How do I change/set the ContentType of a detached signature with MimeKit? - mimekit

When signing emails using MimeKit, the ContentType is set to application/pkcs7-signature.
Our third party provider requires that the ContentType be set to application/x-pkcs7-signature.
Is there an easy way to change/set this ContentType when signing the email using a detached signature with MimeKit?

While the ContentType object is readonly, the MediaSubtype property is not.
So using the following, I'm able to add the x- prefix that we require.
var part = SourceEmail.BodyParts.First(x => x.ContentType.MediaSubtype == "pkcs7-signature");
part.ContentType.MediaSubtype = "x-pkcs7-signature";
I also updated the overall Content-Type for the message.
var header = SourceEmail.Body.ContentType.Parameters.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == "protocol" && x.Value == "application/pkcs7-signature");
header.Value = "application/x-pkcs7-signature";
Omitted error checking for clarity.


How do I set http headers in Adobe Illustrator ExtendScript when using the BridgeTalk HttpConnection object?

I am trying to make http post requests from within Illustrator ExtendScript (via BridgeTalk) and for the most part it is working. However, the documentation on using HttpConnection is non-existent and I am trying to figure out how to set http-headers. The HttpConnection object has both a requestheaders and responseheaders property so I suspect it is possible.
By default, the post requests are being sent with the Content-Type header "text/html", and I would like to override it so that I can use either "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" or "multipart/form-data".
Here is what I have so far:
var http = function (callback) {
var bt = new BridgeTalk(); = 'bridge' ;
var s = '';
s += "if ( !ExternalObject.webaccesslib ) {\n";
s += " ExternalObject.webaccesslib = new ExternalObject('lib:webaccesslib');\n";
s += "}\n";
s += "var html = '';\n";
s += "var http = new HttpConnection('');\n";
s += "http.method = 'POST';\n";
s += "http.requestheaders = 'Content-Type, application/x-www-form-urlencoded'\n";
s += "http.request = 'abc=123&def=456';\n";
s += "var c=0,t='';for(var i in http){t+=(i+':'+http[i]+'***');c++;}t='BEFORE('+c+'):'+t;alert(t);\n"; // Debug: to see what properties and values exist on the http object
s += "http.response = html;\n";
s += "http.execute() ;\n";
s += "http.response;\n";
s += "var t='AFTER:';for(var i in http){t+=(i+':'+http[i]+'***');}alert(t);\n"; // Debug: to see what properties and values have been set after executing
bt.body = s;
bt.onResult = function (evt) {
bt.onError = function (evt) {
Things to note:
If I try setting the requestheaders properties like in my code above, the request fails. If I comment it out, the request succeeds. The default value for requestheaders is undefined.
Examining the http object after a successful request, shows the reponseheaders properties to be set to: "Connection, keep-alive,Content-Length, 2,Content-Type, text/html; charset=utf-8,Date, Wed, 24 Jun 2015 09:45:40 GMT,Server, gunicorn/18.0,Sponsored-By,,Via, 1.1 vegur". Before the request executes, the responseheaders is set to undefined.
If anyone could help me set the request headers (in particular the Content-Type header), I would be eternally grateful!
Solved it!
The key for setting the content-type header is to set the http.mime property as follows:
s += "http.mime = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';\n";
Also for completeness, you can add your own custom headers as follows:
s += "http.requestheaders = ['My-Sample-Header', 'some-value'];\n";
(It turns out the headers is an array which takes the format [key1, value1, key2, value2, .......])

