Revolution slider is inserting a back-ground image url as undefinded causing me an issue - revolution-slider

This occurs when it renders the bullets -
This is the HTML it is inserting the class="tp-bullet-image" with a style="background-image: url("undefined")
I searched through the .js files and the .css files and can't find the style or where it is coming from.
Seems to keep the slider from auto sliding - I can't find where this style is coming from.
Thanks, Geoff

To elaborate on Geoff's response to his own question, the tmp key must be added to the bullets associative array:
navigation: {
bullets: {
enable: true,
style: 'custom',
tmp: '',
See the Slider Revolution Documentation > Navigation Syntax > Bullets. Note: The style key can be set as desired (not necessarily custom).


How to fix navbar overlap on dropdown items with a vuepress site

There's always an overlap with Navbar dropdown when more than one is clicked. It focuses and takes a few minutes to clear this becomes a problem because it causes clutter.
The configuration for this in the Vuepress docs is just to add navbar items and ariaLabel any know how I can stop this behaviour.
themeConfig: {
nav: [
text: 'Languages',
ariaLabel: 'Language Menu',
items: [
{ text: 'Chinese', link: '/language/chinese/' },
{ text: 'Japanese', link: '/language/japanese/' }
Here's an example
To answer your question one would need to address two distinct issues:
how do I run custom JavaSCript in VuePress?
how do I close any previously open dropdowns on click in my current VuePress theme, using JavaScript?
For the first problem there are several solutions (one of them being by using a custom component with code run in its mounted() hook, but this would require you to include that component in every page and make sure it doesn't run more than one time (since you want to bind events to elements).
I believe the cleanest way would be by adding a <script> to <head> which can be achieved by adding this to the head prop of your .vuepress/config.js export:
head: [
// ...existing stuff, if any,
['script', {}, `
(function() {
// your code here...
However, there are a few problems with the above solution. Firstly, it's going to be run as soon as it's parsed, and that's inside the <head> tag. Which means none of the contents of your page are rendered yet. And the second problem is you're in a template literal. You don't really want to be writing JavaScript code in a template literal. Ideally you should be able to put your code in a '.js' file and append it as a <script> tag.
In order to do that, you need to create a .vuepress/public/ folder, if you don't already have one. Place your .js file in there (I used test.js but feel free to name it as you like). Modify the above code to:
['script', {}, `
(function() {
var s = document.createElement('script');
s.src = './test.js';
var h = document.querySelector('head');
Change ./test.js to your file's name.
Now your file has clean JavaScript and the door is open. Your code executes in the window object context.
To answer the second part of your question, well..., it largely depends on the theme you are using. If you're using the default theme (which seems to be the case, from the SS you posted), this should work, if placed inside your .js file:
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', fixDropDowns);
function fixDropDowns() {
document.body.addEventListener('click', (ev) => {
const header = document.querySelector('header');
if (header) {
const dds = header.querySelectorAll('.dropdown-wrapper');
[].forEach(el => el.classList.remove('open'));
const curr ='.dropdown-wrapper');
if (curr) {
But it's based on a close inspection of the generated markup.
Specifically on the fact the dropdowns have a class of .dropdown-wrapper and that they're opened by toggling class open on them. The above is just an example and will likely not work on other themes and might even stop working on the default theme in some future version.

