SQL old data stuck and causing errors - sql

So i have a little issue, i wrote this code :
CREATE TABLE Inscription (
ID_Societe VarChar(25) NOT NULL, #ID de la societe (auto generé)
Nom_Societe VarChar(15), #Nom de la societe (provided as an argument when calling inscription method)
INSERT INTO Inscription (ID_Societe, Nom_Societe)
VALUES ('S152', 'Renault');
ID_Paiement VarChar(25), #clé primaire (auto generated)
ID_Societe VarChar(25), # clé secondaire
Montant float, #montant a déduire du compte (provided as argument)
N_Carte VarChar(25), #provided as argument (4 4 numbers seperated by spaces)
Date_Exp Date, #provided as argument format:DD-MM-YYYY
Nom_Carte VarChar(25), #name of owner of card (not necessairly the buyer)
Date_Trans Date, #Date of transaction ( a java command that gives todays date then reformat ?)
Statut VarChar(25) #(Status is a keyword, but what is this ? state of bank account, state of card ? ask prof)
INSERT INTO Paiement (ID_Paiement, ID_Societe, Montant, N_Carte, Date_Exp, Nom_Carte, Date_Trans, Statut)
VALUES ('P1526', 'S152', 165.99, '5244 5698 1523 6948', 2020-12-10, 'Mouad ElKhabri', 2018-07-12,'i don\'t even know');
the problem i have is for the insert into, Date_Exp i used an old value of 11-12-1984, i messed up and used EU date format and it showed an error : "Data truncation: Incorrect date value: '1984' for column 'Date_Exp' at row 1"
even though i changed the value to insert, it still brings up that error
any ideas how to fix this ?

Your date literals need to be enclosed in single quotes. Otherwise it's just doing math and returning an integer to be stored in your date column (which is both not what you want and not what the database wants).
VALUES ('P1526', 'S152', 165.99, '5244 5698 1523 6948', '2020-12-10', 'Mouad ElKhabri', '2018-07-12','i don\'t even know');
If you want to be super explicit you can cast this date literal to a date as part of the insert like CAST('2020-12-10' AS DATE), but that's overkill. Just insert using ANSI standard date format with single quotes and you'll be good to go.
Also.. (I'm guessing here since you didn't share what database product you are working on and they differ pretty dramatically), you probably need to escape your single quote in
'i don\'t even know'
not with a backslash but with a second single quote like:
'i don''t even know'.


How to change spaces to underscores when spaces are already in column name PSQL/SQL and REPLACE doesn't work?

I have uploaded a CSV file into VS Code and edited it a bit to make it create a table on PSQL, however it has spaces in both the column title and in the row values, and I'm assuming that's why I keep getting an error right next to areas with a space. I have tried:
SET PRI_Reported Brand/Product Name = REPLACE(PRI_Reported Brand/Product Name, ' ', '_');
but that didn't work because there is a space between Reported and Brand I think, still doesn't work if I use quotes on 'PRI_Reported Brand/Product Name'. I would simply change the PRI_Reported Brand/Product Name into a string in the VALUES section but there are over 90k rows in the table and I don't see how I can add quotation marks to all of them even with VS Code commands like ALT+SHIFT+i. An example of the first row of the table is below, it keeps saying there is an error at Prod in Bakery Prod. Any help is really appreciated, thanks!
CREATE TABLE adverse_food_effects (
"RA_Report #" INT, "RA_CAERS Created Date" DATE, "AEC_Event Start Date" DATE, "PRI_Product Role" VARCHAR(50), "PRI_Reported Brand/Product Name" TEXT, "PRI_FDA Industry Code" INT, "PRI_FDA Industry Name" VARCHAR(100), "CI_Age at Adverse Event" INT, "CI_Age Unit" VARCHAR(50), "CI_Gender" VARCHAR(20), "AEC_One Row Outcomes" VARCHAR(50), "SYM_One Row Coded Symptoms" VARCHAR(100)
INSERT INTO adverse_food_effects ("RA_Report #", "RA_CAERS Created Date", "AEC_Event Start Date", "PRI_Product Role", "PRI_Reported Brand/Product Name", "PRI_FDA Industry Code", "PRI_FDA Industry Name", "CI_Age at Adverse Event", "CI_Age Unit", "CI_Gender", "AEC_One Row Outcomes", "SYM_One Row Coded Symptoms")

SQL wont Complete INSERT INTO (incorrect Date)

Im attempting to insert data into a table using the INSERT INTO shown below:
INSERT INTO `paitent`(`PaitentID`, `fName`, `sName`, `DOB`, `Sex`, `NextOfKinFName`, `NextOfKinSName`, `NextOfKinRelationship`, `NextOfKinTelNo`, `DateOfAdmission`, `AdmissionNotes`, `PrescribedMedication`, `Doseage`, `StartMedDate`, `EndMedDate`, `MedFrequency`) VALUES (0001, "Peter", "Gregory", 1997-01-01, "Male", "Mary", "Gregory", "Wife", 09875463762, 2020-01-02, "Broken Leg", "N/A", "N/A", 2019-02-02, 2019-03-03, "N/A")
but when I run the SQL i get this error:
#1292 - Incorrect date value: '1995' for column 'DOB' at row 1
I cant understand why as there isn't even a 1995 date in the data that's being inputted.
Does anyone understand why I'm getting this error?
This is a bit long for a comment.
Date constants need to be enclosed in single quotes, so '2020-01-02'. However, in Standard SQL (your question doesn't have a tag), it is even better to identify it as a date constant by using the prefix date: date '2020-01-02' is the standard syntax for a date literal.

