Error on insert data from another table into an existing partition - sql

I am trying to insert on a partitioned table like:
insert into table select * from table#dblink
where date = 201702003;
At first, I created the correct partition:
TP_201702003 values (201702003)
And got this error:
Error report -
SQL Error: ORA-14400: a chave de partição inserida não corresponde a nenhuma partição
14400. 00000 - "inserted partition key does not map to any partition"
*Cause: An attempt was made to insert a record into, a Range or Composite
Range object, with a concatenated partition key that is beyond
the concatenated partition bound list of the last partition -OR-
An attempt was made to insert a record into a List object with
a partition key that did not match the literal values specified
for any of the partitions.
*Action: Do not insert the key. Or, add a partition capable of accepting
the key, Or add values matching the key to a partition specification
This is the only month with this problem.
Can you see anything wrong?
Thanks in advance.


Partition key failing error for postgres table

ERROR: no partition of relation "test_table" found for row DETAIL:
Partition key of the failing row contains (start_time) = (2021-04-25
00:00:00). SQL state: 23514
I am inserting a data where i have a column start time (2021-04-25 00:00:00)
This is my Schema
CREATE TABLE test_table (
start_time timestamp NULL,
PARTITION BY RANGE (start_time);
This sounds as if you have no partition-tables defined for this table.
You might need something like this:
CREATE TABLE test_table_2021 PARTITION OF test_table
FOR VALUES FROM ('2021-01-01') TO ('2022-01-01');
After you defined this partition for your partitioned table, you should be able to insert the data (as long as start_time is anywhen in 2021).
See the docs:

How to copy, change, and insert records in Postgres

In a PostgreSQL DB table, I need to copy a block of records from a prior month, change values in some of the columns, and append the updated records to the table. Details include:
The key id is configured with nextval to automatically create
unique key values
The target records have '200814' in group_tag
The new records need '200911' in group_tag
Several other fields need to be updated as shown in the SELECT
My script so far:
INSERT INTO hist.group_control(
FROM hist.group_control WHERE group_tag='200814';
This generates an error:
SQL Error [23505]: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "group_control_pkey"
Detail: Key (id)=(12250) already exists.
Records with key values up to 13008 exist. I would have expected nextval to determine this and start the id value at 13009. I attempted to simply not include id in the statement thinking the nextval function would operate automatically, but that errored as well. Variations on the following have not worked due to the respective errors:
alter sequence group_control_id_seq restart with 13009;
SQL Error [42501]: ERROR: must be owner of relation group_control_id_seq
SELECT setval('group_control_id_seq', 13009, true);
SQL Error [42501]: ERROR: permission denied for sequence group_control_id_seq
Anyone know how to code the main statement to not generate the duplicate key or alternatively, how to tell nextval to start at a value of 13009
It appears your serial, bigserial, or generated by default. Any of these only assign the id column when it is not specified in the insert statement. If you specify the id column Postgres will not assign a key PK. Since you selected the id, Postgres attempted to use what you specified. Solution drop id from the insert statement.
INSERT INTO hist.group_control(
SELECT '200911',
FROM hist.group_control WHERE group_tag='200814';

Copying values / columns from one table to another existing tabler in SQL Server Management Studio

I want to copy all columns from dbo.die to
Both tables exist! In, the primary key is idTechnology
In dbo.die, the primary key is idDie and we have a foreign key, which is Technology_idTechnology in it, which connects the die table with the technology table.
How could I do that, so that the values got copied to the right rows, which match the same idTechnology?
I tried this:
(Technology_idTechnology, Technology_D, Technology_Type, Technology_Manufacturer, Technology_SOI, Technology_Node, Technology_Name, Technology_Number_Metal, Technology_Number_Poly, Technology_Power_Cu, Technology_FEComplexity, Technology_FEComplexity_Sec, Technology_Trench, Technology_IMID, Technology_Remarks)
FROM tech
WHERE tech.idTechnology = idTechnology;
but I'm always getting an error!
Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.die' with unique index 'ui_dieIdsample'. The duplicate key value is ().
Don't know what I should do.. I thought it's easy & simple
If a column is declared as NOT NULL (and has no default value), a value for the column must be specified in the INSERT statement.
In this specific case you should add Table2_Feld to the insert column list, and specify a value in the SELECT for it!
You will need to change your column list (lets say that its acceptable to insert a default value of 0 into column Table2_Feld)
INSERT INTO dbo.table2
(Table1_idTech, Tech_D, Techn_Type, Tech_Man,
Techn_Node, Tech_Name, Technology_Numb, Tech_Po,
Tech_FEC, Techn_Comp_Sec,
select *,0 from table1 tech

SQL Error ORA-00984: column not allowed here

I'm trying to add row information to my table using INSERT INTO and I keep getting
ORA-00984: column not allowed here
Here is what I'm trying to insert:
INSERT INTO cp2850Tutor
VALUES (100,'05-JAN-2008',Active);
I've tried putting quotes around Active and that gets a different error:
ORA-01722: invalid number
It is best practice to explicitly state the columns that you are inserting into
Insert into cp2850Tutor (IQ, JOINED_DATE, STATUS)
Values (100,'05-JAN-2008', 1);
If you show us your DDL more help is possible
if any constraint is applied to the columns, check for symantec errors
eg: if the column datatype is varchar2
but the constraint applied is :
check ( clm_name > 3 ) -- wrong one
check ( length( clm_name) > 3 ) -- correct one

Virtual column not allowed here

I am trying to insert a row in a table using VIEW as
but it gives me following error:
Error starting at line 5 in command:
Error at Command Line:5 Column:22
Error report:
SQL Error: ORA-01733: virtual column not allowed here
01733. 00000 - "virtual column not allowed here"
Any Clue ?
Added the View Definition:
(SELECT field.fieldid,
NVL(, name,
NVL(i18n.description, field.description) description,
FROM fields field
JOIN i18n_fields i18n
ON (field.fieldid = i18n.fieldid)
LANGUAGE_ID is probably a calculated field, or in any case the database cannot infer what change is to be made to the tables underlying the view based on the change you are requiring. Have to see the view definition code to know.
I believe that in order to do an insert or update using a view that all of the tables in the view must be joined via a primary key. This is to prevent duplicates caused by the view which cannot be updated.
Is there a very good reason you are not just inserting into the underlying table? If you can, just insert into the table directly and avoid this complication.
What are you expecting Oracle to do? Are you expecting it to insert a new record into i18n_fields?
If you really want to do it like this you will need to create an INSTEAD OF trigger because Oracle can't figure out which of the underlying tables it should insert into when your run your insert statement.