RFID protocol simulator - authentication

I am developing authentication protocol between RFID reader and tag. But i couldn't find a simulator for that. I came across OMNET++ and NS2. But don't know how to do. How to use these simulators ? Is there any other simple simulator for RFID system? Please share your knowledge. Thanks.


iPhone App Submission - Bluetooth BLE Enable

Can anyone tell me how apple handle submissions for bluetooth BLE enabled app. Actually, i have created a bluetooth iphone app which connects to third party device. And, I am not sure how apple is testing apps which connects to third party devices.
Object Lab has recently launched their first iOS app using iBeacon. It took them 3 attempts to get it approved. I would recommend you to create a video which demonstrates how your app works and send it to them.
Generally they ask for hardware as well but mostly it's not feasible for us to provide them with one. Object Lab had to send them instructions to setup hardware at their end and to test the app. THEY WILL NOT APPROVE UNLESS THEY KNOW ITS WORKING. So I would recommend to send a video and step by step instruction of how to setup hardware at their end to test it out.
My experience has been that a video demonstrating the use of the app while connected to your third party device is enough. Sending the device to them is not necessary (at least for all cases). I know there is another thread on stackoverflow.com concerning this very thing, but it's been months since I had found it and I can't find it now. Anyways, it has worked for me as well as acquaintances of mine who have an app on the store.

Serial Port Profile (SPP) communication on Mac OSX

I am looking for Bluetooth SPP communication between MAC OSX and bluetooth device.
I am able to discover bluetooth device. I could not find examples on SPP communication on Mac OSX.
I have the foll0wing resources with me
Could someone point me the examples or any pointers where I can start.
Is it advisable to use SPP. I did not find much info on this but I found some APIs for OBEX?
If we have to use SPP then where can I find links?
I found the following links useful
Bluetooth Example Code for Cocoa (Objective-C)
Examples hosted at the following link

need help for bluetooth framework on mac osx

i'm an iOs developer and I actually need to make a mac application that use bluetooth framework to connect to another device (not iOS device).
I'm actually showing a modal view showing the connected bluetooth device with IOBluetoothDeviceSelectorController and I get the user choice with [modal getResults] but I don't know how to initiate the connection with the selected device and I can't find a simple way to do it on the mac dev library.
is anyone know a tutorial or sample code that could help me advance in my project?
The Mac Developer Library has two sample Bluetooth projects; connecting to a health thermometer and connecting to a heart rate monitor. There is also video available of the Advanced Core Bluetooth WWDC 2012 session.

MAC IOS IPC: how to write P2P applications in MAC and IOS?

I'm looking for a way to communicate between a MAC application and an IOS one. Communication should be peer to peer, as IOS application shoul dbe able to send requests to MAC app and the other way around.
I'd be grateful for any hints you might have.
Apple Bonjour is the way to go:
Especially the sample project from the last link might be useful.

Easiest way to connect iPhone and Mac over WiFi with "server client" model

I am interested in creating a server application on the Mac and a client application on the iPhone. The iPhone would send commands to the Mac through this connection.
What's the easiest way to do this? I've seen NS/CFNetServices discussed here:
Ad Hoc Wifi Connection Between iPhone & Mac - Possible?
but I'm wondering if that's a little too complicated for what I'm trying to do. Is there a tutorial or example project that walks me through this? Better yet, is there something GameKit-like (in simplicity and functionality) for the Mac to enable this sort of pairing?
Thanks so much for your responses!