Conditionally reload component based on previous route - react-native

Perhaps someone can help me with a React Native issue I’m having with react-navigation (2.0.4). I have a page (Page C - RouteShowScreen) that I want to conditionally reload, depending on whether or it was navigated to from Page A (RoutePrepareScreen) or Page X (Any other page navigating to Page C), and I just can’t seem to get the lifecyle methods correct. To be clear, I want the page to reload if it is navigated to from Page A (RoutePrepareScreen), but not if it is navigated to from any other screen. I tried using the willFocus listener, but then Page C reloads regardless of whether it was navigated to from Page A or Page B.
this.props.navigation.navigate("RouteShow", {
currentLat: latitude,
currentLng: longitude,
destinationAddress: this.state.destinationAddress,
currentAddress: this.formatCurrentAddress(),
/** This caused the page to reload, regardless of how it was navigated to **/
willFocus = this.props.navigation.addListener(
() => {
/** I also tried using componentWillReceiveProps and adding an additional "reload" navigation parameter, but this threw the
app into an infinite loop **/
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
if (nextProps.navigation.state.params.reload) {

In my particular case, I was able to get this to work by resetting the navigation stack when navigating from within RoutePrepareScreen - like this:
const resetAction = StackActions.reset({
index: 0,
actions: [
routeName: "RouteShow",
params: {
currentLat: latitude,
currentLng: longitude,
destinationAddress: this.state.destinationAddress,
currentAddress: this.formatCurrentAddress(),
However, this feels a little dirty to me (and might be untenable if the use case cannot handle a full reset of the navigation stack). I'd be curious to see another solution!


Pass params to previous screen on swipe/gesture

I've thoroughly read the documentation on passing params between screens with React Navigation:
However, all of those examples only work if you are calling navigation.navigate manually and passing the params. For example:
onPress={() => {
// Pass and merge params back to home screen
name: 'Home',
params: { post: postText },
merge: true,
I have a screen with a back button, where I can call navigation.navigate and pass params on button press, like in the example above. However, the user can also swipe from the left to go back to the first screen on Android (and I'm assuming iOS as well).
So, my question:
Is there a way for me to pass the same data to the previous screen when the user swipes to go back (instead of pressing the back button)?
There might be a better way that I am unaware of. However, we can achieve this manually by preventing the default back action and handling this ourselves.
Suppose that you have a screen B and you want to swipe back to go to a screen Home and pass params to Home from B on that swipe action. Then, you can achieve this as follows.
function B({navigation}) {
React.useEffect(() => navigation.addListener('beforeRemove', (e) => {
// the navigation.navigate will fire beforeRemove which causes an infinite loop. we guard this here
if ( === "NAVIGATE") {
// Prevent default behavior of leaving the screen
// navigate manually
name: 'Home',
params: { post: postText },
merge: true,
}), [navigation]);
return ( ... )
Edit: The navigation.navigate fires the beforeRemove event again, obviously, which causes an infinite loop. We can guard this as shown above.

Route elsewhere on navigate to route

With using the React-Navigation, to go to a specific page I would do this:
navigation.navigate('ProgramNav', {
screen: "Programs"
navigation.navigate('ProgramNav', {
screen: "Class List",
params: {
navigation.navigate('ProgramNav', {
screen: "Student Items",
params: {
navigation.navigate('ProgramNav', {
screen: "Student Item View",
params: {
So far, it hasn't been much of an issue, but what I want is to be able to make it so that when I navigate to the "Programs" screen, it checks if there is one program. If so, it navigates to the "Class List" with that one program automatically (ideally removing itself from the stack). BUT I want that logic to be in the ProgramsScreen component and not where I do the navigation.navigate.
I also want to make sure that when I hit Back, it will skip the Screen as well.
I am thinking it's something like navigation.replace() when there's something like a useFocusEffect
I got it working with useFocusEffect and replace BUT it does an animation. Is there a way of avoiding that animation?
useFocusEffect(useCallback(() => {
if (programs.length === 1) {
navigation.replace('Class List', {
programId: programs[0].programID
}, []))
To work around the animation issue at least when I navigate from the tab bar. I had to create a new route and make that the new initial route such that if I navigate to the root page I would route to the proper one using useFocuseEffect as above and apply to the combinations leading up to the screen I need also returning null and headerShown: false to prevent showing any content.

