Using MS Access to obtain data across linked tables - sql

I'm new to MS Access and am trying to speed up a data gathering process that is taking forever in Powershell. In Powershell I have 10 or so web API calls to get data and each comes back as an object with multiple properties (fields.) Each set of data has related fields to 1 or more of the other sets of data. Getting the data is very quick but piping an array of objects to where-object to select-object takes over an hour and there's really not that much data. Each object contains 500-1500 "records" and 5 to 10 "fields" so I thought why not export that data and use something that's intended to search through data to do the job? I exported each object as a separate .CSV file. So enter MS Access..
I imported each of the CSV's as a separate table (easy enough.) I'm going to simplify this down for this example to the following 3 tables:
Every table has fields that relate it over to other tables. Pretty much there's some sort of Id field in every table that is related to another Id field in a different table that I need to pull a field called "name" from. I'm trying to follow the bread crumbs from the Player name to it's Network name to it's Application name, to it's Layout name, etc... I want to build a query that I would eventually just be able to export as an Excel file. I also would prefer to just write out the SQL unless it's really easier to to understand the visual query builder. I'm looking to build a sheet with the following information:
Player's Name would include all names from the Players table and getting just that data makes sense to me. SELECT Name AS PlayerName FROM Players Everything else, not so much. I feel like this will end up being some mega query as I get deeper into related table after related table. In Excel, it would be straightforward using Vlookups across tabs but that doesn't seem to be the best approach. Given the info above, I'm trying to achieve the following output:
Result table
Any help with strategy and syntax greatly appreciated!

You're looking for the JOIN clause.
Players.Name PlayerName, Networks.Name PlayerNetwork, Applications.Name ApplicationName
Networks.ID = Players.NetworkId
Applications.Id = Players.ApplicationID


Merge two CSV and collate data

I have two CSV files, the first like so:
And then a second CSV with items associated with the first list, with ID being the common attribute between the two.
The real datasets are millions of records, so I'm sorry in advance for my simple example.
The problem I need to solve is getting the data merged and collated in a way where I can see which item groupings most commonly appear together on the same ID. (e.g. GRAPE,GUM,SEASHELL appear together 340 times, ORANGE and STICK 89 times, etc...)
Then I need to see if there is any change/deviation to the general results in common appearance when grouped by SUBJECT.
Tools I'm familiar with are Excel and SQL, but I also have PowerBI and Alteryx at my disposal.
Full disclosure: Not homework, or work, but a volunteer project, thus my unfamiliarity with this kind of data manipulation.
Thanks in advance.
An Alteryx solution:
Drag the two .csv files onto your canvas (seen as book1.csv and book2.csv in my picture; Alteryx will create "Input" tools for you.
Drag a "Join" tool on and connect the two .csv files to its inputs; select "ID" as the join field; unselect the "Right_ID" as output since it's merely a duplicate of "ID"
Drag a "Summary" tool on and connect the Join tool's output to the Summary tool's input; select all three of the outputs and add as a "group by"... then add the ID column with a "count"
Drag a browse tool on and connect the summary's output to the browse tool's input.
run the workflow
After all that, click on the browse tool and you should see what is seen in my screenshot: (which is showing just the first ten rows of output):
+1 for taking on a volunteer project - I think anyone who knows data can have a big impact in support of their favourite group or cause.
I would just pull the 2 files into Power BI as 2 separate tables (Get Data / From File). Create a relationship between the 2 tables based on ID (it might get auto-generated). It should be one to many.
Then I would add a Calculated Column to the Book1 table to Concatenate the related ITEM values, eg.
Items =
DISTINCT ( 'Book2'[ITEM] ),
", ",
'Book2'[ITEM], ASC
Now you can use that Items field in visuals (e.g. a Table), along with Count of ID to get the frequency.
Adding Subject to a copy of the table (e.g. to the Columns well of a Matrix) will produce your grouped scenario, or you could add a Subject Slicer.
As you will be comparing subsets of varying size, I would change Count of ID to Show value as - % of grand total.
Little different solution using Alteryx.
With this dataset, there are very few repeating 3 or 4 item groups. You can do the two item affinity analysis and get a probability of 3 or 4 item groups, or you can count the 3 and 4 item groups individually. I believe what you want is the latter as your probability of getting grapes with oranges may be altered by whether you have bananas in the cart or not.
Anyway, I did not join in the subject until after finding all of my combinations. I found all the combinations by taking the Cartesian join of two, then three, then four of the original set. I then removed all duplicates by ensuring items were always in alphabetical order in each row. I then counted occurrences of each combination. More joins can be added in the same pattern to count groups of 5,6,7...
Once you have the counts of occurrences, then I would join back with the subjects and perform this analysis on each group and compare to the overall results.
I'm supposed to disclose that I work for Alteryx.
first of all if you are using windows
just navigate to the directory which contains the CSV and write the following command:
copy pattern newfileName.csv
copy *.csv merged.csv
now you created one csv file, the file is too large now you can't process it once, depending on your programming language you can use appropriate way, for python you can use generators to process line by line, or pandas you can read chunk by chunk it will be easy.
I hope this help you.

