CertSrv is requesting certificates with FQDN but not with Server IP - ssl

We have webserver where certificate Authority webenrollment role installed and it is pointing to Issuing CA
When ever we try htps://webservername/certsrv then I can able to request certificates
but when I try htps://webserver<Ip Address>/certsrv then in the last step while requesting certificate the following error appears... can anyone help to resolve this


Self signed SSL certificate is not verified on local when i tried to access from computers own ip

My goal is to test my web applications ssl pages from another computer on the same network.
I receive an unverified certificate error. I've created a lot of different certificates to fix the error but it did not. Is there any suggestion?
Error in chrome:
Error in Mozilla:
Not secured
Ensure in your certificate the IP address should be in a SAN (subject alternate name) entry of IP address type.

Cert unable to be installed in cpanel

I don't know much about this topic, but have a site (shared hosting) and want ssl for it. Got a certificate from letsencrypt (for both www and plain mydomain.com), they verified it successfully, so I put the cert and private key into the ssl config part of cpanel. Cpanel marked the inputs valid but then gave me the following error
The certificate could not be installed on the domain “mydomain.com”.
error Certificate verification failed!
Certificate verification failed:
unable to load certificate
140495454865312:error:0906D064:PEM routines:PEM_read_bio:bad base64 decode:pem_lib.c:812:
I have no idea what this means. Any help would be appreciated.
Got it working by making sure every line was exactly 64 characters long

SSL Certificate error for mailserver

I have a vps with a shared IP. Now, I want use SSL/TLS for the mailserver. I was wondering what kind of certificate I need for the mailserver. So, do I need to issue a certificate on the hostname? because I get an untrusted error in Outlook, if I change the settings. I think this is the same issue as when I log in in the control panel of plesk, I get an error message, that the certificate is not trusted, because it not sign by a CA. I know that plesk issue a self signed certificate. So again. I don't know if I have to issue a certificate on the domain, however I think then i will get also an error, because hostname and domain name are not the same. Can somebody support me?
Yes, You will have to purchase SSL certificate for the hostname, so that your all client will be use your server hostname in mail client setting with the SSL connection

Bluemix not serving correct ssl certificate

I have just installed a wildcard ssl certificate on a custom domain, this is working fine for any subdomain of *.example.com. I can verify that the correct ssl certificate is being issued.
However the problem is with www. which is issuing the Bluemix certificate not my own certificate.
In the browser i am getting "Your connection is not private"
This server could not prove that it is www.example.com; its security certificate is from *.eu-gb.mybluemix.net. This may be caused by a misconfiguration or an attacker intercepting your connection.
I am guessing that the problem is with Bluemix, how can i get Bluemix to serve up my certificate for www, baring in mind that it is serving up my certificate for other subdomains.
All help will be greatly recieved
I have fixed this issue, the problem was with the DNS setup.
The key piece of information for me, was that my dns was point to 2 IP's of Bluemix, and, therefore only serving up my certificate on one, and the Bluemix default certificate on the other
From googling how to add a custom domain, i added a CNAME record to point to *****.eu-gb.mybluemix.net and an A record to
This is wrong, i need to change my CNAME record to be my actual domain now.

IIS cant validate my client certificate

I've tried setting up SSL for localhost running my azure web role.
What I've done is that I've created my own CA, created a client and server certificate and then installed them all in my certificate store. The server certificate is located in the local computer personal certificates, the client certificate is installed in the current user store under personal and the CA certificate is installed in trusted root certificates in both stores.
I've also configured my IIS website to use SSL and used netsh to bind the server certificate to the ip the site is running on.
However when I try to access my website through the IIS, I get an error:
HTTP Error 403.16 - Forbidden
Your client certificate is either not trusted or is invalid.
I know for a fact that the certificates I use are issued by the same CA, so I cant really see any other reason than that the IIS probably cant access my trusted root store. When I deploy my solution to azure, it works without giving me this error, so I'm positive that its a configuration issue with the local IIS that I cant work out.
Any suggestions on what could be the problem here?