Can we get data for various activity user is doing like running, walking, swiming, Bicycling etc? - jawbone

Copied from the old forum:
In data I want to have
Calories Burnt

You can use the Workouts endpoint to retrieve this information for many different kinds of user activities.
Refer to that documentation to see the list of available workout types, and all four of those pieces of data (and more) are available for each workout.


Lists the most viewed pages Wikimedia projects (Wikipedia) with more than 1000 results

I have seen that there are various APIs and various tools that allow you to see the most visited pages of the Wikimedia projects such as Wikipedia, but all these services have a limit, they do not allow to show more than 1000 pages, while I would like to have the list of 5000-10000(or more) most visited pages in order of traffic.
these are all the services that I checked and with which I found this limit:|table|last-month|~total|monthly
I have also found services like or where you can run a query, technically perhaps through this service you could but I don't know the query to be performed to show the pages with most visits.
I also found an interesting article here: where it is explained that it is possible to use Google's BigQuery but it is an external service and before using it I wanted to know if it existed a simpler method.
If the REST API doesn't suit your purpose, you'd need to parse the raw data yourself. That's because all the tools you've linked just consume the REST API.
The raw data are available at There are two groups of files there. One starts with pageviews-, which lists the number of views of individual pages, the second starts with projectviews-, which lists the number of views of individual projects.
For your target, you need the pageviews ones. Download the files for your timespan, and then analyze them using a script.
The file is space-separated. Each row represents one page that was visited in that hour. First column represents the project (en is English Wikipedia, for instance), second is the page title (spaces are represented by underscores) and then there are total pageviews.
The technical documentation is available at

In magento 2, zip code text box to search the store available or not

I am new to Magento.
I want a text box where i can type the zip code and if the store available in that location then i need to show the products of that particular store otherwise we need to show that "the store is not available in particular location".
The following is the example site. i want it as it is.
this site prompts for users zip location .after it will display stores of that particular.
Click on this link to see the working example
how do i do this . Do i need to install a module ?
Follow Some Steps:
You need an entity 'store' that is bound to a geo location.
You need to create a multi select attribute which values are located (using a
source model) with these stores. This way, you can attach a single product to
multiple stores (one to many relation)
Then you need some sort of external API to convert a postcode entered by the
customer to a geo location. I assume the Google Maps API can do this. It would
be best to handle this server side.
Then you need the math to calculate the distance between 2 geo locations in
your database query (probably enough to find on that subject on Google) and
filter your product collection on that.
Once you have the collection you have the power.
The external API will probably have a request threshold so you might have to
pay for that (depending on the traffic).
You need to determine the radius of maximum distance between 2 geo locations.
In a small country like the Netherlands stores could be a couple of km's apart
from each other, whilst in the United States it's not uncommon to have stores
tens or hundreds of km's from each other.
**Best Of Luck For Your Project**

How to get number of Instagram followers on a specified date like does?

From the picture, you can see how followers statistics looks on
The only way how I imagine I would count the followers change: I would download the list of all he followers every day by the Instagram API to my DB. And after having this history already can calculate any change.
But on you can have such a graphics after few minutes after registration... How???
They are probably storing this information on a daily basis and hence are able to keep a historical trend.
If you go to the website, they mention at the bottom that they have collected data for close to 198 million accounts. I guess you were one of those.
You don't need to get the list of all followers just to show the absolute change in the numbers. The Instagram API gives that directly when you query any of the endpoints giving user information.
I know how it works at
Smartmetrics collects information about all followers of tracked accounts and build history based on this data. So if you followed someone who is already tracked, you can get history for your account.
But minter makes fake linear graph according to some tests: How to Get Historical Data from Instagram API
Crowdbabble and Minter re-use Twitter tokens, which allows them to collect data on millions of accounts. This gives you the historical data that you want -- change in followers over time. As an individual, you aren't able to access the Twitter API and aggregate data like that for storage as easily. You don't have thousands of people giving you tokens that you can then scrape and store on a regular basis.
Crowdbabble has a free 14 day trial with no payment info required. If you don't want in-depth analytics, Twittercounter will give you your follower numbers over the past 30 days -- you can view each day separately.

Filtering Foursquare Venue Results

I am currently evaluating several different APIs in order to get venue information. A key component of any provider is the ability to not just return all venues nearby but tailor the list based on previously entered user preferences.
Foursquare does not allow 'munging' their venue data with other data, like Google's places to create an aggregated service. But can I take Foursquare's venues for a given area, apply some filtering based on user preferences and recommendation engine techniques, and present a modified, personalized version of their information? Do they frown on only using their venue info as a jumping off point, even if attribution on the final results is given?
This customization would be above and beyond using retailer categories, something that can be included in the facebook request. Asking because other services require results presented exactly as returned from the API, including ads.
First, check out the policies at
We welcome you to use foursquare as your location database. You can associate additional content with our venue data in your system, but you may not combine our database with another database or export it on your own.
I think that they even encourage you to manipulate the data and create creative solutions with it, as long as you do not break their ground rule of not merging it with another database (see the full text at the link).
The API even lets you filter the results according to your needs with the categoryId and intent parameters. For example in our app, we filter out places that have less than 2 unique people checked in, because we assume its faked places.. we do other filtering on the result set as well, but we display only data from from foursquare venues database, and we attribute.

FaceBook Graph API

When I use FaceBook API for retrieving posts information, I found that the returned information are changing all the time.
for e.g., when I retrieved information 2 times with 1mins interval, one record appears in the 1st time, and disapeared in the 2nd time.
Does anyone know what happen?
Searches of large datasets are (in general) nondeterministic.