PgSQL insert into select after cast

I have a table with many columns stored as text. These columns have information which i am planning to cast and copy the data into a fresh table with the same column names but with correct data types ( float8 )
I tested the SELECT with CAST operator "::" and it works fine. All the columns are being converted as you can see in the picture
However , when I uncomment the INSERT statement ( above it ) to start writing in the target table, it throws an error. The target table has identical column names and only float8 column types.
The expression from the source table is indeed of type text but i am using the cast operator so why does it not work like before when only running the SELECT statement?
My query below:
INSERT INTO "PM"."new_VM_gcell_evolution_hourly_BSC"
from "PM"."VM_gcell_evolution_hourly_BSC_recovered")
It says "column is of type double but expression is of type text" so what's really happening is that it's trying to insert one of the expressions where you cast to ::text into a column that is of type double.
If the problem was converting from text to double, you'd get a different message. Besides, the SELECT worked fine, which means it didn't encounter any text data that it couldn't convert to double.
Since you don't specify the target table columns in your INSERT, and you have so many of them, most likely you missed a column or got the order wrong.
Honestly if the table has 270 columns and they have the same name in the source and destination tables, you should really generate the query using something like python from a list of columns, that will be faster than proofreading the 270 lines...

Use of After, Before, Include in Temporal Database

First of all thank you to read me and try to help me.
I am starting to working with temporal database, exactly with bitemporal database with the next structure:
dni VARCHAR2(9),
name VARCHAR(12),
tiv DATE,
tfv DATE,
PRIMARY KEY (dni,tiv, tit)
I would to know how can i do a query using a clause like after, before or include.
For example i do this:
SELECT nombre, tiv, tfv FROM poblat
WHERE (tiv, tfv) INCLUDE (to_date('31/12/2014'), to_date('31/12/2016'));
But sql developer says that im using an "invalid relational operator".
Thank you for your attention and for your help.
Presumably your WHERE clause is specifying a date range and you are looking for records which fall within that range. If so:
SELECT nombre, tiv, tfv
FROM poblat
WHERE tiv > =to_date('31/12/2014') -- start of date range
and tfv <= to_date('31/12/2016') -- end of date range
there is no INCLUDE is Oracle's SQL. According to bitemporal db's document http://docs.marklogic.com/guide/temporal/searching#id_78584 , there's two consecutive Allen operators seem complying with include :
aln_equals : x-start = y-start and x-end = y-end aln_contains :
x-start < y-start and x-end > y-end
( where X and Y are both periods )
may result in Oracle :
SELECT nombre, tiv, tfv FROM poblat WHERE to_date(tiv,'dd/mm/yyyy') >= to_date('31/12/2014','dd/mm/yyyy') and to_date(tif,'dd/mm/yyyy') <= to_date('31/12/2016','dd/mm/yyyy');

Apex parse error when creating SQL query with sql function

I have the following function:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION calc_a(BIDoctor number) RETURN number
num_a number;
select count(NAppoint)
into num_a
from Appointment a
where BIDoctor = a.BIDoctor;
RETURN num_a;
END calc_a;
What we want is adding a column to a report that shows us the number of appointments that doc have.
select a.BIdoctor "NUM_ALUNO",
a.NameP "Nome",
a.Address "Local",
a.Salary "salary",
a.Phone "phone",
a.NumberService "Curso",
c.BIdoctor "bi",
calc_media(a.BIdoctor) "consultas"
FROM "#OWNER#"."v_Doctor" a, "#OWNER#"."Appointment" c
WHERE a.BIdoctor = c.BIdoctor;
and we got this when we are writing the region source on apex.
But it shows a parse error, I was looking for this about 2 hours and nothing.
Apex shows me this:
This is probably because of all your double quotes, you seem to have randomly cased everything. Double quotes indicate that you're using quoted identifiers, i.e. the object/column must be created with that exact name - "Hi" is not the same as "hi". Judging by your function get rid of all the double quotes - you don't seem to need them.
More generally don't use quoted identifiers. Ever. They cause far more trouble then they're worth. You'll know when you want to use them in the future, if it ever becomes necessary.
There are a few more problems with your SELECT statement.
You're using implicit joins. Explicit joins were added in SQL-92; it's time to start using them - for your future career where you might interact with other RDBMS if nothing else.
There's absolutely no need for your function; you can use the analytic function, COUNT() instead.
Your aliases are a bit wonky - why does a refer to doctors and c to appointments?
Putting all of this together you get:
select d.bidoctor as num_aluno
, d.namep as nome
, d.address as local
, d.salary as salary
, d.phone as phone
, d.numberservice as curso
, a.bidoctor as bi
, count(nappoint) over (partition by a.bidoctor) as consultas
from #owner#.v_doctor a
join #owner#.appointment c
on d.bidoctor = a.bidoctor;
I'm guessing at what the primary keys of APPOINTMENT and V_DOCTOR are but I'm hoping they're NAPPOINT and BIDOCTOR respectively.
Incidentally, your function will never have returned the correct result because you haven't limited the scope of the parameter in your query; you would have just counted the number of records in APPOINTMENT. When you're naming parameters the same as columns in a table you have to explicitly limit the scope to the parameter in any queries you write, for instance:
select count(nappoint) into num_a
from appointment a
where calc_a.bidoctor = a.bidoctor; -- HERE