Creating a private/public key with 64 characters that are already known using bitcoinjs

So I'm trying to create a private/public key from 64 characters that I already know using bitcoinjs with the code below:
key = Bitcoin.ECKey.makeRandom();
// Print your private key (in WIF format)
// => Kxr9tQED9H44gCmp6HAdmemAzU3n84H3dGkuWTKvE23JgHMW8gct
// Print your public key (toString defaults to a Bitcoin address)
// => 14bZ7YWde4KdRb5YN7GYkToz3EHVCvRxkF
If I try to set "key" to my 64 characters instead of "Bitcoin.ECKey.makeRandom();" it fails. Is there a method or library that I overlooked that would allow me to use the known 64 characters in order to generate the private key in wif format and the public address?
Thanks in advance to anyone that may be able to offer some help.
You should use fromWIF method to pass your own data.
from source code of eckey.js
// Static constructors
ECKey.fromWIF = function(string) {
var payload = base58check.decode(string)
var compressed = false
// Ignore the version byte
payload = payload.slice(1)
if (payload.length === 33) {
assert.strictEqual(payload[32], 0x01, 'Invalid compression flag')
// Truncate the compression flag
payload = payload.slice(0, -1)
compressed = true
To create WIF from your key please follow
Here is interactive tool
The solution to generate private and public key:
var address = eckey.getBitcoinAddress().toString();
var privateKeyBytesCompressed = privateKeyBytes.slice(0);
var privateKeyWIFCompressed = new Bitcoin.Address(privateKeyBytesCompressed);
privateKeyWIFCompressed.version = 0x80;
privateKeyWIFCompressed = privateKeyWIFCompressed.toString();
Take a look at for beautifully designed paperwallets.

Issue with BTC-e API in App Script, method parameter

I am trying to incorporate the API in to a google docs spreadsheet.
The API documentation is here:
The method name is sent via POST parameter method.
As the URLFetchApp requires me to set the type of request as POST by a parameter method and I then have another parameter called method to be set as getInfo.
How can I go about setting the fetch method as POST and have the API parameter method as getInfo.
Below is the function this relates too. Also I am sure there a more issues in my work I am yet to find.
function inventory() {
var nonce=Number(SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange('K2').getValue());
var token=SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet().getRange('K1').getValue();
var tokenEndpoint = "";
var sign= 'TEMP'
var head = {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
'Key': token,
'Sign': sign
var params = {
method : "POST",
method : "getInfo",
headers: head,
contentType: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
method : "getInfo",
nonce: nonce
var request = UrlFetchApp.getRequest(tokenEndpoint, params);
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(tokenEndpoint, params);
var response2=String(response);
This just yields the error
Attribute provided with invalid value: method
PS: First time posting, I tried to get the format correct.
I made the following Google JavaScript function to do POST access to BTC-e. You can find this function in action in the example spreadsheet I made to demonstrate the BTC-e API functions.
function btceHttpPost(keyPair, method, params, nonce) {
if (keyPair === undefined) {
return "{'error':'missing key pair'}"
if (params === undefined) {
params = '';
// Cleanup keypair, remove all \s (any whitespace)
var keyPair = keyPair.replace(/[\s]/g, '');
// Keypair example: "AFE730YV-S9A4FXBJ-NQ12HXS9-CA3S3MPM-CKQLU0PG,96a00f086824ddfddd9085a5c32b8a7b225657ae2fe9c4483b4c109fab6bf1a7"
keyPair = keyPair.split(',');
var pubKey = keyPair[0];
var privKey = keyPair[1];
// As specified on the BTC-e api ( the
// nonce POST parameter must be an incrementing integer (>0). The easiest
// implementation is the use of a timestamp (TS), so there is no need
// for persistant storage. Preferable, the resolution of the TS should be
// small enough the handle the desired call-frequency (a sleep of the TS
// resolution can fix this but I don't like such a waste). Another
// consideration is the sizeof the nonce supported by BTC-e. Experiments
// revealed this is a 32 bit unsigned number. The native JavaScript TS,
// stored in a float, can be 53 bits and has a resolution of 1 ms.
if (nonce === undefined)
// This time stamp counts amount of 200ms ticks starting from Jan 1st, 2014 UTC
// On 22 Mar 2041 01:17:39 UTC, it will overflow the 32 bits and will fail
// the nonce key for BTC-e
var nonce = Math.floor(( - Date.UTC(2014,0)) / 200);
// Construct payload message
var msg = 'nonce=' + nonce + '&method=' + method + params;
var msgSign = Utilities.computeHmacSignature(Utilities.MacAlgorithm.HMAC_SHA_512, msg, privKey);
// Convert encoded message from byte[] to hex string
for (var msgSignHex = [], i = 0; i < msgSign.length; i++) {
// Doing it nibble by nibble makes sure we keep leading zero's
msgSignHex.push(((msgSign[i] >>> 4) & 0xF).toString(16));
msgSignHex.push((msgSign[i] & 0xF).toString(16));
msgSignHex = msgSignHex.join('');
var httpHeaders = {'Key': pubKey, 'Sign': msgSignHex};
var fetchOptions = {'method': 'post', 'headers': httpHeaders, 'payload': msg};
var reponse = UrlFetchApp.fetch('', fetchOptions);
return reponse.getContentText();
The problem looks to be with your params object . You have method set thrice in the same object, which is a source of confusion.
Next, take a look at the documentation for UrlFetchApp.fetch() (,Object) ) . The method can take a value of post, get, delete, put.
The getInfo should probably be appended to your URL to make it
var tokenEndpoint = ""
Per the docs, you also have to put in more parameters to the request, nonce, api key etc. Use this as a starting point, revisit the documentation and get back to SO if you still have trouble