SQL query / SQL Reporting Services

Been rattling my brain for a while and I could not get pass how to do the SQL query that will show the relationship/connections between my two tables.
I'm working on an IT equipment inventory program. I have two tables;
SELECT serial_number, model, ship_dat, status FROM items_list
SELECT item_serial, connected-to_serial FROM connections
All items like desktops, laptops, monitors, etc are on the items_list table. To track down the relationship/connections of the items, I created the connections table. IE, Monitor with serial_number=Screen#1 is connected to a Desktop with serial_number=Serial#1. It works ok with my Window Form application because I
used a datagridview control to list all devices simple SQL query.
However, when trying to show the relationship/connection on SQL Reports I've ran out of ideas how to do it. I'm aiming to get the report look like below or something along the lines. I just need to show the connections between the items.
Thank you
You should be able to do this with a table in SSRS if that is what you are using. The query you would need to drive the table of all related items would be:
SELECT item_serial, connected-to_serial, mainItem.*, connectedItem.*
FROM connections
INNER JOIN items_list mainItem ON connections.item_serial = items_list.serial_number
INNER JOIN items_list connectedItem ON connections.connected-to_serial = connectedItem.serial_number
You can of course tailor the SELECT statement to your needs, mainItem.* and connectedItem.* will not give you the most descriptive column names. Using column aliases (found under column_alias here) you can give a more descriptive name to each column.
From here you should be able to use a table and create a row group on the main item (either name or serial number) to get the type of look you are looking to achieve here. I believe the Report Wizard actually has most of the functionality you are looking for and should handle the bulk of this. You may have to move some of the cells around to get the look you are going for though.


So, basically, I have two tables called "dadoscatalogo" and "palavras_chave", with a common field, "patrimonio" which is the primary key of "dadoscatalogo".
I'm using a servlet to connect to the database with these tables, and passing a query to search for entries based on some search criteria that's defined by the user.
Now, since the user can search for entries based on information present in both tables, I need to do an INNER JOIN, and then use WHERE to search for that info. I'm also using LIKE, because the user may pass just part of the information, and not all of it.
So, to test it all out, I tried passing it a few parameters to work with, and see how it went. After some debugging, I found out that there was some mistake in the query. But I can't seem to be able to point out exactly what it is.
Here's the test query:
SELECT dadoscatalogo.patrimonio
FROM dadoscatalogo
INNER JOIN palavras_chave
ON dadoscatalogo.patrimonio=palavras_chave.patrimonio
WHERE dadoscatalogo.patrimonio LIKE '%'
AND dadoscatalogo.titulo LIKE '%tons%'
OR palavras_chave.palchave LIKE '%programming%';
So, basically, what I'm trying to do with this query is, get all the primary keys from "dadoscatalogo" that are linked to a record with a "titulo" containing "tons", or a "palchave" containing "programming".
PS. Sorry for the names not being in English, hopefully it won't be too much of a distraction.
EDIT: Right now, the tables don't have much:
This is the dadoscatalogo table:
And this is the palavras_chave table:
When they join, I'm expecting it to have 4 records, and it would get the one with patrimonio=2 in dadoscatalogo (which has "tons" in titulo), and the one with palchave=programming (which would have patrimonio=1)
As per my understanding run below query:
SELECT dadoscatalogo.patrimonio
FROM dadoscatalogo
INNER JOIN palavras_chave
ON dadoscatalogo.patrimonio=palavras_chave.patrimonio
WHERE dadoscatalogo.titulo LIKE '%tons%'
OR palavras_chave.palchave LIKE '%programming%';

How to fetch data for a news feed like system?