How unmount a hook after going to new screen with navigate

The context is a simple React Native app with React Navigation.
There are 3 screens.
The first simply displays a button to go to second screen using navigation.navigate("SecondScreen").
The Second contains a hook (see code below) that adds a listener to listen the mouse position. This hook adds the listener in a useEffect hook and removes the listener in the useEffect cleanup function. I just added a console.log in the listener function to see when the function is triggered.
This screen contains also a button to navigate to the Third screen, that only shows a text.
If I go from first screen to second screen: listener in hook start running. Good.
If I go back to the first screen using default react navigation 's back button in header. the listener stops. Good.
If I go again to second screen, then listener runs again. Good.
But if I now go from second screen to third screen, the listener is still running. Not Good.
How can I unmount the hook when going to third screen, and mount it again when going back to second screen?
Please read the following before answering :
I know that:
this is due to the fact that react navigation kills second screen when we go back to first screen, and then trigger the cleanup function returned by the useEffect in the hook. And that it doesn't kill second screen when we navigate to third screen, and then doesn't trigger the cleanup function.
the react navigation's hook useFocusEffect could be used to resolve this kind of problem. But it can't be used here because it will involve to replace the useEffect in the hook by the useFocusEffect. And I want my hook to be usable in every context, even if react navigation is not installed. More, I'm using here a custom hook for explanation, but it's the same problem for any hook (for example, the native useWindowDimensions).
Then does anyone know how I could manage this case to avoid to have the listener running on third screen ?
This is the code of the hook sample, that I take from, but any hook could be used.
"use strict";
let { useState, useEffect } = require("react");
function useWindowMousePosition() {
let [WindowMousePosition, setWindowMousePosition] = useState({
x: null,
y: null
function handleMouseMove(e) {
x: e.pageX,
y: e.pageY
useEffect(() => {
window.addEventListener("mousemove", handleMouseMove);
return () => {
window.removeEventListener("mousemove", handleMouseMove);
}, []);
return WindowMousePosition;
module.exports = useWindowMousePosition;
the react navigation's hook useFocusEffect could be used to resolve this kind of problem. But it can't be used here because it will involve to replace the useEffect in the hook by the useFocusEffect. And I want my hook to be usable in every context, even if react navigation is not installed
So your hook somehow needs to know about the navigation state. If you can't use useFocusEffect, you'll need to pass the information about whether the screen is focused or not (e.g. with an enabled prop).
function useWindowMousePosition({ enabled = true } = {}) {
let [WindowMousePosition, setWindowMousePosition] = useState({
x: null,
y: null
useEffect(() => {
if (!enabled) {
function handleMouseMove(e) {
x: e.pageX,
y: e.pageY
window.addEventListener("mousemove", handleMouseMove);
return () => {
window.removeEventListener("mousemove", handleMouseMove);
}, [enabled]);
return WindowMousePosition;
And then pass enabled based on screen focus:
const isFocused = useIsFocused();
const windowMousePosition = useWindowMousePosition({ enabled: isFocused });
Note that this approach will need the screen to re-render when it's blurred/focused unlike useFocusEffect.

Page does not update after deep link to same page is clicked

I am using React-navigation to handle deep link.
Let's say I am in BusinessProfile Page that is currently displaying detail for BUSINESS B1. I click on home button and minimize my app. When I click on a deep link, myapp://BusinessProfilePage/B2, It takes me to the BusinessProfile Page but still displays result for Business B1. The function to get business detail for B2 is not called.
How can I make the page refresh when a page opens from a deep link.
P.S. I cannot call the function in componentDidUpdate because when the function to get Business Detail is called, it updates the state which then evoke componentDidMount again.
For v5 Use following prop which is alternate to 'key' option in navigate.
getId={({ params }) =>}
In this case id will be different. In your case it will be 'B1' and 'B2'. This will create multiple instance of same screen.
You should call your function in a listener for the change event of AppState:
import { AppState } from 'react-native';
componentDidMount() {
AppState.addEventListener('change', this._handleAppStateChange);
_handleAppStateChange = (nextAppState) => {
if (nextAppState === 'active') { // App has come to the foreground
if(this.state.currentBusiness.ID != (ID received in deep link)) // Need to get data
this.getBusiness(ID received in deep link);
Taking my best guess here with regards to variable names as you didn't provide any code (you should always include code samples when describing your issue :) ), but you get the idea.

