How big (string) can the member be in Redis GEOADD - redis

the GEOADD call has the following signature:
GEOADD key longitude latitude member [longitude latitude member ...]
I cannot find in the documentation about the max size of the member (string length)?

The size of any Redis string up to and including v4 is "limited" to 0.5GB.


Can I write around 10MB of value against a single key in azure redis cache

Can I write around 10MB of value (JSON Data as a string) against a key (string - xyz) in Azure redis cache
Size- Standard 1 GB
Version - 4.0.14
I am able to insert 3MB of value , but while inserting 7MB of value it gives network error.
I am using StackExchange.Redis.2.1.58 client from .net console app.
From Redis website:
Strings are the most basic kind of Redis value. Redis Strings are
binary safe, this means that a Redis string can contain any kind of
data, for instance a JPEG image or a serialized Ruby object.
A String value can be at max 512 Megabytes in length.
You could put 'syncTimeout' parameter in ConnectionString like this "RedisConfiguration": {"ConnectionString": ",password=$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$=,ssl=True,abortConnect=False,syncTimeout=150000"," DatabaseNumber ": 1}. This parameter sets the "Time (ms) to allow synchronous operations", as can be seen at I had this problem when I stored items that took more than 5 seconds to be processed, since this is the default value. You can try increasing this value using the parameter inserted in the connection string. I hope I can help you with this, regards.

Spring Data Redis using '+inf' to specify unlimited bounds of ZSetOperations.rangeByScore

Using the Redis CLI you can query a sorted set by range with an unlimited upper bound:
zrangebyscore my_key 0 +inf
Represented by the +inf as well as an unlimited lower bound: -inf. This retrieves the range from 0 to the last member.
Spring Data Redis provides an interface to this Redis command through this method signature:
Set<V> rangeByScore(K key, double min, double max, long offset, long count);
Set<V> rangeByScore(K key, double min, double max);
These only allow you to supply a double as the bounds.
How do you specify +inf or -inf to the bounds of ZRANGEBYSCORE using Spring Data Redis ?
The only mention of it is in the changelog so it's supported in some way but I can't find any mention of it elsewhere.
Maybe you could use Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY and Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY to represent -inf and +inf, I've tested on my machine, which works well(with spring-boot-starter-data-redis version=2.2.4.RELEASE)
(They are both double values)
In more recent versions you can specify the range with Bound.unbounded().
Flux<V> rangeByScore(K key, Range<Double> range, Limit limit)
For example:
Range.of(Bound.inclusive(start), Bound.unbounded())
See Range class for other factory methods like leftUnbounded / rightUnbounded.
I used this with a redis version below 6.2. With 6.2+ the zrange semantics changed.

Delete a dimension in a NetCDF file

I have a netCDF file with 8 variables and 4 dimensions: latitude (dim: 26), longitude (dim:17), time (dim: a lot) and level (dim:1, pressure level). In order to use it in a specific program I need to have only 3 dimensions: latitude, longitude and time.
Is there an easy way to delete the level dimension in each variable?
I've found ncwa -a old_dim but sometimes it converts the type from short to float. When it keeps the short type the attributes "scale factor" and "add.offset" are deleted. The problem is that I want to keep the short type with scale factor and add offset.
Your method is correct, however, your input data are "packed". Repack the output file with ncpdq after averaging-out the level dimension with ncwa:
and you are done. See docs here.

Panoramio REST API - how to get latitude and longitude?

I have been creating an implementation where I would want to get the latitude and longitude coordinate values per each of the returned image from Panoramio.
I have seen an example where the REST call returned an object, which contained also the lat&lon values for the photo. E.g. when requesting simply first 10 top listed images.
If I now examine the default input from the Panoramio service, I atleast cannot locate the parameters lat and lon in the result?
Anyone knows why this is and how could I get both the images and the latitude longitude values as supposed?
Gary Hamilton

Using GPS data in Application

I want using GPS data (I got it from $GPRMC) in an desktop application(that uses from mappoint 2009). I get the latitude & longitude, but when I check these points on map, I see the result is incorrect (for example My Data is: 43.412 N, 79.369 W ; but the correct point is: 43.686 N, 79.616 W ).
I guess, I must use a correction method before use; I try "Projection method" like "Miller" or "Mercator", but those aren't effective.
Can anyone guide me?
Are you using the same coordinate systems? E.g. WGS-84 or something else?