Test to detect if a template type in C++/CLI is managed or unmanaged - c++-cli

I have some template code compiled with /clr, something like the following
template <typename T> void foo( )
and am wondering if it's possible to detect if the T is a managed type or an unmanaged one. So something like
template <typename T> void foo( )
constexpr bool b = is_managed_type<T>;
If have tried all the std library type traits and those mentioned here https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/extensions/compiler-support-for-type-traits-cpp-component-extensions?view=vs-2019 but have not found anything that works in all cases. A particular instance of this problem is to tell if an enum is a managed enum or an unmanaged one. So is it possible to implement a type trait like this?
Added 9/23/19
I did make some progress on a is_managed_type trait. I have the following
int check( System::Object^ );
template <typename T, typename U = void> using converts_to_system_object_t = decltype(check(std::declval<T>()));
template<typename T, typename = void> struct is_managed_type: std::false_type {};
template<typename T> struct is_managed_type<T, converts_to_system_object_t<T>> : std::true_type { };
The basic idea is to test if for given type can you call a function that takes os System::Object^. Note I did try things like std::is_base_of and std::is_convertible but they all had problems.
However this seem to return false for managed enums which is a bit bizzare to me


How to use a trait type as an argument to an optionally compiled member function of a class template?

I would like to define a member function in a class template only if traits contain type and use type as its argument like that:
struct A {};
struct B { using type = int; };
template <typename T>
concept has_type = requires { typename T::type; };
template <typename Traits>
struct Handler
void set(typename Traits::type)
requires has_type<Traits>
Unfortunately, typename Traits::type is parsed before the requires clause and it fails to compile if type does not exist (struct A):
<source>:19:14: error: no type named 'type' in 'struct A'
19 | void set(typename Traits::type)
I could only come up with this alternative, which looks excessively cumbersome:
template <typename Traits>
struct Handler
template <typename Type>
requires has_type<Traits> && std::same_as<Type, typename Traits::type>
void set(Type)
It also fails to compile under clang (although I expected it to short-circuit), but gcc compiles it correctly:
<source>:20:78: error: no type named 'type' in 'A'
requires has_type<Traits> && std::same_as<Type, typename Traits::type>
Full example.
What is the idiomatic way to define set depending on whether Traits class contains type?
Why does clang try to evaluate std::same_as if requires has_type failed?
Who is right, clang or gcc?
A class template member function is constrainable, but is not SFINAE-aware. The idiomatic solution (which, inter alia, works even under C++17) is to make set a (class template member) function template accessing the type member type alias via (type-dependent) SFINAE context:
template<int..., class U = Traits>
void set(typename U::type);
template<std::same_as<Traits> U = Traits>
void set(typename U::type);
wrt 2., 3., see How to use a trait type as an argument to an optionally compiled member function of a class template?

Mixed C++/CLI overloading

Is this a proper restriction on overloading behavior. I can't figure out how to replicate a similar issue in pure C++ to compare behavior.
C++/CLI code:
class A {};
List<int>^ g(A &) {
return gcnew List<int>();
template<typename T>
List<T>^ g(T &) {
return gcnew List<T>();
void f() {
g(A()); // compiler error C3235
error C3225: generic type argument for 'T' cannot be 'A', it must be a
value type or a handle to a reference type
The problem appears to be from the return values. It's requiring that the templated g() has a valid definition even though the non-templated g() overload should (shouldn't it?) be selected.

Should C++/CLI data members be handles or values?

I'm new to C++/CLI and I'm wondering what is "best practice" regarding managed type data members. Declaring as handle:
public ref class A {
A() : myList(gcnew List<int>()) {}
List<int>^ myList;
or as a value:
public ref class B {
List<int> myList;
Can't seem to find definitive advice on this.
When writing managed C++ code, I'm in favor of following the conventions used by the other managed languages. Therefore, I'd go with handles for class-level data members, and only use values (stack semantics) where you'd use a using statement in C#.
If your class member is a value, then replacing the object entirely means that the object would need a copy constructor defined, and not many .NET classes do. Also, if you want to pass the object to another method, you'll need to use the % operator to convert from List<int> to List<int>^. (Not a big deal to type %, but easy to forget, and the compiler error just says it can't convert List<int> to List<int>^.)
//Example of the `%` operator
void CSharpMethodThatDoesSomethingWithAList(List<int>^ list) { }
List<int> valueList;
List<int>^ handleList = gcnew List<int>();
It all depends on the lifetime. When you have a private member which lives exactly as long as the owning class, the second form is preferable.
Personally, I would use the second form. I say this because I use frameworks that are written by other teams of people, and they use this form.
I believe this is because it is cleaner, uses less space, and is easier for the non-author to read. I try to keep in mind that the most concise code, while still being readable by someone with minimal knowledge of the project is best.
Also, I have not encountered any problems with the latter example in terms of readability across header files, methods, classes, or data files ...etc
Though I'm FAR from an expert in the matter, that is what I prefer. Makes more sense to me.
class AlgoCompSelector : public TSelector {
public :
AlgoCompSelector( TTree *tree = 0 );
virtual ~AlgoCompSelector(){ /* */ };
virtual void Init(TTree *tree);
virtual void SlaveBegin(TTree *tree);
virtual Bool_t Process(Long64_t entry);
virtual void Terminate();
virtual Int_t Version() const { return 1; }
void setAlgo( Int_t idx, const Char_t *name, TTree* part2, TTree* part3 );
void setPTthres( Float_t val );
void setEthres( Float_t val );
std::string mAlgoName[2]; // use this for the axis labels and/or legend labels.
TTree *mPart1;
TTree *mPart2[2], *mPart3[2]; // pointers to TTrees of the various parts
TBranch *mPhotonBranch[2]; // Used branches
TClonesArray *mPhotonArray[2]; // To point to the array in the tree
for example

