I am looking for an effecient way to copy the content of one redis key (of type zrange ) to another redis key (for the purpose of taking a backup of previous scores);
For example for key my_score:
'a': 100,
'b': 200,
'c': 300
The type of operation I am looking for is something similar to
prev_score = my_score
after certain time interval above redis data will undergo some changes (through some other codes) and need to re-evaluate the changes. This time the new values will be say
'a': 150,
'b': 250,
'c': 300
Now I need to compare the changes since the last check so that i can compare the type of changes in each indexes.
Please not the flowings:
this operation is within the same database (not from one redis instance to another redis instance)
I have special reason to use zrange and not other redis data types which cannot be changed
I can achive this by using zadd for each index but I am looking for a single redis command or more effecient one.
Short answer - ZUNIONSTORE prev_score 1 my_score.
Details are in here
You could use the DUMP and RESTORE.
str = DUMP myscore
RESTORE another_key 0 str
And if your key has expire time, you could first use PTTL key to get the expire time in ms, and then RESTORE another_key expire_time str.
in Redis you can configure the creation of snapshots, e.g. "save 60 10" would save the database after 60 seconds if at least 10 keys were changed.
If the SAME key was changed 10 times, would a snapshot be saved? Or does this refer to 10 unique/different keys that have to be changed?
Thank you!
The documented config doesn't say anything about "if at least 10 keys were changed". It says the snapshot will happen if "the given number of write operations against the DB occurred". Simple commands like SET and DEL count as one write operation. More complicated commands like HMSET and ZINTERSTORE might count as more than one write operation depending on the number of values they affect. Nothing takes into account the number of unique keys that were written to since the last snapshot.
On my current project I'm implementing autocompletion service on top of Redis, for it I use such approach (this article describes it more widely):
1) for storing dump of the data I have hash in which I put searchable objects as a values, for instance
HSET data 1 "{\"name\":\"Kill Bill\",\"year\":2003}"
HSET data 2 "{\"name\":\"King Kong\",\"year\":2005}"
2) for storing all possible sequences of input characters (that I generate in advance) which could be used in search I use sorted sets, like
ZADD search:index:k 0 1
ZADD search:index:ki 0 1
ZADD search:index:kil 0 1
ZADD search:index:kill 0 1
Where value stored in sorted set (in my example '1') is key for data from hash. So, for searching some data (for example where name started with 'ki') we need to make two steps:
data_keys = REDIS.zrevrange('search:index:ki', 0, -1)
matching_data = REDIS.hmget(data, *data_keys)
The issue I tried to solve - how automatically remove all data from sorted sets related to hash values when I removed it? In relational databases I can use cascade deletion for such cases, but how can I handle it in Redis?
Your design appears awkward to me, I'm unsure what you're actually trying to do with Redis and perhaps that could be the topic of another question.
That said, to address your question, Redis does offer a "cascading delete"-like behavior. Instead, if you're deleting hash "1", iterate the prefix and ZREM it from the relevant sorted sets.
Note: do not use a Lua script for this task, as it will generate key names (i.e. sorted sets by prefix) and that is against the recommendations (will not work on a cluster)
i have key-values like following example
key1 1
key2 2
key3 3
. .
. .
keyN N
each of my key needs to map a unique number so i am mapping my keys to auto incremented numbers then inserting it to Redis via redis mass insertion which works very well and then using GET command for internal processing of all the key value mapping.
but i have more than 1 billion key so i was wondering is there even more efficient(mainly lesser memory usage) way for using Redis for this scenario?
You can pipeline commands into Redis to avoid the round-trip times like this:
{ for ((i=0;i<10000000;i++)) ; do printf "set key$i $i\r\n"; done ; sleep 1; } | nc localhost 6379
That takes 80 seconds to set 10,000,000 keys.
Or, if you want to avoid creating all those processes for printf, generate the data in a single awk process:
awk 'BEGIN{for(i=0;i<10000000;i++){printf("set key%d %d\r\n",i,i)}}'; sleep 1; } | nc localhost 6379
That now takes 17 seconds to set 10,000,000 keys.