How to set extended properties of the forwarded message using EWS API?

I'm using EWS api and I whant to forward email message with addition internet headers.
This is how I forward email message:
// emilMsg is of type EmailMessage
ResponseMessage forwardMsg = emailMsg.createForward();
The main problem that "createForward" returns object of type ResponseMessage. I know how to add extended properties in EmailMessage, but what about ResponseMessage?
What you can do is, first save ResponseMessage that would give you an EmailMessage, then set extendedProperties in that :-)
Something like this ::
emailMessage =;
UUID yourPropertySetId = UUID.fromString("01638372-9F96-43b2-A403-B504ED14A910");
ExtendedPropertyDefinition propertyDefinitionBase = new ExtendedPropertyDefinition( yourPropertySetId,
emailMessage.setExtendedProperty( propertyDefinitionBase, "MyValue" );

FileUpload using HttpWebRequest returns (411) Length Required Error

I have written an ActiveX control which supports drag-drop of email attachments and disk files and uploads files to a web server.
I used the samples available at this link for Uploading files
Upload files with HTTPWebrequest (multipart/form-data)
I am sending data in chunks by setting the following properties
wr = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(UploadUrl);
wr.ContentType = "multipart/form-data; boundary=" + boundary;
wr.Method = "POST";
wr.ContentLength = contentLength;
wr.AllowWriteStreamBuffering = false;
wr.Timeout = 600000;
wr.KeepAlive = false;
wr.ReadWriteTimeout = 600000;
wr.ProtocolVersion = HttpVersion.Version10;
wr.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
wr.SendChunked = true;
wr.UserAgent = "Mozilla/3.0 (compatible; My Browser/1.0)";
rs = wr.GetRequestStream();
With the above settings I am getting an error (411) Length Required.
After reading the following article I realized, I dont need to set Content-Length property when I set SendChunked = true;
But the Microsoft example code here doesn't do so
After further digging I came to know that Chunked encoding is supported in HTTP version 1.1 only. So I changed the property as follows
wr.ProtocolVersion = HttpVersion.Version11;
Now I don't see that 411 error any more.
Now, can someone with better knowledge verify my understanding here and please let me know if I am doing right.
They are both just mechanisms to let the receiver know when it has reached the end of the transfer. If you want to use Content-Length, it is pretty simple. Just take your encoded byte array of POST data, and use the Length property.
ASCIIEncoding encoding = new ASCIIEncoding ();
byte[] postDataByteArray = encoding.GetBytes (postData);
wr.ContentLength = postDataByteArray.Length;