Remove reminder from incoming email appointment - vba

At my work we use emailed appointments to inform everyone that a person is on PTO. The procedure is to set the reminder to "none" but some forget (we are all human). I would like to find a way to search the subject of the email for the term "PTO" or "leave early" and set the reminder to "none" if one is set.
I have found a number of questions about find the reminders and even how to change them. I am getting stuck on the detection part. I welcome any help.
Here is one of the questions I am using for help.

The answer depends on when you want this to be checked. The most likely event to do this is in the AppointmentItem.Send event. In order to trap that event, you first must "catch" the new Appointment item as it is created. You can do that by monitoring the Inspectors.NewInspector event and only handle AppointmentItem objects. See here for guidance on working with events in Outlook.


How can I automatically forward an outlook meeting based on the meeting category or when it's marked private?

I'm trying to automatically forward meetings from my work email to my personal email whenever I flag a meeting as private. I don't really even know where to start. Any one able to help me out?
I've tried looking for solutions based on the category of the meeting but that hasn't yielded any resulted either
You can create a VBA macro where you could handle changes to items by using the Items.ItemChange or AppointmentItem.PropertyChange events. When appointment items marked as private the following property is set under the hood:
Appointment.Sensitivity = olPrivate
So, you need to track changes made to the AppointmentItem.Sensitivity property which returns or sets a constant in the OlSensitivity enumeration indicating the sensitivity for the Outlook item.
But I'd suggest starting from the Getting started with VBA in Office article to be more familiar with VBA environment.

Show conversations in Layer (with Atlas) even if there are no messages

I am trying to show all conversations that have been created, even if a message was not sent. However, I can't for the life of me figure it out. I've hit a million dead ends. Does anyone know if this is even possible?
Perhaps a more specific question that would help me answer it is: is it possible to get an LYRConversation object of an existing conversation with just the user id of the other participant?
After going through their docs for hours I finally found this:
If you create a conversation the recipient won't see it until the first message is sent. If you want to be able to create a conversation without any messages, use the Platform API.
Source and link to information about the Platform API
Seems to me this should be better documented, but there it is. Hope this helps someone!

Creating tasks in Outlook to run automatically

I am trying to create an automatic task in Outlook 2010, but am having trouble doing so based on my lack of knowledge of Visual Basic, I believe.
I am trying to find a way that I can set perhaps a Macro in outlook to automatically create a calendar appointment when an email is recieved...
Everyday, I will recieve an automatically generated email from an automated system which includes my schedule for the following day. What I want to do is as soon as the email is received, I want Outlook to create an all-day appointment for the next day and add it to my calendar, including the excel spreadsheet (my schedule) which is attached to that same email.
Either for Outlook to strip the attachement away from the email and add it to the appointment, or for the entire email to become the appointment with the Excel sheet still attached.
I've had a browse around online, but cannot seem to find a solution for my problem.
If there is not a way to create the appointment for the next day, the date of the schedule is always included in the subject line (in the format DD/MM/YYYY) and as the email is generated automatically, all of the text in the subject and body remain the same; only the date is changed automatically per email and of course, the attachment too (however is always a spreadsheet in the format .xls).
The main reason that I am trying to do this is so that when I need to check my schedule, I can find it in my calendar, rather than having to trail through my emails to find it. This is especially more convenient when viewing from a mobile device. I know there are probably easier ways of simply finding the original email, but I'm hoping to be able to accomplish this way of working.
Currently, I do this manually by creating a new all-day appointment in my calendar each evening after I receive my schedule, then copy the excel spreadsheet from the email to the calendar appointment, add the subject line "Current Day Schedule", then save. This doesn't take particularly long, but to have it completed automatically would be amazing
Any assistance that anyone can provide would be incredible!
Without providing too much actual code (although I can edit my response from home later), here is what I would do:
Using Outlook's NewMail event, check the subject of the most recent message. In theory the "schedule email" is pretty standard and you can identify it based on its subject.
If the newest message is the schedule, then open the Appointments collection and create a new item.
Modify all of the properties to suit your needs, including adding an attachment.
All of this requires you have some VBA knowledge...which I'm not sure you have at your disposal or not.

SharePoint, notification email workflow

I was wondering if anyone could possibly help me with my SharePoint 2010 issue. I recently created a CRM System within SharePoint for my small business which utilizes a email notification workflow. The workflow is triggered when the 'Action Needed' field has a 'yes' value, this means that 2 days after the information is created or edited the workflow will notify the particular user that further action is needed.
Previous thread with image of the workflow
Now this is great if myself or other members of the team are only inputting a couple of items but I found out the hard way when i keyed in 20 or so items and received 20 individual emails which is irritating as you can imagine.
So on to my issue, I would like the email notifications to be grouped together in one email so it's more efficient and avoids the need for individual emails. So when one particular user creates or edits multiple records instead of separate email notifications I would like it all in one email. So is this possible while using SharePoint workflows? If it is possible and how would I go about expanding my current workflow to achieve this?
I have already asked this question in the dedicated SharePoint area to no prevail, I could really do with the help also if what I am asking is impossible then could someone at least say so.
Thanks very much to anyone who contributes and helps me with my problem.
If you are using SharePoint Designer , then this is not problem. This is because each workflow can access the data on which List Item the workflow is triggered.
However, this is definitely possible using a custom workflow or an event Receiver.

Difference between 2 meetings overlapping each other

I'm having this issue:
I'm using VBS to extract all meetings from our conference rooms.
Sometimes I get from the same room 2 meetings that overlap each other for a certain amount of time. But, outlook shows only one of them.
I've tried to check all the item.fields to see what seems to be the criteria by which a meeting is shown in shared calendar, or not, but all seems to be the same for both.
I would have uploaded my code here, but it is very long, about 350 code lines.
So, my question is, what property is used by outlook to show to other people in a shared calendar, a meeting, if it overlaps with another one?
I`ve found the answer.
Microsoft uses this model for recurrent appointments:
When a recurring event is created, the item.isRecurring is set to True.
then the colection occurrences is added to item, and reccuring pattern object.
If you delete or modify one or more occurrences, anther object is added to occurences, exception. All deleted, or modified occurrences can be found here.
the strange thing is that even if an occurence is deleted, you can still find it as active, and thus, overlaying with the appointments created afterwards.
The trick is to check all the way, even in exceptions, in order to be able to get same view as in Outlook.
if you need additional details, pm me.