GLUT animation leads to 100% utilization of 1 core when the window is invisible - glut

I developed a Python program that uses PyOpenGL and GLUT for window management to show an animation. In order to have the animation run at the fastest possible framerate, I set
as recommended e.g. here.
That works well, I get a steady 60 FPS with not a lot of CPU load.
However, as soon as the window is hidden by another window, one CPU core jumps to 100% utilization.
My suspicion is that while the window is visible, the rate at which the glutDisplayFunc is called is limited, because it contains a call glutSwapBuffers() which waits for vsync; and that this limitation fails when it is invisible.
I tried to solve the problem by keeping track of visibility (through a glutVisibilityFunc) and putting the following code at the beginning of my glutDisplayFunc:
if not visible:
This does not however have the desired effect.
What's happening here, and how do I avoid it?

I found the solution here,
and it is obvious once you know it: Disable the glutPostRedisplay as glutIdleFunc when the window becomes invisible. Concretely, use a glutVisibilityFunc like this:
def visibility(state):
if state == GLUT_VISIBLE:


Objective-C, Core-Plot Real Time Graph vs CPU

I've been working on implementing a real time Core Plot graph into my application on OS X. To my dismay I noticed a fairly significant issue. Once the line gets to the end of the X-Axis and it starts scrolling to keep up with the line the CPU load hits 30-35% non-stop.
I figured before I proceed any further I had better go back and see if I had made some type of mistake in my code for the CPU to spike like that. There wasn't anything out of the ordinary that I noticed, and I tried to adjust the framerate and updating frequency but without luck. I decided to go back to the real time example project they include and it has the same effect on the CPU.
Is there anything I can do about this, or is that just the nature of
real time graphing on OS X?
. .
Everything is fine for the first 50 frames (indicated by the line with arrows), but once it gets to the end of it that's where things turn for the worse.
Side Note:
I noticed Swift does graphing in the Playground, and even though it's apparently not real time (and I'm using Obj-C) it looks really sharp. Is the Swift graphing feature only available within playgrounds, or is there a way to implement that into a project? I'm only mentioning this because I'm looking to find something soon that is efficient.
That's the expected behavior with Core Plot. Once the graph starts to scroll, it has to redraw the plot, both axes, and all of the grid lines for each animation frame. You could reduce the drawing load by decreasing the number of grid lines and/or axis tick marks.
The playground graphs are a private part of the playground environment.

How to see redraw activity in QML?

According to a Qt blog post from 2011, there is supposed to be an environment variable QML_FLASH_MODE that can be set to 1 to see which areas of a QML application are being repainted.
I have set this variable for a Qt Quick 2 application that I'm writing and there is no visual difference to running the application without this variable.
Is there any other way to see QML redrawing activity? I'm trying to troubleshoot performance issues.
It looks like QML_FLASH_MODE was removed in this commit as part of refactoring to support separate rendering loops per window. Reason why it was removed is not obvious, but anyway its gone now.
If you think QML_FLASH_MODE will help you to analyse your scene, you can always get back to Qt 5.1.1 where it still should be present.
On the other hand, to visually analyse scene is not always efficient. I suggest to use qtcreator's profiling. Take a look at property bindings that reevaluated just before painting happens. This should help you to figure which property changes have triggered redraw and could give you some hints on how to optimise your scene.
If you just want to count fps or log when frames being painted, check QQuickWindow::frameSwapped signal.