Is it possible to create and use custom System::String^ extension methods in C++/CLI?

I tried making an extension to the built-in String class using C++/CLI, and using it from C++/CLI without success.
Here's the simplest I can boil it down to:
public ref class MyStringExtensions abstract sealed {
static bool TestMethod(System::String^ str) { return false; }
Now, when I try to use this in other C++/CLI code, I get a compiler message indicating that TestMethod is not a method of String.
String^ foo = gcnew ...
blah = foo->TestMethod(); // compile-error
Any ideas?
C++ doesn't have extension methods.
But it does have ADL (Argument-dependent lookup, also known as Koenig lookup) which is arguably even nicer.

Obj-C++: template metafunction for recognizing Objective-C classes?

Using Objective-C++, can I write a C++ IsObjectiveCClass<T> template metafunction such that IsObjectiveCClass<T>::value is true if and only if T is an Objective-C class?
Exactly what are ObjC classes from the viewpoint of the C / C++ subset of the language? When used in a C / C++ context, MyClass* pointers seem to behave like ordinary C pointers; does that mean that MyClass is also a C type?
Here is a simplistic solution that should work in most (if not all? Can anyone think of when this might fail?) cases (it uses clang 3.0 via xcode 4.2 - use typedefs instead of using aliases for earlier clang versions):
template<class T> struct IsObjectiveCClass
using yesT = char (&)[10];
using noT = char (&)[1];
static yesT choose(id);
static noT choose(...);
static T make();
enum { value = sizeof(choose(make())) == sizeof(yesT) };
You can read my most recent rant about ObjC++ in this question. Avoid it as much as you can possibly get away with. Definitely don't try to integrate Objective-C into C++ template metaprogramming. The compiler might actually rip a hole in space.
Hyperbole aside, what you're trying to do is likely impossible. Objective-C classes are just structs. (C++ classes actually just structs too.) There's not much compile-time introspection available.
An id is a C pointer to a struct objc_object. At runtime, every object is an id, no matter its class.
typedef struct objc_class *Class;
typedef struct objc_object {
Class isa;
} *id;
As with the accepted answer, you can test whether the type is convertible to id, in C++17:
template <typename T>
struct is_objc_ptr : std::integral_constant<bool,
std::is_convertible_v<T, id> && !std::is_null_pointer_v<T>> {};
template <typename T>
constexpr bool is_objc_ptr_v = is_objc_ptr<T>::value;
static_assert(!is_objc_ptr_v<char *>);
static_assert(is_objc_ptr_v<NSObject *>);
I don't know of a way to discover ObjC inheritance relationships at compile-time; in theory they're changeable at runtime so you would have to query the runtime.
If you look at the implementation of the C++ STL library in Xcode, you can follow the template specialization models of others like std::is_integral or std::is_floating_point:
template <class T> struct isObjcObject : public std::false_type { };
template <> struct isObjcObject<id> : public std::true_type { };
where std::false_type and std::true_type are defined in the <type_traits> header file.
If for whatever reason you don't have std::false_type and std::true_type (depending on your C++ version), you can define them yourself as such:
template<bool B> struct boolean_constant { static constexpr const bool value = B; };
template <class T> struct isObjcObject : public boolean_constant<false> { };
template <> struct isObjcObject<id> : public boolean_constant<true> { };
Note that you can also do this for Objective-C classes too:
template <class T> struct isObjcClass : public std::false_type { };
template <> struct isObjcClass<Class> : public std::true_type { };
I would create a template specialisation for 'id' and 'NSObject*', but you'll always be working against the language because the ObjC type system is not the C++ type system.
Similar to Doug's answer, but slightly simpler:
template<typename T>
inline constexpr bool is_objc_v = std::is_convertible_v<id,T>;
Checking that id is convertible to T – instead of the other way around – avoids false positives for C++ types which have a user-defined implicit conversion to an Obj-C type.