IntelliJ file watcher uses wrong grunt - intellij-idea

I'm setting up grunt with the IntelliJ file watcher plugin.
As you can see in the image I choose as path for my installed grunt the following:
Nevertheless if I save my project IntelliJ doesn't find my grunt...
If I execute grunt in the terminal with "grunt" all works.


WebStorm/Intellij Gherkin tests configuration run

How to set up running configuration with WebStorm feature file?
When I click on green run button seems that WebStorm can't find the steps realisation.
How could I change that WebStorm understands from where should it take steps?
When I run tests with command line it works, I have config file where I declared steps folder.
You can specify --require path/to/step/definitions as Cucumber.js arguments: field:

gradlew clean deployNodes - QUASAR WARNING: Quasar Java Agent isn't running

When I run "gradlew clean deployNodes" or "gradlew deployNodes", I get a warning on Quasar library:
QUASAR WARNING: Quasar Java Agent isn't running. If you're using another instrumentation method you can ignore this message; otherwise, please refer to the Getting
Started section in the Quasar documentation.
How can i fix this warning ?
I upgraded Corda to 4.1
you'll want to double-check the intellij settings.
Navigate to Build, Execution, Deployment -> Build Tools -> Gradle ->
Runner (or search for runner) Windows: this is in "Settings" MacOS:
this is in "Preferences" Set "Delegate IDE build/run actions to
gradle" to true Set "Run test using:" to "Gradle Test Runner" If you
would prefer to use the built in IntelliJ JUnit test runner, you can
run gradlew installQuasar which will copy your quasar JAR file to the
lib directory. You will then need to specify -javaagent:lib/quasar.jar
and set the run directory to the project root directory for each test.
As mentioned in the comments from manish, make sure to try cleaning the gradle cache as well: ./gradlew clean build deployNodes.
Joel has a good answer for a similar quasar issue on this StackOverflow question: Error when running Corda flow tests from IntelliJ

Use custom script in Intelij IDEA to run sbt shell

Is it possible to run sbt shell in Intelij IDEA using custom script instead of built in sbt or sbt from sbt-launch.jar? Why I need this, for example there is some project which uses custom script to set config file location, VM parameters, and other options for sbt and this script is shared in version control system. And it would be very convenient to just specify for IntelliJ IDEA location of such script.
This is currently not possible. However, to pass project-specific sbt command line parameters to sbt you may place a .sbtopts in your project directory, and likewise a .jvmopts for VM parameters.

How to fix IntelliJ IDEA 2016 TypeScript Error, "Cannot start compiler process"

After setting up IntelliJ IDEA 2016.2.x with a TypeScript compiler, in my case Node v6.2.1, I get a TypeScript Project Error as follows:
"Error: Cannot start compiler process"
This started happening after IntelliJ was upgraded to 2016.2.x. Previous versions worked fine.
Here's how I setup the TypeScript compiler:
Here's the error message:
To fix this problem, directly edit the TypeScript configuration within the project's .idea directory. Within the project structure, navigate to your .idea directory then locate and open file typescript-compiler.xml like below.
Now add the following xml option element after the "useConfig" option element (make sure to use the path appropriate your node installation):
<option name="nodeInterpreterTextField" value="$PROJECT_DIR$/../../node/bin/node" />
Be sure to change the directory path to your instance of node.
Sadly, this solution we be overridden every time you edit and save your settings. Hopefully, IDEA will have a fix for this soon.
First, I ran:
npm install gulp-typescript typescript --save-dev
Then, I downloaded 2017.1.4 version of WebStorm and reinstalled WebStorm.
Everything works fine after that.

Debugging mocha tests run by gulp in Intellij Idea

I have the following configuration in my gulpfile.js:
gulp.task('spec', function() {
.pipe(mocha({reporter: 'dot'}))
When I run nodejs inside IntelliJ Idea, the scripts files imported by spec/runner.html are not loaded by the IDE and therefore the breakpoints are ignored. Is there a solution to this?
In your run configuration options, for "JavaScript file" put the value:
Then put your gulp parameters in the "Application parameters".
WebStorm 9 EAP has native gulp integration, but this works until that is final.