Confuse in Binary Search when to use left < right ; left <= right ; and few more - binary-search

I've difficulty in understanding when to use:
while (left < right ) {
vs when to use:
while (left <= right ) {
Also while setting left and right boundaries sometimes we use:
left = mid
and sometime we use
left = mid + 1;
right = mid; vs
right = mid - 1;
Is there any fundamental I am missing in knowledge of Binary search ?

The basic idea is to search and find the element:
public static int indexOf(int[] array, int target) {
int lo = 0, hi = a.length - 1;
while (lo <= hi) {
// Key is in a[lo..hi] or may be it is not present.
int mid = lo + (hi - lo) / 2;
if (target < a[mid]) hi = mid - 1;
else if (target > a[mid]) lo = mid + 1;
else return mid;
return -1;
We can also use mid = (lo + hi) >>> 1 to compute the mid but using (lo+hi)/2 may cause overflow. Now the confusion part:
We use while (lo <= hi) if we are returning the match from inside
the loop. We use while (lo < hi) when we want to exit the loop
first and then use the result of lo or hi to return the match.
This is also a good intro for binary search use cases:

When you divide an array you find the mid index. At this time you have two parts with a mid index. Since the array is sorted you compare the search element with mid index value.
If the search value is smaller than mid index value you know it is at left side otherwise it is at right side.
Now, you repeat the above step (divide into two parts, mid index etc.) for either left half (index 0 to mid - 1) or right half (index mid +1 to end). If the search value is same as mid index value then element is found and you stop processing.
This divide and compare process continues until you find the search element or left and right index (initially 0 and length-1) overlaps. Thats why the condition left <= right.

use left <= right
when you are changing the mid index in the loop
mid = right -1
mid = left +1
use left < right
when you are assigning the left and right directly to mid
right = mid
left = mid+1


calculating the time complexity of a recursive algorithm

I'm trying to get the time complexity of this algorithm but I'm not sure how to. will be glad for any help.
`int g(int arr[], int start, int end, int k)
if (start > end) return 0;
int mid = (start + end) / 2;
if (arr[mid] < k) return 1 + g(arr, mid + 2, end, k);
if (arr[mid] > k) return 1 + g(arr, start, mid - 1, k);
return g(arr, start, mid - 1, k) + 1 +
g(arr, mid + 1, end, k);
the answer is O(n).
This is recursion that uses the mechanism of binary search.
Every time we check if arr[mid] is equal to the value k; if it is less than k then we search the right half of the array (the mid+2 should be mid+1), if it is more then we search the left half of the array, if it is equal to k then we search both halves of the array.
So every time we call the recursive function we are only using half the input (half the array).
Thus we can write something like this:
...continue expanding
n/(2^k)=2 ==> k=log(n)
T(n)=2^(log(n))*1+log(n) = O(n) knowing that 2^log(n)=n using log rules.
even though you didn't ask but the space complexity would be O(log(n)) since the maximum depth of the recursion tree would be log(n).

Find all pairs of consecutive numbers in BST

I need to write a code that will find all pairs of consecutive numbers in BST.
For example: let's take the BST T with key 9, T.left.key = 8, T.right.key = 19. There is only one pair - (8, 9).
The naive solution that I thought about is to do any traversal (pre, in, post) on the BST and for each node to find its successor and predecessor, and if one or two of them are consecutive to the node - we'll print them. But the problem is that it'll will the O(n^2), because we have n nodes and for each one of them we use function that takes O(h), that in the worst case h ~ n.
Second solution is to copy all the elements to an array, and to find the consecutive numbers in the array. Here we use O(n) additional space, but the runtime is better - O(n).
Can you help me to find an efficient algorithm to do it? I'm trying to think about algorithm that don't use additional space, and its runtime is better than O(n^2)
*The required output is the number of those pairs (No need to print the pairs).
*any 2 consecutive integers in the BST is a pair.
*The BST containts only integers.
Thank you!
Why don't you just do an inorder traversal and count pairs on the fly? You'll need a global variable to keep track of the last number, and you'll need to initialize it to something which is not one less than the first number (e.g. the root of the tree). I mean:
// Last item
int last;
// Recursive function for in-order traversal
int countPairs (whichever_type treeRoot)
int r = 0; // Return value
if (treeRoot.leftChild != null)
r = r + countPairs (treeRoot.leftChild);
if (treeRoot.value == last + 1)
r = r + 1;
last = treeRoot.value;
if (treeRoot.rightChild != null)
r = r + countPairs (treeRoot.rightChild);
return r; // Edit 2016-03-02: This line was missing
// Main function
main (whichever_type treeRoot)
int r;
if (treeRoot == null)
r = 0;
last = treeRoot.value; // to make sure this is not one less than the lowest element
r = countPairs (treeRoot);
// Done. Now the variable r contains the result

Please explain this code for Merkle–Hellman knapsack cryptosystem?