The auto-increment key allows a unique number to be generated when a new record is inserted into a table/redis.
There is other way using UUID.
But I think auto-increment is far better due to reason like it need four time more space, ordering cannot be done based on key,etc
I'm doing exactly the same thing.
here is an simple example.
if you have a better one, welcome to discuss :)
1. connect to redis
import redis
pool = redis.ConnectionPool(host=your_host, port=your_port)
r = redis.Redis(connection_pool=pool)
2.define a function to incr, use pipe
def my_incr(pipe):
next_value = pipe.hlen('myhash')
key=newkey, value=next_value
3.make the function become a transaction
pipe = r.pipeline()
newkey = 'key1'
r.transaction(my_incr, 'myhash')
In order to be more memory efficient, you can use HASH to store these key-value pairs. Redis has special encoding for small HASH. It can save you lots of memory.
In you case, you can shard your keys into many small HASHs, each HASH has less than hash-max-ziplist-entries entries. See the doc for details.
B.T.W, with the INCR command, you can use Redis to create auto-incremented numbers.
I would like to answer my own question.
If you have sorted key values, the most efficient way to bulk insert and then read them is using a B-Tree based database.
For instance, with MapDB I am able to insert it very quickly and it takes up less memory.
I got a folder (I believe you call it a Set) in my Redis database named "g", where I store some keys.
KEYS *g:*
g: wasted
g: two
g: hours
g: with
g: this
First question: How can I make the query so I get the results below?
"wasted","two","hours","with" and "this" are documents (I believe you call them keys?) with two columns and 100 rows inside. "Wasted" contains this:
Hash Key Hash Value
I Myself
Am ToBe
So TooMuch
Wasted Wasted
Second question: How do I make a query to retrieve all keys and values?
I got a temp solution by replicating data. I created a folder, inserted just strings inside (I believe you call them hashes), and I just iterate over that folder/set and return each key one by one. But for production we would have to replicate 2TB of data, and that we cannot do.
WRT question 1: you should really learn about Redis' different data structures, but from the looks of it you're not using a Set but rather just setting keys with a common prefix. To use a Set, you'll need to call SADD, e.g.:
SADD g wasted two hours with this
Each of the "documents" is a member is the set, and calling SMEMBERS on it will return them.
WRT question 2: assuming you are asking how to get all the fields and their respective values from a Hash, use HGETALL.
I am trying to insert time based records with multiple fields on the values (with TTL enabled).
For the multiple fields the best way to do it via Redis is using HSET:
HSET user:32 name "johns" timecreated "3333311232" address "somewhere"
I also try to read those values via time range:
for example return all history records (for example user 32) which was inserted in the last day:
so the best for that would be storing via ZADD using scores(this time I am losing the hash-map structure for easy retrieval):
ZADD user:32 3333311232 "name=johns,timecreated=3333311232,address=somewhere"
On the top of the things I want to add TTL for each record
Any idea how I could optimize my design?
I could split into two but that will requires two queries when reading:
ZADD user:32 3333311232 "user:32:3333311232"
HMSET user:32:3333311232 name “johns” timecreated “3333311232” address="somewhere"
than to retrieve ill need:
//some range
ZRANGEBYSCORE user:32 3333311232 333331123
result: 1389772850
now to get all information: HGETALL user:32:1389772850
What do you think?
Thank you,
The two methods you describe are the two common approaches. If you store the entire object in the ZSET, you would typically store it as a JSON string. If you don't need "random" access to the object, that's a valid approach.
I usually go for the other approach; a ZSET combined with hashes. the two queries are not a big deal. You could even abstract it away with a Lua script; see EVAL.
Regarding the TTL, while you cannot expire individual ZSET values, you could expire the hash, and use keyspace notifications to listen for the expired event, and remove the corresponding value from the ZSET.
Let me know if you need some more specifics.