redis module for nodejs does not save if expiry is set - redis

If I don't set the expiry it does work
client.set('key', 'val');
But this one below does not save to redis.
client.set('key', 'val', 'EX', 3600);
I think it was working before.


Apache Ignite update eviction policy (time) of already started cache

Does Apache Ignite allow to update eviction policy (time) of already started cache?
We have an implemenation in our system where we store data in Ignite cache. But we need to be able to update eviction time on existing cache without losing data in the cache. Creating a new cache is not an option in our case.
Changing the configured default is not possible; it's part of the configuration.
But, you can always create a new cache wrapper with the required policy. From the docs:
CacheConfiguration<Integer, String> cacheCfg = new CacheConfiguration<Integer, String>("myCache");
IgniteCache cache = ignite.cache("myCache")
.withExpiryPolicy(new CreatedExpiryPolicy(new Duration(TimeUnit.MINUTES, 5)));
// if the cache does not contain key 1, the entry will expire after 5 minutes
cache.put(1, "first value");
IgniteCache cache2 = ignite.cache("myCache")
.withExpiryPolicy(new CreatedExpiryPolicy(new Duration(TimeUnit.MINUTES, 2)));
// if the cache does not contain key 2, the entry will expire after 2 minutes
cache2.put(2, "second value");

Redis Keyspace Notifications subscription for field&value

i'm currently working about Redis Expire Event
My goal : get the Value, Field to do something in next process after Data in Redis already expire
so i had found Redis Keyspace Notifications Feature
That Allow client to Subscribe to Channel in Redis to Recieve Event affecting Data in reset like Expire
so i have some example code :
subscriber.on('message', async(channel, message) => {
// do somethings
Result : Key0
And this work find but the Result i got is only Key that i have set into redis and expired
I have already do some research
but its found only Event that maybe i can get as result but not for Value, Field that i expect
is their anyway to get Those Value and Field ?
FYI. Document
according to this
Keyspace notifications do not report the value, only the key's name and/or command performed are included in the published message.The main underlaying reasoning for this is that Redis values can become quite large.
If you really really really need this kind of behavior, well that's pretty easy actually. Because keyspace notifications are using Pub/Sub messages, you can just call PUBLISH yourself after each relevant operation, and with the information that you're interested in.
look like i can't use this Redis Keyspace but i have to publish its on my own
You can use RedisGears to process keyspace notification and get both key and value.
You can write your processing code in python and register it in Redis.
e.g. Capture each keyspace event and store to a Stream
GearsBuilder() \
.foreach(lambda x: execute('XADD', "notifications-stream", '*', *sum([[k,v] for k,v in x.items()],[]))) \
.register(prefix="person:*", eventTypes=['hset', 'hmset'], mode='sync')
You can read more about this example here:

Using RPUSH with TTL in a single command in Redis

I'm trying to push an entry in a list in Redis and also want to update the TTL of the list every time a new entry comes in. I can do that my simple calling the EXPIRE "my-list" ttl using Redis. Since my application is receiving heavy traffic, I want to reduce the number of calls to redis.
Can I set my TTL during the push operation in Redis, i.e RPUSH "mylist" I1 I2...IN ex "TTL", does redis support this time of command functionality. I can see that it does support this for the String data structures.
Redis does not have dedicated commands to push and expire the List, although as you've mentioned it does have something like that for the String data type.
The way you'd go about this challenge is to compose your own "command" from existing ones. Instead of having your application call these commands, however, you would use a Lua script as explained in the EVAL documentation page.
Lua scripts are cached and run atomically on the server. One such as the following would probably help in your case - it expects to get the key name, the pushed element and the expiry value:
local reply ='RPUSH', KEYS[1], ARGV[1])'EXPIRE', KEYS[1], ARGV[2])
return reply

CSRF failure in custom mongoose pre-hook (Keystone.js)

using keystone LocalFile type to handle image uploads. similar to the Cloudinary autoCleanup option, I want to be able to delete the uploaded file itself, in addition to the corresponding mongo entry when deleting entries through the admin ui.
in this case, I want to delete an "Album", and it's corresponding album cover.
Album.schema.pre('remove', function(next){
var path = this._original.album_cover.path + "/" + this._original.album_cover.filename
fs.unlink(path, function () {
I get "CSRF failure" when using the fs module. I thought all CSRF protection was handled internally with Keystone.
Anyone know of a better solution to this?
Took a 10 minute break and came back and it seems to be working now. I also found this, which seems to be the explanation.
"Moreover double check your session timeout. In my dev settings the session duration is set to 3 minutes. So, if I end up editing something for more than that time, Keystone will return a CSRF error on save because the new session (generate in the meantime) invalidates the old token."

Current MongoDB server time in VB.Net

How do I get the MongoDB's time or use it in a query from VB.NET?
For example, in the Mongo shell I would do:
db.Cookies.find({ expireOn: { $lt: new Date() } });
In PHP I can easily do something like this:
$model->expireOn = new MongoDate();
How do I approach this in VB.Net? I don't want to use the local machine's time. This obviously doesn't work...
MongoDB.Driver.Builders.Query.LT("expireOn", "new Date()")
If you merely want to remove expired cookies from your collection, you could use the TTL collection feature which will automatically remove expired entries using a background worker on the server, hence using the server's time:
db.Cookies.ensureIndex( { "expireOn": 1 }, { expireAfterSeconds: 0 } )
If you really need to query, use a service program that runs on the server or ensure your clocks are reasonably synchronized because clocks that are considerably off can cause a plethora of problems, especially for web servers and email servers. (Consider HTTP headers like Date, LastModified and If-Modified-Since, Email Timestamps, HMAC/timestamp validation against replay attacks, etc.).