Repeating NSTimer locks UI thread

First of all, I know there are a few other StackOverflow questions about this subject, but I have read them all and I still am confused about what to do for my situation. I'm probably missing something obvious here, if you could help clarify that would be much appreciated!
I have a app which is doing a lot of work to animate images within a view - mainly comprised of a number of images moving in straight lines for a second or two at a time. I considered at first making them all simple, once off animations using UIView animateWithDuration for the whole duration of the movement. But I found that didn't give me a lot of power to intercept the movement or stop it or check where it was up to, so I scrapped that. My new approach is to use an NSTimer, firing 20 times per second, doing incremental movements. This way I also can intervene (almost) instantly to change the animation or stop it or update a status label based on how far through it is, etc, etc.
First of all...there probably is a better way than this. Feel free to suggest something better!
Assuming this is acceptable though, my issue now is that while these animations are happening, I can't click any of the other controls on the UI. I get no response. It's not like it's just slow or delayed either - the click never comes through. It seems that the NSTimer processing totally locks the UI - but only from new interactions. Changes I make to the UI within the timer processing method happen just fine, and are very snappy.
From what I've read this shouldn't happen. However I also saw a comment on this question saying that if the timer processing is intensive then it could lock the UI thread. I don't see my processing to be that intensive here - certainly no resource requests, just a bit of data manipulating and animating some objects - but I could be underplaying it.
What are my options here? At first I thought I might create a new thread to kick off the timer. But I remember reading that the UI updates have to happen on the main thread anyway. Why is this? And plus, would that really solve the issue? Am I just asking too much of the device to process this timer as well as UI interactions? Is there something else I'm missing?
Any and all advice would be appreciated.
I've just found the cause of my UI blocking problem. I was using the animateWithDuration with blocks, but was not setting the options. Therefore UIViewAnimationOptionAllowUserInteraction was not set. I changed it to set this option and my UI is happily responding now.
That said, I'll still leave this question open for specific suggestions regarding my overall approach. Thanks.
I would consider using CADisplayLink. From the documentation:
A CADisplayLink object is a timer object that allows your application to synchronize its drawing to the refresh rate of the display.
Your application creates a new display link, providing a target object and a selector to be called when the screen is updated. Next, your application adds the display link to a run loop.
Once the display link is associated with a run loop, the selector on the target is called when the screen’s contents need to be updated. The target can read the display link’s timestamp property to retrieve the time that the previous frame was displayed. For example, an application that displays movies might use the timestamp to calculate which video frame will be displayed next. An application that performs its own animations might use the timestamp to determine where and how displayed objects appear in the upcoming frame. The duration property provides the amount of time between frames. You can use this value in your application to calculate the frame rate of the display, the approximate time that the next frame will be displayed, and to adjust the drawing behavior so that the next frame is prepared in time to be displayed.
Your application can disable notifications by setting the paused property to YES. Also, if your application cannot provide frames in the time provided, you may want to choose a slower frame rate. An application with a slower but consistent frame rate appears smoother to the user than an application that skips frames. You can increase the time between frames (and decrease the apparent frame rate) by changing the frameInterval property.
When your application finishes with a display link, it should call invalidate to remove it from all run loops and to disassociate it from the target.
CADisplayLink should not be subclassed.
I'm not totally sure how everything is handled in your program, but you might want to just consider having one thread/timer that controls all of the objects and their movements. There's really no need to create a separate thread/timer for every single object, as that will easily cause problems.
You can just create a class for your moving items with some variables that contain information about their direction, speed, duration, etc, and then have a controlling thread/timer calculate and move the objects. You can then intervene onto the one main controller object instead of having to deal with many other objects.
I think you'll find that even if you optimize this, timer based animation like this is not going to perform well.
You might want to ask about the specific things that you think you couldn't do with CoreAnimation. If you solve those issues, you'll end up with a much better result than trying to roll your own.

I want to animate the movement of a foreign OS X app's window

Background: I recently got two monitors and want a way to move the focused window to the other screen and vice versa. I've achieved this by using the Accessibility API. (Specifically, I get an AXUIElementRef that holds the AXUIElement associated with the focused window, then I set the NSAccessibilityPositionAttribute value to move the window.
I have this working almost exactly the way I want it to, except I want to animate the movement of windows. I thought that if I could get the NSWindow somehow, I could get its layer and use CoreAnimation to animate the window movement.
Unfortunately, I found out that this isn't possible. (Correct me I'm wrong though -- if there's a way to do it this way it'd be great!) So I'm asking you all for help. How should I go about animating the movement of the focused window, if I have access to the AXUIElementRef?
I was able to get a crude animation going by creating a while loop and moving the position of the window by a small amount each time to make a successful animation. However, the results are pretty sub-par. As you can guess, it takes a lot of unnecessary processing power, and is still very choppy. There must be a better way.
The best possible way I can imagine would be to perform some hacky property comparison between the AXUIElement info values for the window and the info returned from the CGWindow api. Once you're able to ascertain what windows in the CGWindow API match AXUIElementRefs, you could grab bitmaps of the current window contents, overlay the screen with your own custom animation draw of the faux windows, then as you drop the overlay set the real AXUIElementRef's to the desired-end-animation positions.
Hacky, tho.

OpenGL - animation stuttering when in full screen

I'm currently running into a problem regarding animation in OpenGL. I have between 200 and 10000 gears on the screen at a time all rotating. When the window is not in maximized view, my CPU runs at about 10-20 % consistently. No spikes, no stuttering in the animation, it runs perfectly smooth regardless of the number of gears on screen. When I maximize the window though, everything falls apart. My CPU maxes out, I begin getting weird spikes in CPU usage, the animation begins stuttering as a result, and it just looks really ugly, even when I have only 200 gears on screen.
My animation technique looks like this:
While Animating
Calculate current rotation angle based on a running timer
draw Image
call glFlush()
End While
If it helps, I'm using the Tao framework in I'm not performing any other calculations other than the ones to calculate the rotation angle mentioned above and perform a few glRotateD and glscaleD in the method to draw the image.
In addition, I guess I was under the impression that regardless of the window size in an orthographic 2-dimensional drawing that is scaling on resizing of the window, the drawing time would always take the same amount of time. Is this a correct assumption?
Any help is greatly appreciated =)
Note that I've seen the animation run perfectly smooth at full screen before. Every once in awhile, OpenGL will decide it's happy and run perfectly at full screen using between 10-20% of the CPU (same as when not maximized). I haven't pinpointed what causes this though, because it will run one time perfectly, then without changing anything, I will run it again and encounter the choppiness. I simply want to pinpoint what causes the animation to slow down and eliminate it.
I've run a dot trace on my program and it says that the swapBuffers method is using 55 % of my processing time even though I'm never explicitly calling the method. Is the method called by something else that I can eliminate, or is this simply OpenGL's "dead time" method to limit the animation to 60 fps?
I was under the impression that regardless of the window size in an orthographic 2-dimensional drawing that is scaling on resizing of the window, the drawing time would always take the same amount of time. Is this a correct assumption?
If only :)
More pixels require more memory bandwidth/shader units/etc. Look into fillrate.