Changing a string variable inside a FISH function to be used as an input into a FLAC analysis via a FLAC command - flac

I am creating an embankment dam model using FLAC and I am attempting to automate the material property input. There are 3 materials. I have a list of density variables defined in a previous FISH function as so: _d1 = 3.5, _d2=3.6, and _d3= 3.7. The number 1, 2, and 3, correspond to a different material within a FLAC model. I want to loop through the materials and the variables and input the appropriate density for each material.
I imagine it will involve looping through the materials and then making a string into a floating point variable somehow.
All I have so far is
;FLAC commands
ini ex_1=1 group='material 1'
ini ex_1=2 group='material 2'
ini ex_1=3 group='material 3'
def setup
numberof_mats = 3

Create a function that loops through each material, then through each zone, and when the material number you are looping through is equal to the zone you are looping through you can assign the variable by making a string variable that changes with the looped material number, to be used in the prop command via the rez_exe command. There is probably an easier way to do this, but:
def _assign
loop _n(1,numberof_mats)
loop i (1,izones)
loop j (1,jzones)
if ex_1(i,j)= _n
_d_string=string('_d')+string(_n) ;Creates str var that changes with _n loop
_d_float=parse(_d_string,1) ;converts string to a regular var, float here.
_aa=rez_exe('prop d=_d_float i _xx j _yy') ;_aa could be any variable


How to pass `keys_and_args` to redis-py' `eval` function, and on to lua script

I wish to pass a number of keys and values from python to a lua script, via redis's eval function which is documented as:
eval(script, numkeys, *keys_and_args)
Execute the Lua script, specifying the numkeys the script will touch and the key names and argument values in keys_and_args. Returns the result of the script.
In practice, use the object returned by register_script. This function exists purely for Redis API completion.
I am following this answer as a starting point. That script increment the scores of all values in the sorted set specified by 1. As I wish to specify the values to update (key names) and the increment count for each (argument values) my script looks like this:
-- some logging
local loglist = "lualog"
redis.pcall("DEL", loglist)
local function logit(msg)
redis.pcall("RPUSH", loglist, msg)
-- count & log the keys provided
local countofkeys = table.getn(KEYS)
-- loop through each key and increment
for n = 1, countofkeys do"zincrby", "test_set", ARGV[n], KEYS[n])
I can run this from the command line with:
$ redis-cli --eval script.lua apple orange , 1 1
Then in Python confirm that the values have incremented:
>>> r.zrange('test_set', start = 0, end = -1, withscores=True)
[(b'apple', 1.0), (b'orange', 1.0)]
However I don't know how to run this using eval:
>>> c.eval(script,1,{'orange':1,'apple':1})
redis.exceptions.DataError: Invalid input of type: 'dict'. Convert to a byte, string or number first.
>>> c.eval(script,2,'apple orange , 1 1')
redis.exceptions.ResponseError: Number of keys can't be greater than number of args
>>> c.eval(script,1,'apple orange , 1 1')
redis.exceptions.ResponseError: Error running script (call to f_aaecafd58b474f08bafa5d4fefe9db98a58b4084): #user_script:21:
#user_script: 21: Lua redis() command arguments must be strings or integers
The documentation isn't too clear on what keys_and_args should look like. Also at the comand line numkeys isn't actually required by the looks of things. Does anyone know what this should look like?
Bonus question: How to avoid hard coding "test_set" into the lua script.
*keys_and_args should be an iterable (e.g. a list) - the use of an asterisk as a prefix to the argument's name is the Pythonic way of saying that.
Bonus tip: look into redis-py Script helper.
Bonus answer: Any key names touched by the script need to be provided via the KEYS table. Your script is doing it all wrong - read the documentation about EVAL.
Also at the comand line numkeys isn't actually required by the looks of things
This is only with the cli when used in that fashion - the comma (',') delimits between key names and arguments.
The first argument in the documentation is numkeys and the rest of the arguments are termed as *keys_and_args. The way to provide arguments is similar to argc and argv. So you would do something like this:
redis.eval(lua_script, 1, "BUCKET_SIZE", total_bucket_size, refill_size)
The numkeys will specify that the first argument should be considered as a key and the following as args. The 1 specifies the number of keys present in your *keys_and_args array.
eval() receives 3 parameters or to make it easy to understand "4" parameters
script: string
number_of_keys: integer
key_list: unpacked iterable key objects, for example, *{1, 2, 3} => 1, 2, 3
We have 3 keys, so number_of_keys should be 3
argument_list: unpacked iterable argument objects, for example, *{'one', 'two', 'three'} => 'one', 'two', 'three'
If we want to access 2nd element of the key list, use KEYS[2] in the LUA script.
If we want to access the 1st element of the argument list, user ARGV[1].
To return a list of KEYS[2] and ARGV[1]:
cache.eval('return {KEYS[2], ARGV[1]}', 3, 1, 2, 3, 'one', 'two', 'three')
So, now if we are back with 3 parameters, the last one should be *keys_and_arguments: unpacked iterable keys and arguments.

