CGAL 4.9 CGAL_HEADER_ONLY build - cgal

The following information comes from CGAL download page:
"The CGAL Open Source Project is pleased to announce the release 4.9
of CGAL, the Computational Geometry Algorithms Library."
I have established the variable CGAL_HEADER_ONLY to TRUE in the configuration step from NMAKE, then I have generated the projects for Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64. I have not build the libraries, as I understand it is not needed for a header-only use.
Now when I try to build my test application I get the following message:
LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'libCGAL-vc140-mt-4.9.lib'
There should not be need for .libs in a header only build mode.
Can anyone help? Thank you!


Problems with C++ video example: opencv_ffmpeg.dll "corrupt"

I was trying to run the video-demo sample application in the Affdex SDK, but ran into a linker error. In the in instruction page ( there is a point where it states:
"A dynamic library, opencv_ffmpeg.dll is required by VideoDetector". However, I could not find this .dll as part of either the SDK package or the github example code.
I downloaded the openCV version 3.1 which was mentioned as required dependency, but it did not have opencv_ffmpeg.dll either. It did have two files that seemed relevant : opencv_ffmpeg310.dll and opencv_ffmpeg310_64.dll. However, when I try to link the project with either of these files, I get the error:
Error LNK1107 invalid or corrupt file
So, I was just wondering what I'm doing wrong, and where could I find the correct opencv_ffmpeg.dll.
kind regards
A dynamic library, opencv_ffmpeg.dll is required by VideoDetector [c++] in runtime for the video decoding.
You can download the Affdex SDK 3.0 for Windows from the downloads page. Based on the architecture for which you downloaded the SDK for you can locate either opencv_ffmpeg248_64.dll at C:\Program Files\Affectiva\Affdex SDK\binor opencv_ffmpeg248.dll at C:\Program Files (x86)\Affectiva\Affdex SDK\bin.

WinObjC building project errors

I download the WinObjC files for GitHub and following all the steps. When I try to build the project, I have this problem (using Visual Studio Community 2015)
These are the two errors:
Severity Code Description Project File Line
Warning MSB3245 Could not resolve this reference. Could not locate the assembly "XamlCompositorCS". Check to make sure the assembly exists on disk. If this reference is required by your code, you may get compilation errors. WOCCatalog (WOCCatalog\WOCCatalog) C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\14.0\bin\Microsoft.Common.CurrentVersion.targets 1819
Severity Code Description Project File Line
Error LNK1181 cannot open input file 'OpenGLES.lib' WOCCatalog (WOCCatalog\WOCCatalog) D:\WinObjC-master\samples\WOCCatalog\WOCCatalog.vsimporter\WOCCatalog-WinStore10\LINK
How do I solve that?
Open included solution in WinObjC/build/build.sln
Select Build / Build Solution
You either need to download the prebuilt SDK (look under "Releases" in github) or, per the above comment:
Open included solution in WinObjC/build/build.sln
Select Build / Build Solution
1.Download the latest release version ...\WinObjC\build\build.sln
ps:If using virtual machine(Such as PD),make sure all files storing in Windows folder(such as c:\somewhere) instead of Mac folder (such as \\Mac\Home\Desktop)
3.vs 2015 update1 may alert installing wp8/8.1 tools.
4.Building your Solution( Select Build/Build Solution).

Building C# (Mono) Solution from GitHub with TeamCity on CentOS

I am trying to get TeamCity to do automated builds for me on CentOS, however if I create a runner type of 'MSBuild' I get the following error
Failed to start MSBuild.exe. Failed to find msbuild.exe at path: /usr/lib/mono/4.0/xbuild.exe
I tried a runner type of 'Visual Studio (sln)' setting Visual Studio to be 2012 and got the following error
No enabled compatible agents for this build configuration.
When I look at my Agent Requirements, I see:
Unmet requirements: DotNetFramework4.5_x86 exists
I honestly have no idea what could be wrong. Mono is up and running on this machine, as it is hosting a website built with Mono. Could somebody with a bit more experience let me know what I have done wrong please?
I have just tried creating a symbolic link of where xbuild actually lives to where TeamCity wants it.
ln -s /usr/bin/xbuild /usr/lib/mono/4.0/xbuild.exe
I now am getting the following error in the Build log, so I am thinking it doesn't like symbolic links.
[MSBuild output] Cannot open assembly '/usr/lib/mono/4.0/xbuild.exe': File does not contain a valid CIL image.
I was able to get around this by adding an environment variable to the file on the build agent. Once you find that file add something like this in the Environment Variables section:
I was doing this with ubuntu so that path might not be the same as what you were looking for.

Can't compile project - VB.Net - Fatal error BC2000 - Xamarin/MonoDevelop

Just downloaded Xamarin/MonoDevelop in order to create a VB.Net based cross-platform application.
However Xamarin keeps returning a fatal error when attempting to compile a default template.
File > New > Solution
VBNet > Gtk# 2.0 Project
Name solution
Click Play (Debug)
Error Fatal error BC2000 : compiler initialization failed unexpectedly: Project already has a reference to assembly System. A second reference to 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework.NETFramework\v4.0\System.dll' cannot be added. (Fatal error BC2000 ) (test111)
The above occurs if I click Play, Build, Run/Start Without Debugging, and Run/Start With Debugging.
The above does not occur with a C# Gtk# 2.0 project.
There is only one reference to System within the References folder in the Solution tree.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
It seems that you can work around this bug if you install Mono and set it as your runtime (Project / Active Runtime menu), then it will build and run successfully.

How to build yaml-cpp with CMake on Windows?

I can be a real dummy when it comes to following instructions sometimes, pardon me. I'm in a bit of a hurry to get YAML files working with my program. I have downloaded the YAML files from the official site, I have downloaded an installed the latest CMake. What do i do now? I don't understand DLL creation nor the issues that there seem to be.
When I open CMake I put in the path to the extracted yaml-cpp-0.2.7 folder with the yaml-cpp.pc.cmake file and I set up the build path. Is there anything else I should do here? I get this error:
CMake Error: CMake was unable to find a build program corresponding to ""Visual Studio 9 2008"". CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM is not set. You probably need to select a different build tool.
CMake Error: Could not find cmake module file:C:/path/yaml-cpp-0.2.7/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeCCompiler.cmake
CMake Error: Could not find cmake module file:C:/path/yaml-cpp-0.2.7/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeCXXCompiler.cmake
Also once i'm done with this what should I do next to be able to launch the example code from the site? Which configuration should I use to be able to launch the file on VS Express 2010? I'm stuck, I can't find answers anywhere.
I have made a mistake here, i tried to get the CMake file going on a computer which didn't have the IDE installed, i installed VC++ 2010 and it works now.
I loaded the yaml-cpp solution into VC++ 2010, bulit it, linked everything and it works fine now.