This is the code snippet from a program that implements Merkle–Hellman knapsack cryptosystem.
// Generates keys based on input data size
private void generateKeys(int inputSize)
// Generating values for w
// This first value of the private key (w) is set to 1
w.addNode(new BigInteger("1"));
for (int i = 1; i < inputSize; i++)
// Generate value for q
q = nextSuperIncreasingNumber(w);
// Generate value for r
Random random = new Random();
// Generate a value of r such that r and q are coprime
r = q.subtract(new BigInteger(random.nextInt(1000) + ""));
while ((r.compareTo(new BigInteger("0")) > 0) && (q.gcd(r).intValue() != 1));
// Generate b such that b = w * r mod q
for (int i = 0; i < inputSize; i++)
Just tell me what is going on in the following lines:
r = q.subtract(new BigInteger(random.nextInt(1000) + ""));
while ((r.compareTo(new BigInteger("0")) > 0) && (q.gcd(r).intValue() != 1));
(1) Why is random number generated with upper bound 1000?
(2) Why is it subtracted from q?
The code is searching for a value that is co-prime with the already selected value q. In my opinion, it's doing so rather poorly, but you mention it's a simulator? I'm not sure what that means, but maybe it just means the code is quick and dirty rather than slow and secure.
Answering your questions directly:
Why is random number generated with upper bound 1000?
The Merkle-Hellman algorithm does indicate that r should be 'random'. The implementation for doing so is pretty haphazard; that might be what's thrown you off. The code is not technically an algorithm because the loop is not guaranteed to terminate. In theory, the psuedo-random candidate selection of r could be an arbitrarily long sequence of numbers which aren't co-prime to q, resulting in an infinite loop.
The upper bound of 1000 could be to ensure that the chosen r is sufficiently large. In general, large keys are harder to break than small keys, so if q is large, then this code will only find large r.
A more deterministic way to get a random co-prime would be to test each number lower than q, generating a list of co-primes and select one at random. This would probably be more secure, as an attacker knowing that q and r are within 1000 of each other would have a significantly reduced search space.
Why is it subtracted from q?
The subtraction is important because r must be less than q. The Merkle-Hellmen algorithm specifies it that way. I'm not convince that it needs to be that way. The public key is generated by multiplying each element in w by r and taking the modulus q. If r were very large, larger than q, it seems like it would further obfuscate q and each element in w.
The decryption step of Merkle-Hellmen, on the other hand, depends on the modular inverse of each encrypted letter a x r−1 mod q. This operation might be hampered by having r > q; it seems like it could still work out.
However, if nextInt can return 0, that iteration of the loop is a waste as a q and r must be different (gcd(a,a) is just a).
Breaking down the code:
Try it at least once. r is probably null or undefined before the method is called.
r = q.subtract(new BigInteger(random.nextInt(1000) + ""));
Find a candidate value that's between q and q - 1000.
while ((r.compareTo(new BigInteger("0")) > 0) && (q.gcd(r).intValue() != 1));
Keep going until you've found an r that is:
Greater than 0 r.compareTo(new BigInteger("0")) > 0, and
Is co-prime with q, q.gcd(r).intValue() != 1. Obviously, a randomly selected number is not guaranteed to be co-prime with another other number, so the randomly generated candidate might not be work for this q.
Does that clear it up? I have to admit that I'm not an expert on Merkle-Hellman.

Obj-c wont parse if statement with mod

So Im using a simple if statement to increase an object's speed when an score is reached. Im using a very simple if statement that doesnt work. In this context, "pigSpeed" controls the velocity of the object.
float difference = (self.view.bounds.size.height/4) -;
score += -(int)difference;
if (score % 1000 == 0 & score > 0)
I know the score works properly, as it is displayed, as it appears, but the if statement just wont work and nothing happens. What am I doing wrong. I can add more code if needed.
& is the bitwise and operator; && is the logical and that you mean to use here. Your if statement should actually read:
if (score % 1000 == 0 && score > 0)
Further to what #victor ronin said...
float difference = ( self.view.bounds.size.height / 4.0f ) -;
int newScore = score + difference ;
if ( newScore > 0 && ( newScore / 1000 > score / 1000 ) )
// did thousands place increment?
score = newScore ;
I agree with andyvn22 - you should use && instead of &. However, there is one more problem.
Let's say you have score = 999
after you calculate difference and it's difference = -5
Your score will become 1004. 1004 % 1000 will be 4 (not a zero)
I think you should change your condition some way that even if you jump over 1000 you still increase a speed.
I had to give just a bit of leeway so 'if (score % 1000 == 2 && score > 999)'

Objective C - Random results is either 1 or -1

I am trying randomly generate a positive or negative number and rather then worry about the bigger range I am hoping to randomly generate either 1 or -1 to just multiply by my other random number.
I know this can be done with a longer rule of generating 0 or 1 and then checking return and using that to either multiply by 1 or -1.
Hoping someone knows of an easier way to just randomly set the sign on a number. Trying to keep my code as clean as possible.
I like to use arc4random() because it doesn't require you to seed the random number generator. It also conveniently returns a uint_32_t, so you don't have to worry about the result being between 0 and 1, etc. It'll just give you a random integer.
int myRandom() {
return (arc4random() % 2 ? 1 : -1);
If I understand the question correctly, you want a pseudorandom sequence of 1 and -1:
int f(void)
return random() & 1 ? 1 : -1;
// or...
// return 2 * (random() & 1) - 1;
// or...
// return ((random() & 1) << 1) - 1;
// or...
// return (random() & 2) - 1; // This one from Chris Lutz
Update: Ok, something has been bothering me since I wrote this. One of the frequent weaknesses of common RNGs is that the low order bits can go through short cycles. It's probably best to test a higher-order bit: random() & 0x80000 ? 1 : -1
To generate either 1 or -1 directly, you could do:
int PlusOrMinusOne() {
return (rand() % 2) * 2 - 1
But why are you worried about the broader range?
return ( ((arc4random() & 2) * 2) - 1 );
This extra step won't give you any additional "randomness". Just generate your number straight away in the range that you need (e.g. -10..10).
Standard rand() will return a value from this range: 0..1
You can multiply it by a constant to increase the span of the range or you can add a constant to push it left/right on the X-Axis.
E.g. to generate random values from from (-5..10) range you will have:
rand will give you a number from 0 to RAND_MAX which will cover every bit in an int except for the sign. By shifting that result left 1 bit you turn the signed MSB into the sign, but have zeroed-out the 0th bit, which you can repopulate with a random bit from another call to rand. The code will look something like:
int my_rand()
return (rand() << 1) + (rand() & 1);