How to set sbt bin path in IntellIJ? - intellij-idea

I have a local sbt installed with a higher version. But the IntellIJ downloads a lower version of the sbt.
How/where can I update the path in the IntellIJ so that it takes up the newer version of sbt?

Have you tried the settings?
⇒ Build, Execution, Deployment
⇒ Build Tools
⇒ Launcher (sbt-launch.jar)
⇒ Custom

IntelliJ will use a built-in launcher which may be out of date, but the launcher automatically downloads a newer version of sbt if it is configured in your project's project/ file, adding a line like this:
You can also choose a custom launcher binary in the Preferences: Build, Execution, Deployment / Build Tools / SBT

Preferences | Build, Execution, Deployment | Build Tools | SBT |
Launcher (sbt-launch.sbt)
As shown below:


How to stop Intellij IDEA from adding gradlew after deleting?

I deleted gradle files like gradlew, wrapper etc except of the from the Intellij IDEA project.
But the IDEA keeps adding it back, how to prevent that? I don't want those files.
IDE creates it when you are using Gradle wrapper for project.
If you do not want to use Gradle wrapper, you can set the local Gradle distribution in Settings (Preferences on macOS) | Build, Execution, Deployment | Build Tools | Gradle | Use Gradle from option.

Can't find SBT-shell in IntelliJ IDEA

Facing some issue with the build, I deleted the project and .idea directories of my SBT project (containing submodules) followed by Invalidate Caches / Restart... (invalidated the cache too)
Ever since relaunch of IntelliJ, I can't locate the sbt shell
Interestingly, I'm still getting the sbt shell when I open my other projects (in which I didn't delete the project and .idea directories) in IntelliJ
I can confirm that I have the latest release of IntelliJ IDEA for MacOS with the Scala plugin installed
what fixed my problem was:
install scala plugin
file -> close project
instead of open, click new project, select scala with sbt option,
then next
select the same project as location.
hope it will save you time and energy
In Intellij 2018, under Preferences - Build, Execution, Deployment - Build Tools - sbt, check "Use sbt shell for build and import (requires sbt 0.13.5+)". Then restart Intellij. The sbt shell tool window tab will appear in the bottom pane (if not, select it from View - Tool Windows - sbt shell).
In my case, scala plugin needed to be updated and accordingly this caused sbt to disappear from build tools. Go to Settings --> Plugins --> Updates and make sure that scala plugin is updated. If it wasn't and you updated it, you should restart the IDE afterwards.
After that removing the .idea folder and reimporting the project was necessary for the project to build.
You can select
Window → Restore Default layout
Or press Shift + F12
This will restore your default window layout and the tab will be visible again (You can check this works by hiding the sbt tab by right clicking and selecting 'Remove From Sidebar').
Some windows such as Maven or Ant need to be brought back by
View → ToolWindows → [Window Name]
In my case I enabled the sbt shell going to "File - Settings - Build, Execution, Deployment - Build Tools - sbt " and after enabling here, you need to restart your intellij and then you can find sbt-shell here "view- Tool window - sbt shell"

I don't have sbt console in intellij

I have created my first Sbt project and I would like to open Sbt console. Perhaps I make a confusion on what is Sbt plugin. I have scala plugin so I suppose Sbt is embeded inside it since I have Sbt windows.
When I look inside View -> Tool Windows I don't see Sbt console but I see Sbt
Even In Sbt panel, I don't see it
In this blog
I find at section 2:
It’s now possible to build projects using SBT (instead of IntelliJ IDEA’s internal build system). As this option is still experimental, it should be manually enabled via Build / Execution / Deployment / Build Tools / SBT / Use SBT shell for build and import:
but I don't see Use SBT shell for build and import checkbox.
Do you have any idea?
You are running IntelliJ 2016.2. The integrated sbt shell and build by shell option is only available from 2017.1. I suggest you upgrade IntelliJ and the IntelliJ Scala plugin directly to 2017.3, where the options you are looking for are available.
You cannot access the sbt console from IntelliJ. For that you must run sbt in a terminal (even within IntelliJ), and once you’re inside the sbt shell type ‘console’ or ‘consoleQuick’ (runs the console without compiling the project you run it at).

How to share installed plugins in IntelliJ with team

I have a project I want to share with my team including IntelliJ setup. The project requires several IntelliJ plugins for convenient work. How can I share plugin setup with my team easily, so they don't need to install plugins one-by-one?
Use the Required Plugins setting (Preferences | Build, Execution, Deployment | Required Plugins). Here you can specify plugins required for your project. When the project is opened and a required plugin is not installed, a warning will show with a link to download the plugin.

IntelliJ Ant Build Window Missing

I've been working on a project in IntelliJ and now when I decided to add Ant support I realised that the Ant Build Window is missing. I have recently upgraded to Ubuntu 11.10 but I doubt it makes any difference. Is this a known bug?
I am using IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate 10.5 and it works just fine. Even without having build.xml file I can open that window by pressing Ctrl + Shift + A and searching for Ant Build.
If you are missing this option you probably don't have installed/enabled Ant support plugin. Check out File -> Settings -> Plugins.
Please check that Ant plug-in in enabled in Settings | Plugins.