non-advancing WRITE...but not intentionally?

I have a brief snippet of code from a Fortran 95 program that should, in theory, spit out my results into some text files. It would be convenient, for readability if nothing else, for the data to be written in columns (so, one column for variable X, one for Y, etc.). In the first set of WRITE commands below (i.e., those associated with the first OPEN command), the idea is to have a text identifier for the user to read, followed by a numeric value. In the second write command, I just dump out four columns of data, each specific to a given variable.
do i=1,1
write(10,'(a12,f5.4)') 'Min. sigma: ',sigma_low
end do
do i=1,1
write(10,'(a12,f5.4)') 'Max. sigma: ',sigma_high
end do
write(10,'(a11,f5.4)') 'Sigma inc: ',0.005
write(10,*) '# of sigmas: ',ii
write(10,'(a9,f5.1)') 'Min. DL: ',dl_low
write(10,'(a9,f5.1)') 'Max. DL: ',dl_high
write(10,*) 'DL inc: ',1
write(10,*) '# of DLs: ',i
write(10,*) 'Total rows: ',(i*ii)
do i=1,dls
do ii=1,sigmas
write(10,*) gtow_out(i,ii),ctsig_out(i,ii),sigout(i,ii),dlout(i,ii)
end do
end do
However, what happens on the output side is this: the latter WRITE does exactly what I'd expect and spits out the data in column form...but the former insists on writing everything to the same row. At least when I open things in Notepad. If I use GVIM, it looks as it should.
Why does the first set of WRITE commands write to the same row, and how can I force it to insert a line break after each command instead? Alternatively, is Notepad just showing me something that isn't really there?

Find and Replace an operation in Verilog using Yosys

I am trying to see if Yosys fits my requirements or no.
What i want to do is to find an operation in Verilog code (e.g. temp = 16*val1 + 8*val2 ) and replace this with another op like ( temp = val1 << 4 + val2 << 3 ).
Which parts i need to learn & use from Yosys? if anyone knows the set of command to use, can he/she please let me know to boost my learning curve ?
For example consider the following verilog input (test.v):
module test(input [7:0] val1, val2, output [7:0] temp);
assign temp = 16*val1 + 8*val2;
The command yosys -p 'prep; opt -full; show' test.v will produce the following circuit diagram:
And the output written to the console contains this:
3.1. Executing OPT_EXPR pass (perform const folding).
Replacing multiply-by-16 cell `$mul$test.v:2$1' in module `\test' with shift-by-4.
Replacing multiply-by-8 cell `$mul$test.v:2$2' in module `\test' with shift-by-3.
Replacing $shl cell `$mul$test.v:2$1' (B=3'100, SHR=-4) in module `test' with fixed wiring: { \val1 [3:0] 4'0000 }
Replacing $shl cell `$mul$test.v:2$2' (B=2'11, SHR=-3) in module `test' with fixed wiring: { \val2 [4:0] 3'000 }
The two lines reading Replacing multiply-by-* cell are the transformation you mentioned. The two lines after that replace the constant shift operations with wiring, using {val1[3:0], 4'b0000} and {val2[4:0], 3'b000} as inputs for the adder.
This is done in the opt_expr pass. See passes/opt/ for its source code to see how it's done.

