formData = context.lazyRecords.slice(0, (context.formData.length + (context.lazyLoading.initialRecordLoad || context.dashboard.lazyLoading.initialRecordLoad)));
else if (!context.lazyLoading.enabled)
context.formData = context.copyData.slice(0, (context.formData.length + (context.lazyLoading.initialRecordLoad || context.dashboard.lazyLoading.initialRecordLoad)));
this.$nextTick(() => {
// #ts-ignore
this.reachedBottom = false;

Issue with react-native FlatList rendering data when updating array of objects maintained in redux

I'm loading a dynamic form in a FlatList. I'm supposed to add few rows with UI elements such as TextInput, checkbox, etc. based on a condition. For example, I have a dropdown, when I select a value, I have to add a row with a button and remove that row when I select another value.
My issue is that whenever I select a value in the dropdown to add a row with button, FlatList is adding duplicate rows and they are not visible as objects in my array when I debug them. I'm using Redux to manage my application state and updating my array in reducers.
I have to display objects in my array in FlatList without any duplicates using Redux for state management.
ref={(ref) => { this.flatListRef = ref; }}
keyExtractor={({ item, id }) => String(id)}
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
this.setState({mainArray: nextProps.mainArray});
Updating array in Reducer:
// adding or removing dependency questions
let dependingQues = [];
let formArrayTemp = [...state.mainArray];
let exists;
// console.log("formArrayTemp123", formArrayTemp);
if (action.item.isDependentQuestion) {
if (action.item.dependentQuestionsArray.length > 0) {
let dependent_ques = action.item.dependentQuestionsArray[0];
state.depending_questions_array.filter((obj, id) => {
if (JSON.stringify(obj.key_array) === JSON.stringify(dependent_ques.key)) {
// console.log("dependingQues123", dependingQues);
if (dependent_ques.answer === action.item.answer) {
dependingQues.map((obj, id) => {
exists = formArrayTemp.filter((res, idx) => {
if (JSON.stringify(res.key_array) === JSON.stringify(obj.key_array)) {
return res;
// console.log("exists123", exists);
if (exists.length === 0) {
formArrayTemp.splice(action.index + id + 1, 0, obj);
// console.log("mjkgthbythyhy", action.index + id + 1);
else {
let objIndex = formArrayTemp.findIndex(obj => JSON.stringify(obj.key_array) === JSON.stringify(dependent_ques.key));
if (objIndex !== -1) {
formArrayTemp[objIndex].answer = "";
formArrayTemp[objIndex].borderColor = "black";
formArrayTemp.splice(objIndex, 1);
// console.log("frtg6hyjukiu", formArrayTemp);
// adding or removing dependent sections
let dependentSections = [];
let tempArr = [];
let count = 0;
if (action.item.isDependent) {
if (action.item.dependentArray.length > 0) {
let dependent_section = action.item.dependentArray[0];
state.dependent_sections_array.filter((obj, id) => {
if (obj.section_id === dependent_section.section_id) {
// console.log("dependentSections123", dependentSections);
let lastIndex;
formArrayTemp.filter((res, id) => {
if (action.item.section_id === res.section_id && res.dependentArray &&
JSON.stringify(action.item.dependentArray) === JSON.stringify(res.dependentArray)) {
lastIndex = formArrayTemp.FindLastIndex(a => a.section_id === res.section_id);
// console.log("lastIndex123", lastIndex);
tempArr.map((obj, id) => {
if (obj.answer === obj.dependentArray[0].answer) {
if (dependent_section.answer === action.item.answer) {
dependentSections.map((obj, id) => {
if (formArrayTemp.contains(obj) === false) {
formArrayTemp.splice(lastIndex + id + 1, 0, obj);
// console.log("cfrererfre", formArrayTemp);
else {
let countTemp = [];
if (count === 0) {
let countTemp = [];
dependentSections.filter((res, id) => {
if (formArrayTemp.contains(res) === true) {
formArrayTemp.filter((obj, idx) => {
if (obj.section_id === res.section_id) {
obj.answer = "";
obj.borderColor = "black";
let jobsUnique = Array.from(new Set(countTemp));
formArrayTemp = formArrayTemp.filter(item => !jobsUnique.includes(item));
// console.log("frefrefre123", formArrayTemp);
// return { ...state, mainArray: [...formArrayTemp] }
console.log("formArray123", formArrayTemp);
formArrayTemp.sort((a, b) => {
return a.posiiton - b.position;
return { ...state, mainArray: formArrayTemp }
After researching this issue I came across this issue #24206 in GitHub. There it states:
There's a few things you aren't doing quite correctly here. Each time the render function runs you are creating a new array object for your data, so React has to rerender the entire list each time, you're renderItem function and keyExtractor function are also remade each rerender, and so the FlatList has to be rerun. You're also using the index for your key which means as soon as anything moves it will rerender everything after that point. I would recommend looking at what does/doesn't change when you rerun things (arrays, functions, object), and why the keyExtractor is important for reducing re-renders.
So I tried commenting KeyExtractor prop of FlatList and the issue got resolved. But this is causing issue in another form. How can I resolve that?

Swiper JS return to first slide

I have slider with swiper js, how it can return to first slide when we click Next Button on end of slide ?
You can set the loop parameter. For example:
var mySwiper = new Swiper ('.swiper-header', {
loop: true, //this should allow the last next button to return to the beginning
nextButton: '.swiper-button-next',
prevButton: '.swiper-button-prev',
i made function like this:
.swiper-next is: navigation - nextEl
var changed = false;
$(".swiper-next").on('click', function () {
if (changed === true) {
changed = false;
if (faqSwiper.isEnd) changed = true;
You may use "click" event from Swiper API.
Note: setTimeout is needed to correctly determine slide index
const swiper_instance = new Swiper('.swiper-container', {
// ...
swiper_instance.on('click', function (swiper, event) {
const is_next_click = event.target === swiper.navigation.nextEl,
is_prev_click = event.target === swiper.navigation.prevEl,
is_end = this.isEnd,
is_beginning = this.isBeginning;
// slide to begin
if (is_next_click && is_end) {
setTimeout(() => swiper.slideTo(0))
// slide to end
if (is_prev_click && is_beginning) {
setTimeout(() => swiper.slideTo(swiper.slides.length))