How to find file names of deleted database in SQL server - sql

I need to find the LDF and MDF file names of a database which was restored on SQL server but now it has been deleted.
ALready tried Master tables such as restoreHistory, backupset and backupmediafamily.
I don't actually need to restore any data or query anything from the DB. Just need the file names.
I have full access to the SQL Server and know the DB name.


Merging multiple .bak files in SQL Server

I have a database named Bibek. I have created multiple backups for this database by updating the value of the records present inside the database for different table.
For e.g - Bibek1.bak, Bibek2.bak, Bibek3.bak
Now I want to merge all those .bak files to create one single .bak file named BibekFinal which has all the updates from all the above 3 .bak files .
Please help me on this. I am new to SQL Server .

Copy Sql Server 2008 Databse schema only to Another Sql server 2008 Database on same machine

I have a Sql server 2008 Database
Is there any way to create new database and copy the schema of existing database objects to newly created database using Sql query or Stored Procedure
First you'll need to make a full backup of the database you want to copy:
TO DISK = 'X:\FullPath\AdvWorksData.bak'
where X:\FullPath is the full path to a location you can backup to on disk.
Next you'll need to create the new database (if you haven't already):
And then finally you'll need to restore over the top of that database:
FROM Database1;
FROM Database1
WITH MOVE 'Database1_Data' TO 'X:\FullPath\Database2.mdf',
MOVE 'Database1_Log' TO 'X:\FullPath\Database2.ldf';
where X:\FullPath is the full path to where you're second databases files exist.
Some Caveats
MOVE 'Database1_Data' and 'Database1_Log' are the default logical file names. Those can differ. You can find those logical names under the properties of the database.
'X:\FullPath\Database2.mdf' and 'X:\FullPath\Database2.ldf' may not both exist in the same location and can differ from the default locations. You can find those locations under the properties of the database.

SQL Server 2005 backup and restore

I have two backup files
1) is named 'backup.sql' with a bunch of SQL defining TABLES
2) is named 'backup' with a bunch of encoded data, which I believe are the ROWS
I need to restore these TABLES + ROWS, but all I am able to figure out is how to restore the tables.
Any tips on dealing with these files? It's the first time I ever deal with SQL Server.
The backup process would not create a file with actual SQL statements, it would create a binary file. So #1 is not a backup file (it's probably a script someone saved to re-create the schema).
I would try to use SQL Server Management Studio to restore the second file and see what happens. I don't think it will allow you to restore an invalid file, but I would take some basic precautions like backing up the system first.
What is the extension for the 'backup' file? Is the filename backup.bak? If you have a backup file created by sql server then it 'should' contain the logic to create both the tables and restore the data, but it could depend on how the backup was created.
It is possible for a .SQL file to contain data values as well as the logic to create the tables/columns for a database. I used to run backups of a MySql database in this way a long time just is not seen very often with SQL server since it has built in backup/restore funcationality.
Seems unlikely they would export all the rows from all tables into CSV file, and given you said it looks encrypted, it's making me think that's your actual backup file.
try this, save a copy of the "backup" file, rename it to backup.bak and run this from SQL Server Management Studio
restore filelistonly from disk='C:\backup.bak'
(assuming your file is saved on the root of the C: drive)
Any results/errors?

Restore a database using SQL Server 2005

I have backed up a database into a file using SQL Server from my old server.
Now i would like to restore that file into a new database on my new server.
I created a DB with the same name , I am getting an error saying :
"The Backup set holds a backup of the database other than the existing '*****' database"
Any thoughts?
Add a WITH REPLACE option to your restore:
Specifies that SQL Server should
create the specified database and its
related files even if another database
already exists with the same name
Drop the new database - it's sitting in the way of the one you want to restore.
THen when you try to restore your old database, select the file to restore from, and the name will magically appear in the "to database" destination field in SSMS.
When you restore a database from backup, you are creating a new database on the SQL instance. If a database by that name is already present on that SQL instance, you will get an error--unless you select the option to overwrite any existing database, in which case the old database will be wiped out and replaced.
I was having the same issue, but even when putting WITH REPLACE, the error occurred. I had an empty database with the same name as the back up, but the problem was my .trn file I was using to backup from had two backup sets and I was choosing to restore from the full database AND the transaction log. I chose only the Full Database and it worked.

Sql Server 2005 Restore Failing

Running sql server 2005 I have database A. I am trying to restore from a backup of A to database B. I want to retain the database A and create a new testing database B from a previous set of data.
I tried to create B and restore from the .bak AND restore database to B from management studio.
The error is...
TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management
Restore failed for Server
For help, click:
------------------------------ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlError: The
backup set holds a backup of a
database other than the existing 'B'
database. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo)
For help, click:
------------------------------ BUTTONS:
I found this snippet which I am hesitant to use and want to ask if it would solve my problem of changing the location of the mdf and ldf during the process of restoring the database or does it replace database A's items altogether.
FROM DISK = 'C\:BackupAdventureworks.bak'
WITH MOVE 'AdventureWorks_Data' TO 'C:\Data\datafile.mdf',
MOVE 'AdventureWorks_Log' TO 'C:\Data\logfile.ldf',
and for me I would make it...
FROM DISK = 'C:\backupofA.bak'
MOVE 'B' TO 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\B.mdf',
MOVE 'B_log' to 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\B_log.ldf',
What I don't know is if it will affect database A at all. I am hoping the replace refers files associated with B.
or if it should be
FROM DISK = 'C:\backupofA.bak'
MOVE 'A' TO 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\B.mdf',
MOVE 'A_log' to 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Data\B_log.ldf',
If anyone could help me with the error and/or confirm this fix I would be very grateful as it is not my database I'm playing with.
You could simply use the Copy Database Wizard.
If you wanna do it like pros and use T-SQL the RESTORE .. MOVE ... REPLACE will do what you expected: move the two files at the locations you intend and replace database B with content from the backup. A will be unaffected.
I would use the wizard if I were you: In Sql Server Management Studio right click on "Databases" and select "Restore Database...". This dialog / wizard will do exactly what you are asking - simply select the source .bak file(s) / Database that you want to restore from, enter the name of the database you want to restore to and hit "Ok".
Some notes - if you enter the name of a database that doesnt yet exist (it sounds like this is what you want to do), it will create that database for you. If you enter the name of an existing database it will attempt to restore to that database. If you attempt to restore to an existing database from a backup made of a different database it will fail, however you can force the Sql Server to overwrite the existing database by going to "Options" and checking the "Overwrite the existing database" checkbox.
Also, if you are restoring a backup of an existing database to create a new second copy of that database you may find that the wizard fails as its attempting to create a database using the same database file paths as the ones currently in use by the source database. To fix this you need to click on "Options" and change all of the "Restore As" file paths to files that dont yet exist.
You can also get this wizard to generate an SQL script instead of actually performing the actual restore (click on the "script" button at the top), which is handy if you want learn how to do this sort of thing in raw SQL instead.
It is possible to restore a database from sql server 7, sql server 2000 to sql server 2005.
It can be achieved by using restore and with replace command
use master
restore database mydatabase from disk ='c:\mybackup.bak' with replace
It is easy to take a backup in sql server using this script without any external tools.
Check out Restore with Example.
drop database b first. then do the restore.