IDL batch processing: fully automatic input selection

I need to process MODIS ocean level 2 data and I obtained an external plugin for ENVI Now, I want to batch process hundreds of images for which I modified the code like the following code. The code is running fine, but I have to select the input file every time. Can anyone please help me to make the program fully automatic? I really appreciate and thanks a lot for your help!
Pro OCL2convert
dir = 'C:\MODIS\'
CD, dir
; batch processing of level 2 ocean chlorophyll data
files=file_search('*.L2_LAC_OC.x.hdf', count=numfiles)
; this command will search for all files in the directory which end with
; the specified one
; this is a counter that tells IDL which file is being read-starts at 0
While (counter LT numfiles) Do begin
; this command tells IDL to start a loop and to only finish when the counter
; is equal to the number of files with the name specified
openr, 1, name
proj = envi_proj_create(/utm, zone=40, datum='WGS-84')
ps = [1000.0d,1000.0d]
no_bowtie = 0 ;same as not setting the keyword
no_msg = 1 ;same as setting the keyword
;0 -> standard product only
;1 -> georeferenced product only
;2 -> standard and georeferenced products
output_choice = 2
;r_fid -> ENVI FID for the standard product, if requested
;georef_fid -> ENVI FID for the georeferenced product, if requested
convert_oc_l2_data, fname=fname, output_path=output_path, $
proj=proj, ps=ps, output_choice=output_choice, r_fid=r_fid, $
georef_fid=georef_fid, no_bowtie=no_bowtie, no_msg=no_msg
close, 1
Not knowing what convert_oc_l2_data does (it appears to be a program you created, there is no public documentation for it), I would say that the problem might be that the out_path variable is not defined in the rest of your program.

Why doesn't io:write() write to the output file?

I'm writing a short script in Lua to replicate Search/Replace functionality. The goal is to enter a search term and a replacement term, and it will comb through all the files of a given extension (not input-determined yet) and replace the Search term with the Replacement term.
Everything seems to do what it's supposed to, except the files are not actually written to. My Lua interpreter (compiled by myself in Pelles-C) does not throw any errors or exit abnormally; the script completes as if it worked.
At first I didn't have i:flush(), but I added it after reading that it is supposed to save any written data to the file (see LUA docs). It didn't change anything, and files are still not written to.
I think it might have something to do with how I'm opening the file to edit it, since the "w" option works (but overwrites everything in my test files).
io.write("Enter your search term:")
term =
io.write("Enter your replace term:")
replacement =
t = {}
for z in io.popen('dir /b /a-d'):lines() do
if string.match(string.lower(z), "%.txt$") then
table.insert(t, z)
print("Second loop")
for _, w in pairs(t) do
i =, "r+")
--i:seek("set", 6)
for y in i:lines() do
p, count = string.gsub(y, term, replacement, 1)
This is the output I get (which is what I want to happen), but in reality isn't being written to the file:
There was one time where it wrote output to a file, but it only output to one file and after that write my script crashed with the message: No error. The line number was at the for y in i:lines() do line, but I don't know why it broke there. I've noticed file:lines() will break if the file itself has nothing in it and give an odd/gibberish error, but there are things in my text files.
I tried do this in my for loop:
for y in i:lines() do
p, count = string.gsub(y, term, replacement, 1)
i:seek("set", 3) --New
i:write("TESTESTTEST") --New
in order to see if I could force it to write regular text. It does but then it crashes with No error and still doesn't write the replacement string (just TESTESTTEST). I don't know what the problem could be.
I guess, one can't write to file while traversing its lines
for y in i:lines() do