Edit a Mainframe file in the RecordEditor without a copybook - record

How do you Edit a (binary EBCDIC) Mainframe file in the RecordEditor with out a Cobol Copybook.
How do you generate Java code to read the file using the RecordEditor.
Note: This is an attempt to split a question that is far to broad to give meaningful answer to
into a series of simpler Question and Answer's.

Try and avoid editing a binary file with a Cobol Copybook if at all possible. This should only be attempted as a last resort !!!.
Try and get
that Cobol copybook (or some field layout document) for the file !!!
Some general advise:
It is feasible when dealing with 10 / 20 fields in a record but not if there a thousands of fields in a Record.
Take your time do not rush the process. Try and get each step correct before moving on
Finally upgrade to the latest version of the RecordEditor (currently 0.98.4)
This process will also work for normal Text file as well
RecordEditor Layout Wizard
To start the wizard select option Record Layouts >>> Layout Wizard.
File Structure screen
The file structure screen has 3 purposes:
Get the File structure - It could be Fixed Width, VB, Windows/Unix Text file
Get the Record-Length (if it is a fixed width file).
Get the font (character-set / encoding)
The RecordEditor will try and work this out for you
Field Selection Screen
The RecordEditor will try and work out where fields start and end but
it is not perfect. You need to carefully check and correct its choices
On this screen, the fields are displayed in alternating colors
you create/delete a field by clicking on
use the Clear Fields button clear all the fields
you can change what field-types to search for using the various check box's (e.g. Mainframe Zones Decimal)
The Add Fields will do another field search
Field Definition screen
On this screen you define the field names and Types. You may need to go back to the **Field Selection Screen* to adjust the fields
Editing the file
Once the Record Layout has been defined, it can be used on the open file screen
Generating Java code
When editing your file, you can generate java~JRecord code to read the file
by selecting Generate >>> Java >>> ....
You can the enter a package-id + generate options:
and finally your sample java code is generated to read / write the


tcolorbox in RMarkdown with shortcuts

I'm using the LaTex library tcolorbox in a RMarkdown document to list R code with tbclisting{...}. It works fine when I use the full command is used in the document
\begin{tcblisting}{colback=red!5!white, colframe=red!50!black,listing only,before skip=5 cm,
title=R code for finding and plotting frequencies from sorted data - Figure 3.5,hbox, enhanced, drop fuzzy shadow, listing options={language=R,keywordstyle=\color{blue}},before=\begin{center}, after=\end{center}}
some text
Due to the length of the command and the multiple use of similar boxes, changing each box to reflect, say, a new color, is tedious and error prone. I'd like to create a short cut using
\newtcblisting{mybox}[1]{%colback=red!5!white, colframe=red!50!black,listing only,before skip=5 cm,title={#1},hbox, enhanced, drop fuzzy shadow, listing options={language=R,keywordstyle=\color{blue}}, before=\begin{center}, after=\end{center}}
in the preamble as in the LaTex documentation, then implemented using
when I refer to the predefined box using
\begin{mybox}{my box title}
some text
but the compiler-to-pdf gives me an error message
**!Package pgfkeys Error: I do not know the key '/tcb/[' and I am going to ignore it. Perhaps you misspelled it.**
I'm thinking that 1) RMarkdown/tcolorbox doesn't support this or 2) something is wrong with my syntax. For 2) I've tried putting the newtcblisting definition in the preamble header-includes: section with the "-" preceding it (no good) and in the main body of the document w/o the "-". Also no good.
Can anyone help with this?

Problem with line breaks in PDF document generated by BIRT

I have some cell texts in a BIRT report which do not flow as nicely as I hoped.
For example,
The text is Long value resultwithaverylongname whichcannotbreak and I had hoped that it would be displayed like this:
Long value
The render options are as follows:
renderOptions.setOption(IPDFRenderOption.PAGE_OVERFLOW, IPDFRenderOption.OUTPUT_TO_MULTIPLE_PAGES);
renderOptions.setOption(IPDFRenderOption.PDF_TEXT_WRAPPING, true);
renderOptions.setOption(IPDFRenderOption.PDF_WORDBREAK, true);
It seems to me that my desired output is physically possible but I don't know why BIRT does not break on a whitespace and breaks in the middle of the word.
I am using BIRT 4.16 (from Sourceforge). The texts contain normal whitespace (no non-breakable spaces) and are displayed via a data object.
I now have an example project which I am trying to commit to Github. In the meantime here is a screenshot showing breaks which look good and others which are not...
The git repo is here: https://github.com/pramsden/test.wordbreak
If the text "resultwithaverylongname" physically fits, then you are right:
BIRT should not break it in the middle of the word.
Your renderOptions seem right (depending of what BIRT version you are using).
At first glance this looks like a bug.
But: In German language, we often have quite long words, and I've created a lot of (complex) PDF reports with BIRT, but I never saw this issue.
So I guess it is a tiny silly detail which causes this.
Just to double-check:
Are the spaces between "Long", "value", "result..." normal spaces (0x20)? or non-breaking spaces?
Which BIRT release are you using?
Are you using a data item or a dynamic text item and if so, is it HTML or plain text?
Can you create a reproducible simple test case and post the rptdesign file somewhere?
well i don use BIRT , but try to use (\n),
in my case I use PDFFlow library to generate pdf docs, and to make a line-break i just use \n
this is a simple example code to create a pdf file and use line break
var DocumentBuilder.New()
.AddParagraphToSection("Hello world! \n go to the next line")
try it and tell me if it works

