I am trying to batch export 100s of Adobe Illustrator files but after each file a "Text Export Options" dialogue box comes up and I have to hit enter to continue. I would like to write a script to hit enter for me. I found an AutoIt script that seems to work once but I don't know how to loop it. I tried:
$i = 0
While $i <= WinActivate
WinActive("Text Export Options")
$i += 1
But it crashed my computer. This is what works once:
WinWaitActive("Text Export Options")
While True
If WinActive("Text Export Options") then Send("{ENTER}")
Then just right-click the autoit tray icon and click exit once it is done.
Selenium click print button to open print dialog, but blocked.
<button id="print" onclick="window.print()"/>
WebElement print = driver.findElement(By.id("print"));
print.click(); // blocked here
// use the Robot to close print dialog
The print preview window is opened after clicking the print button. but the print.click() is blocked until I close the print dialog manually. Is the a way to tell Selenium to return immediately after clicking the button?
I'm seeking to scrape a web page using Playwright.
I load the page, and click the download button with Playwright successfully. This brings up a print dialog box with a printer selected.
I would like to select "Save as PDF" and then click the "Save" button.
Here's my current code:
with sync_playwright() as p:
browser = p.chromium.launch(headless=True)
playwright_page = browser.new_page()
got_error = False
html = playwright_page.content()
except Exception as e:
print(f"Playwright exception: {e}")
got_error = True
if not got_error:
soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')
#download pdf
with playwright_page.expect_download() as download_info:
download = download_info.value
path = download.path()
Is there a way to do this using Playwright?
Thanks very much to #KJ in the comments, who suggested that with headless=True, Chromium won't even put up a print dialog box in the first place.
I am trying to upload a file using the WebBrowser control. It trims the starting character sometimes one and sometimes three then choose window gives error Invalid file name!. Can't seem to do it and need some help.
Here is the Html:
<input name="UploadedFile" id="UploadedFile" type="file" />
<input name="up" id="up" type="button" value="Upload" />
Here is the vb code:
Dim el = elc.GetElementsByName("UploadedFile")
' SendKeys.Send("Capture.png" & "{ENTER}")
SendKeys.Send("C:\Capture.png" + "{ENTER}")
that the file upload button comes up and hit enter, but can't input full filename into the file name area.
If I use thisSendKeys.Send("C:\Capture.png" + "{ENTER}"). It gives this error:
Choose window error screenshot
If I use this SendKeys.Send("Capture.png" + "{ENTER}"). It gives this error:
Choose window error screenshot
And if I put extra character then it works fine but it doesn't always trim one character so I can't put an extra character to solve this error.
The problem might be that the sendkeys comes up too fast behind focus, so the first few characters don't get picked up. Try just filling the textbox all at once with one line by setting the textbox's value rather than trying to imitate user keystrokes, this could replace both the focus and sendkeys lines:
WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementById("UploadedFile").SetAttribute("value", "C:\Capture.png")
...and then call the button-click
You are right #soohoonigan the sendkeys comes up too fast but that is not an answer for that. I did this like that.
Here is my code:
Dim el = elc.GetElementsByName("UploadedFile")
Public Async Sub SetFile()
Await Task.Delay(1000)
SendKeys.Send("c:\Capture.png" & "{ENTER}")
End Sub
It's working fine.
before, i'm new for this AutoIT, i'm not familiar with this, just google and need to complete my task, if any mistake of my AtotoIt please correct it
during the Xml Download from IE(version 9) it will open the "Do you want to open or save dialog" so i want to click the save button to save that xml file in default temp folder
my autoIT code(reference from http://qtp-help.blogspot.in/2009/07/selenium-handle-dialogs.html#handle_save_dialog)
AutoItSetOption("WinTitleMatchMode","2") ; set the select mode to select using substring
if $CmdLine[0] < 2 then
; Arguments are not enough
msgbox(0,"Error","Supply all the arguments, Dialog title,Run/Save/Cancel and Path to save(optional)")
; wait Until dialog box appears
WinWait($CmdLine[1]) ; match the window with substring
$title = WinGetTitle($CmdLine[1]) ; retrives whole window title
If (StringCompare($CmdLine[2],"Open",0) = 0) Then
If (StringCompare($CmdLine[2],"Save",0) = 0) Then
; Wait for the new dialogbox to open
If (StringCompare($CmdLine[2],"Cancel",0) = 0) Then
My java code
WebElement downloadLink = driver.findElement(By
dialog = new String[] {
"C:\\Users\\Prabakar\\Desktop\\Save_Dialog_IE.exe", "Save" };
Please help to solve
Take a look at other ways to download the file without using AutoIT.
How to make browser closed after completing download?
#include <_XMLDomWrapper.au3>
#include <File.au3>
Global $oXML = ObjCreate("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
$oXML.Open("GET", "YOUR URL LIKE: http://www.google.com", 0)
Global $sFile = _TempFile(#TempDir, '~', '.xml')
FileWrite($sFile, $oXML.responseText)
Would this work for you? The XMLDomWrapper.au3 can you get from HERE
I am trying to send commands to a popup window in IE8 with Selenium RC.
Currently, I am able to click on a button and open the popup window.
However, I am unable to select the window to send commands.
I have done extensive research on this subject for about a week and I believe this is strictly an IE issue. I have found some work-arounds; several blogs have instructed users to open up a blank window to "catch" the commands.
However, when I implement the code below, a blank window pops up and upon clicking the button that opens the pop up, a THIRD window opens and loads with the page I need.
Am I setting the target inaccurately? Please see below for selenium rc commands as well as the html source code of the page.
Java Code
selenium.openWindow("", "popup");
///Click on Add Requirement button
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
HTML for Add Requirement button
<input id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_WebGroupBox1_btnAddRequirement"
style="font-family:Arial,Times New Roman,Courier New;"
onclick="return validateProject();
value="Add New Requirement"
In WatiN (different I know), I had to send a combination of alt+tab and enter to deal with pop-up boxes.