I have few tables as shown below
PollId Question Option
1 What 1
2 Why 4
UpdateId Text
1 Sleep
2 Play
Polls and updates are just two sample tables (In reality there are more tables like ,photos, videos,links etc). But when a user visit his home (like facebook new feed) he must be displayed with data relevant to him (no such data included in this example). ie I want to select data from all tables with less number of query executions. (ie, I want to present a mixture of datas, ie polls, photos, videos etc )
Currently, I'm fetching only ids and type (ie which table) from all of the tables and gather further data while iterating through this resultset. (ie from c# calling another SqlQuery) .
Is there a way to query the data from whole tables at once? (OUTER JOIN?, UNION?)
Or simply,
How can I select different type of entities at once in a single sql Query?
You could write your query so that you have one long select list for everything you want and it all comes back in one result set but I suspect that wouldn't work too well because you might have varying numbers of different types of items per user.
If you really must have it all in one hit then you can issue multiple queries in one go and get multiple result sets back. To handle this you can use an ADO.Net DataSet. See this SO example (but not the accepted answer - see Vikram Dibyal's answer as that gives a very basic overview of what I think you're asking for).
I won't copy and paste the stuff from the linked thread, just head over and take a look.

SQL Server: Remove substrings from field data by iterating through a table of city names

I have two databases, Database A and Database B.
Database A contains some data which needs to be placed in a table in Database B. However, before that can happen, some of that data must be “cleaned up” in the following way:
The table in Database A which contains the data to be placed in Database B has a field called “Desc.” Every now and then the users of the system put city names in with the data they enter into the “Desc” field. For example: a user may type in “Move furniture to new cubicle. New York. Add electric.”
Before that data can be imported into Database B the word “New York” needs to be removed from that data so that it only reads “Move furniture to new cubicle. Add electric.” However—and this is important—the original data in Database A must remain untouched. In other words, Database A’s data will still read “Move furniture to new cubicle. New York. Add electric,” while the data in Database B will read “Move furniture to new cubicle. Add electric.”
Database B contains a table which has a list of the city names which need to be removed from the “Desc” field data from Database A before being placed in Database B.
How do I construct a stored procedure or function which will grab the data from Database A, then iterate through the Cities table in Database B and if it finds a city name in the “Desc” field will remove it while keeping the rest of the information in that field thus creating a recordset which I can then use to populate the appropriate table in Database B?
I have tried several things but still haven’t cracked it. Yet I’m sure this is probably fairly easy. Any help is greatly appreciated!
The latest thing I have tried to solve this problem is this:
DECLARE #cityName VarChar(50)
While (Select COUNT(*) From ABCScanSQL.dbo.tblDiscardCitiesList) > 0
Select #cityName = ABCScanSQL.dbo.tblDiscardCitiesList.CityName FROM ABCScanSQL.dbo.tblDiscardCitiesList
,JOB_DESC, [Date_End] , REPLACE(Job_Desc,#cityName,' ') AS NoCity
FROM fmcs_tables.dbo.Jobt WHERE Job_No like '%loc%'
"Job_Desc" is the field which needs to have the city names removed.
This is a data quality issue. You can always make a copy of the [description] in Database A and call it [cleaned_desc].
One simple solution is to write a function that does the following.
1 - Read data from [tbl_remove_these_words]. These are the phrases you want removed.
2 - Compare the input - #var_description, to the rows in the table.
3 - Upon a match, replace with a empty string.
This solution depends upon a cleansing table that you maintain and update.
Run a update query that uses the input from [description] with a call to [fn_remove_these_words] and sets [cleaned_desc] to the output.
Another solution is to look at products like Melisa Data (DQ) product for SSIS or data quality services in the SQL server stack to give you a application frame work to solve the problem.