Is it possible to rename png files by the time of creation, not after

I am using File[] imageFile = PdfUtilities.convertPdf2Png(new File("MYPATH")) command to generate png from pdf , which is giving file name as "workingimage01","workingimage02"...."workingimage0n" and so on, is it possible to change this name setting by the time png's are generated. Thanks in advance.
I am trying this command for 10 pdf parallel, so it is overlapping. thats why i need to know is there a way or i am asking out of the box question.
The name is hard coded in the source. You can create an overloaded method that takes another parameter for the working files' name.

How use the one Template for multiple pages in a XWPFDocument with Java

I would like to know, how can i reuse one template (with one page inside and some variables) multiple times a XWPFDocument object.
My idea is:
load the template once in a XWPFDocument as an template-object
clone/create/copy the template-object with all his styles and headers etc
fill the clone with content
add this clone to the destination-XWPFDocument
I got this work for one single page only.
When i try to clone/create/copy the template-object it will lose all his style informations.
How to copy a paragraph of .docx to another .docx withJava and retain the style
How to copy some content in one .docx to another .docx , using POI without losing format?
POI probably does not support this out of the box, but I have done a similar thing in my project poi-mail-merge, it works with the underlying XML to repeatedly replace markers in a template Microsoft Word document and combine the results into one resulting document.
So it basically duplicates the template document multiple times into the resulting document.
See here for how I do it there, basically I work on the XML body text and do replacements/changes there and then append it onto the result document.
POI Mail Merge propably helps in other cases but in my case it doesn't work.
My Workaround is to update my Template-XWPFDocument to the needed structure first, save it temporarily and read it back into a XWPFDocument-object.
Here the steps:
Read the template-file into a XWPFDocument
Read the records from data-file e.g. csv
Calculate the numbers of pages related to the data-records
Get the Bodyelements-Objects from the Template-XWPFDocument
Create new Bodyelements (depending to the numbers of pages) in the Template-XWPFDocument and replace them with the same Objects that we get before
Save the updated Template-XWPFDocument temporarily
Read the temporarily saved Template into a XWPFDocument
Replace all placeholder and fill them with your CSV-Data
Hope this helps somebody

Synchronize modification between SWT table and TextEditor

I'm facing a problem and want to ask for a solution.
I'm working on an eclipse plugin project, in which an editor for a type of resource file is required. The resource file has similar structure like CSV file. My idea is to provide user the option to edit this type of file both in plain text format and also in an SWT table. Plain text is required for examining data and table provides more flexibility to editing such as sorting by column.
I have been able to create a MultiPageEditorPart, with one page of org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.TextEditor, and another page with a org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Table and several other widgets like search bar. The content of the resource file can be shown in the TextEditor, can also be edited and saved. On the other hand, the content can be loaded in the table too, sorting and searching all work good.
The problem is: when I edit a cell in the table, I want the change also reflected in the TextEditor, and vice versa. Since the resource file can be very large, I want the saving action happen only on the TextEditor, i.e. I don't want any modification in the table directly stored to resource file, but to mark the file dirty, but I can't figure out how. How can I for example get the content of EditorInput, check it line by line, and modify it outside TextEditor?
Or, are there more efficient ways to do this? Can anyone give any hints?
The IDocument used by the TextEditor gives you access to the document contents. Get this with something like:
IDocumentProvider provider = editor.getDocumentProvider();
IEditorInput input = editor.getEditorInput();
IDocument document = provider.getDocument(input);
IDocument has many methods for accessing lines such as:
int getLineOffset(int line);
int getLineLength(int line);
and methods for modify the text:
void replace(int offset, int length, String text);