How to insert table1 filed to another table2 with same table2.filed - sql

MS SQL- 2014
I have table as temp (time, name) and Name (name)
In Name table we have data as (Ram, Shyam).
I want to insert data as Insert Into temp (time, name) Values (10:30, 'Ram') , (10:30, 'Shyam' );
But Want to automate to insert data on temp table as Insert should take time as current time and insert all the row from Name table.
Does it possible using SQL query?

You can insert values from Name table as below
INSERT INTO temp (time, name) SELECT GETDATE(), Name from Name


how to insert values in table when it is null then insert date1 and table is not null then insert date2

I have a procedure and I want to write two insert statements 1st statement will insert values in the table for a date if table is NULL and 2nd statement will insert values for another date if table is not null.

Insert multiple records in Oracle Database

As i understood ,Multiple rows insertion not allowed in Oracle Database.
Please confirm me if any other alternatives for inserting multiple records into oracle DB with above format.
Oracle only allows one row to be inserted at a time. So use two inserts:
VALUES (1, 'ok1');
VALUES (2, 'ok2');
Or use INSERT . . . SELECT:

Referencing inserted ID in multiple insert transactions in Postgres

I need to build a SQL query that must be able to insert data in a first table, grab the inserted ID and then use it as foreign key in the following tables.
WITH inserted AS (
INSERT INTO firstTable (name) VALUES ('somename') RETURNING id
SELECT * FROM inserted; -- this has the inserted id
INSERT INTO secondTable (name, foreign_id) VALUES ('someexternalname', ???)
So how do I reference the id in inserted in the secondTable insert?
You have completed this 80% percent, the complete SQL is:
with inserted as (
insert into first_table(name) values ('somename') returning id
insert into second_table(name, foreign_id) select 'someexternalname',id from inserted
You can do this:
WITH inserted AS (
INSERT INTO firstTable (name) VALUES ('somename') RETURNING id
INSERT INTO secondTable (name, foreign_id)
FROM inserted;
You can try this:
INSERT INTO secondTable (name, foreign_id) VALUES ('someexternalname', (SELECT
MAX (id) FROM firstTable))

INSERT fails with ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL

I am working with ORACLE SQL Developer and I created a table with an id as PK, another FK, id_columnx and a column1 and inserted data into them. Then I added another 2 columns, column 2 and column 3 and when I try to insert data into these new added columns, I get the error:
ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL.
I have to mention that I don't have any triggers on the table and i DO have values in the INSERT statement. There seems to be a conflict with the PK id, but I don't understand why.
So here is the code:
create table mytable(id INT PRIMARY KEY, name varchar2(30));
insert into mytable values (1, 'Mary');
insert into mytable values (2, 'John');
insert into mytable values (3, 'Bill');
alter table mytable
add email VARCHAR2(30);
alter table mytable
add addess VARCHAR2(30);
insert into mytable (email, addess)
values ('', 'Street X');
And here is the error I get:
Error starting at line : 12 in command -
insert into mytable (email, addess)
values ('', 'Street X')
Error report -
ORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("ZAMFIRESCUA_49"."MYTABLE"."ID")
INSERT is for inserting new rows, UPDATE is for altering data in the current rows. As mentioned in the comments, it looks like you want to be updating Mary's row with her email/address:
UPDATE mytable
SET email = '',
address = 'Street X'
WHERE ID = 1 --Mary's ID for example, replace with the ID of the row you want to update
You could also use a subquery to find the right ID so you don't have to always look it up:
UPDATE mytable
SET email = '',
address = 'Street X'
WHERE ID = (SELECT ID FROM mytable WHERE name = 'Mary')
I was thinking there were two tables while writing this answer, you could always just use the name field as your filter:
UPDATE mytable
SET email = '',
address = 'Street X'
WHERE name = 'Mary'
You're missing a PK value in your last INSERT after the ALTER statements. Try this:
create table mytable(id INT PRIMARY KEY, name varchar2(30));
insert into mytable values (1, 'Mary');
insert into mytable values (2, 'John');
insert into mytable values (3, 'Bill');
alter table mytable add email VARCHAR2(30);
alter table mytable add addess VARCHAR2(30);
insert into mytable (id, email, addess) values (4, '', 'Street X');

SQL Server 2008 Before Insert Trigger

I have the following Query:
Insert into tblTest (ID, Name, Age) VALUES (1, 'TestName', 20);
In my trigger I want to check - if the query's ID is equal to 1, send another query:
Insert into tblTest (ID, Name, Age) VALUES (2, 'TestName', 21);
Else, dont do anything.
The problem is, I dont know how to keep the parameters as is and just change the age, so basically I want to send the SAME query, and change a certain parameter (in this case, its the age parameter).
The rows about to be inserted can be found in the special inserted table. Here's an example:
if object_id('tblTest') is not null
drop table tblTest
create table tblTest (id int, name varchar(50), age int)
create trigger trg_tblTest_BeforeInsert
on tblTest
after insert
as begin
insert tblTest
select id + 1
, name
, age + 1
from inserted
where id = 1 -- Only for rows with id=1
insert tblTest (id, name, age) values (1, 'TestName', 20)
select * from dbo.tblTest
This prints:
id name age
1 TestName 20
2 TestName 21