Object reactivity of complex object

I have an issue with complex object reactivity.
I've read everything I can on stack to find a way to solve it, but nothing works. I've looked at object reactvity and array caveats on vuejs, but not working either.
So I'm asking some help please.
Let me explain the project:
I have 2 columns :
- on the left side, I CRUD my content
- on the right side, I display the results
I have my object, and I'm adding new elements on its "blocks" property (text, images, etc...)
"uid": 1573224607087,
"animation": "animationName",
"background": {
"bckColor": "#ff55ee",
"blocks": []
On click event, I add a new element via this method. Everything is ok, I can CRUD a block.
addBloc(el) {
if (el.type == "text") {
const datasA = {
type: "text",
slideId: this.pagination.currentPage,
content: el.content,
css: {
color: "#373737",
this.$bus.$emit("newElement", datasA);
To modify the order of my elements on the display side, I added a drag and drop module to move my block on my DOM tree. Smooth dnd
The problem is, when I drang&drop my element, my object is updated correctly, but the DOM isn't. The dragged element goes back to its initial position.
What is strange, when I try to modify my block (the one I dragged), it modifies the other one.
I'me adding a small video, so you can see what's happening.
Small animation to show you what's going on
I add some more explainations.
I use event bus to communicate between my components, and the right side is using its own object!
I don't know how I can solve this issue.
Tell me if you need more information.
Thank you all !
EDIT 1 :
I added an id to each block to see what happens when I start Drag&Drop. ==> blocks are moving correctly. The problem is not coming from the method onDrop() but from my nested components if I understand well. They don't update. I'm going to search for this new issue.
I've added a new gif to show what's going on.
This is the nested structure
TheSidebar.vue => top container
:get-child-payload="itemIndex => getChildPayload(i, itemIndex)"
v-show="pagination.currentPage === i"
v-for="(input, index) in slides[i].blocks"
blockId #{{input.uid}}
v-if="input.type == 'text'"
Then I have my AppContainer.vue file, which is a top level. In this I have the specific elements of each input type
And I have AppElement.vue file, which is common elements, I can use everywhere
Something like this
Know I don't know yet, how to force vue to update AppContainer.vue and AppElement.vue
EDIT 2 :
As suggested in this article I've changed the key of the component and now , when I drag and drop my elements, they stay where they are dropped.
What I see also, is that the AppElement inputs, are related to their own AppContainer. So everything is ok now, but I don't know if it is best practices.
The issue appears to be that the Smooth dnd library you are using is not updating the array of blocks that you are passing to it, it is likely making a copy of the array internally. So when you change the position of the blocks by dragging and dropping, you are not changing your blocks array, just the internal copy.
Looking at the Smooth dnd documentation, if you wanted to access the modified array you could try using the drag-end event handler:
onDragEnd (dragResult) {
const { isSource, payload, willAcceptDrop } = dragResult

How to set height to mui-datatable with responsive="scroll"

I need to have fixed table body height to firstly show up on my whole page nicely and secondly to not change height when I choose filters and filter tags are added to header.
I have real trouble finding solution. My best guess I should overwrite MUIDataTable.responsiveScroll class but it does nothing when I change minHeight:'80vh' for exmple.
Yes, you need to override the MUIDataTable.responsiveScroll. This is what I did for expanding to full size of page
overrides: {
MUIDataTable: {
responsiveScroll: {
maxHeight: 'none',
You can add other styles there if you want a minimum height.

Set a default UI across all components in Sencha Touch

Within Sencha Touch, is it possible to define a default UI , like "light" or "dark", that applies to all components (unless overwritten explicitly)?
The aim is to avoid having to declare ui: "dark", or any custom UI that is made, for every element.
You can try this:
Ext.apply(Ext.Component.prototype, {
getUi: function() {
var defaultUi = 'light';
// value of [this.config.ui] is ignored here
// we can use something like forcedUi
return (this.forcedUi) ? this.forcedUi : defaultUi;
The disadvantage of this code is that we need to specify another variable for applying ui different from 'light' (because variable 'ui' via getUi() will always return 'light'):
items: [{
xtype: 'button',
forcedUi: 'dark'
I am stuck on Touch 1.1 so sunsay's solution didn't work for me, but this did:
Ext.CustomToolbar = Ext.extend(Ext.Toolbar,
Ext.reg('toolbar', Ext.CustomToolbar);
So, it's still component-by-component-type, but not component-by-component-instance. And since you can overwrite the "reg", no need for custom x-types all over the place, either.
I assume that you know about sencha touch styles and themes. Otherwise you can download a pdf file from this link which clearly describes about how to do it...
In it they are mentioning about scss file where you can specify the base-color, ie
$base-color: #4bb8f0 ;
$base-gradient: 'glossy';
Then run it ... you can see the toolbars and buttons created with the color and gradient you have mentioned.

Resorting ISOtope elements after Search

I'm developing a new Hall of Fame for the Wisconsin Badgers. My beta version is viewable at
My question is, when the search feature is used how do I bring the visible elements to the top. It show the correct elements and uses display:none to hide the others. However it does not re-position the elements after the search and the display:none elements still take up space.
It has to do with the "-webkit-transform" style that isotope uses. How do I go about changing this or is there a better way to search using isotope?
I am using for the search as I could not think of a way to do it with isotope alone.
I would use quicksearch's show and hide options to add appropriate classes that can be used for filtering by Isotope
$('input#id_search').quicksearch('div.member', {
show: function () {
hide: function() {
onAfter: function() {
$container.isotope({ filter: 'quicksearch-visible'});