go two screen back with single press event using react-navigation in react native app

I am using reactnavigation component from and using the code below i am going one screen back
onPress={() => goBack()}
title="Go back from this HomeScreen"
how can i go 2 screen back on single press action
I am using this code to initialize the navigator
const RouteConfigs = {
Login: {screen:Login},
Home: {screen:Home},
Chat: {screen:Chat},
Facebook: {screen:Facebook},
Facebookgallery: {screen:Facebookgallery}
const StackNavigatorConfig = {
headerMode: 'none',
export default StackNavigator(RouteConfigs, StackNavigatorConfig)
I navigate from home to Facebook with this code :
() => this.props.navigation.navigate('Facebook', {user:this.state.user})
and from Facebook to Facebookgallery with this code :
onPress={ () => this.props.navigation.navigate('Facebookgallery', {user:this.state.user}) }
now i want to go back from Facebookgallery to Home directly with some parameters
I know it's an older question but what I use is:
Takes you to the previous screen in the stack. If you provide a number, n, it will specify how many screens to take you back within the stack.
you can use navigation.pop(screenCount)
with screenCount as integer
here is for refference
React Navigation is updated not to use pop function directly, use dispatch function with StackActions.
navigation.navigate({ routeName: SCREEN, key: SCREEN_KEY_A });
navigation.navigate({ routeName: SCREEN, key: SCREEN_KEY_B });
navigation.navigate({ routeName: SCREEN, key: SCREEN_KEY_C });
navigation.navigate({ routeName: SCREEN, key: SCREEN_KEY_D });
Now you are on-screen D and want to go back to screen A (popping D, C, and B). Then you need to supply a key to goBack FROM:
The "proper" solution right now is:
Get the key for the screen after the screen you want to go to. In
your case, you'll need to get the key for the Facebook screen.
Call NavigationAction.back(key: 'key-of-previous-screen'), and it
will pop your navigation stack as if you were on the screen with that key
Code example where I go back multiple screens in a thunk (relevant if you use redux):
export const postItemAndReturnToMap = item => (dispatch, getState) => {
const {nav} = getState();
// Get the key for the screen after/above the root view and use that as reference
// to return to the root view. This is hardcoded for my stack setup, as you can see
// there are quite a few nested StackNavigators in my setup
const {key} = nav.routes[0].routes[0].routes[0].routes[1];
// Dispatch whatever action you want
// This will now go back multiple screens, in my case to the
// bottom of the top stackNavigator
return dispatch(NavigationActions.back({key}));
This isn't pretty. Let's hope react-navigation implements something like .back(2) to make things easier in the future.
If you are using push then you can go to root screen with this
and to Push
this.props.navigation.navigate('SummaryScreen', {
otherParam: 'anything you want here',
You could define an additional navigation action type, e.g. POP_TWO_ROUTES and overwrite StackRouter.getStateForAction(passedAction, state) like that (only exemplary):
const defaultGetStateForAction = AppNavigator.router.getStateForAction;
AppNavigator.router.getStateForAction = (passedAction, state) => {
if(state && state.routes && state.routes.length > 2
&& passedAction.type === 'POP_TWO_ROUTES') {
let routes = state.routes.slice();
return {
index: routes.length - 1,
routes: routes
// default behaviour for none custom types
return defaultGetStateForAction(passedAction, state);
Then in your screen component you can do something like that:
onPress={() => this.props.navigation.dispatch({
See also
It sounds like you're looking for something along the lines of #reset (
I haven't used this library, but you likely are trying to go back to the navigation stack's root screen. Other libraries I've used for nav have some sort of popToRoot or something similar.
Try this
onPress={() => {
index: 0,
actions: [NavigationActions.navigate({ routeName: 'Home' })]
This should work:
For React Native V6 2022
Simple Go Back "goBack"
Go Back tow screen or 3 on specific the name "navigate"
Navigate to the top screen "popToTop"