Gtkmm : Color swap while drawing a line on drawing area - gtkmm

I am drawing a simple straight line on an image which is already drawn at the drawing area.
But at one unix machine, the drawn line in black color instead of red color.
Following is the piece of code to draw straight line:
Gdk::Color red("red");
//winPtr is type of Gtk::Window*
Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::GC> gc = winPtr->get_window()->get_style()->get_white_gc();
gc->set_line_attributes ( 2, (Gdk::LineStyle)0, (Gdk::CapStyle)2, (Gdk::JoinStyle)1);
Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Visual> some_visual;
some_visual = Gdk::Visual::get_best();
Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Colormap> some_colormap = Gdk::Colormap::create(some_visual, true);
some_colormap->alloc_color (red, false, true);
imgDispArea->get_window()->draw_line ( gc, 100, 100, 200, 200);
PS : -- Where "imgDispArea" is a type Gtk::DrawingArea*
Any help is appreciated.

My best guess here is that the problematic unix machine the X11 rgb.txt file is different. Per the GdkColor documentation:
The string can either one of a large set of standard names (taken from the X11 rgb.txt file) or ...
My suggestion would be to specify the color as "#FF0000" rather than "red".


Qt5 QtChart drop vertical lines while using QScatterSeries

When I am using QScatterSeries, I can very easily draw point at (x, y). However, instead of points I would like to draw short lines, like in the figure below. How can I get about doing so?
I tried using RectangleMarker, but it just draws a fat square. I would prefer a thin line about 2px wide and 20px in height.
Is there a way I can add custom marker shapes?
Here are the code and the settings I use to transform my points into lines :
//create scatter series to draw point
m_pSeries1 = new QtCharts::QScatterSeries();
//draw a thin rectangle (50 to 50)
QPainterPath linePath;
linePath.moveTo(50, 0);
linePath.lineTo(50, 100);
//adapt the size of the image with the size of your rectangle
QImage line1(100, 100, QImage::Format_ARGB32);
QPainter painter1(&line1);
painter1.setPen(QColor(0, 0, 0));
//attach your image of rectangle to your series
//then use the classic QtChart pipeline...
You can play the marker size, the dimension of the image and the drawing pattern in the painter to adapt the size and shape of the rectangle to obtain a line.
In the picture, it's the black line. As you can see you can repeat the process for other series.
Keep in mind that you cannot use the openGL acceleration:
My work is based on the QtCharts/QScatterSeries example : QScatterSeries example
Hope it will help you.

Fix series order

I am producing a graph using the following code:
var svg = dimple.newSvg("#p_m", 1200, 200+(data.f_c_c*20));
var chrt_participants = new dimple.chart(svg, data.result);
chrt_participants.setBounds(200, 50, 900, 100+(data.f_c_c*20));
var y = chrt_participants.addCategoryAxis("y", ["title", "name"]);
var x = chrt_participants.addLogAxis("x", "Activity");
var s = chrt_participants.addSeries(["cid_id","cid","action"],;
chrt_participants.addLegend(800, 0, 400, 40, "left");
It draws the following graph:
Everything is as expected, except that the series (the coloured chunks of the bars) don't seem to be put in any particular order. As you can see, for two bars, for some reason unbeknownst to me, the red value is placed before the blue.
Is there a way to fix the order of the series?
The default order is descending by value but you can easily override using series.addOrderRule(). The documentation explains how:
On a side issue, be careful using a log axis for a stacked bar, it's very misleading. It's not immediately apparent that red and blue have about a 50/50 split of bars. You might be better using a grouped bar instead so that both categories receive comparable scaling.

PySide: Resizable scene in QGraphicsView

I'm trying to find a way to mark the border of a QGraphicsScene, and make it resizable inside a QGraphicsView, to create something similar to Microsoft Paint.
In other words, my current QGraphicsView looks like this:
But my image is only this big, as indicated by the red box:
I want my QGraphicsView to be like this (the little black boxes are cornergrabbers for resizing the canvas):
Functionally, I want it to be similar to MS Paint:
The canvas (scene) is resizable, and the scrollbars on the window (view) appear when needed. The blue background color (solid gray background) appears behind the canvas.
How would I go about accomplishing this?
To try to get the grey background, I've been experimenting with QGraphicsView.setBackgroundBrush() and QGraphicsScene.setBackgroundBrush(). I've learned that QGraphicsView's background brush completely overrides QGraphicsScene's background brush if one is set. Even if I only set the background brush for QGraphicsScene, that background brush extends over the image's original boundaries.
Here is a link to my test code.
Help is appreciated!
I have to struggle with your constructors...dunno if it works on Windows, but have to make it to work with Linux. Try :
def setPixmap(self, pixmap):
if self.pixmap_item:
self.pixmap_item = self.addPixmap(pixmap)
def setPixBackGround(self):
# put Background rect for image
pixR = self.pixmap_item.pixmap().rect()
bgRectangle = self.addRect(pixR.x()-10, pixR.y()-10,
pixR.width()+20, pixR.height()+20)
# set color and Z value to put it behind image
bgColor = QColor(58, 176, 176)
# take coordinates for brabbers
bgR = bgRectangle.rect()
grab1R = QRect(-5,-5,10,10)
# put grabbers as wish...
grab1 = self.addRect(grab1R)
grab2 = self.addRect(grab1R)
# ....etc....

Detect transparent part on the sprite in cocos2d?

I'm beginner in Cocos2d. I have a sprite, and I want to ignore touch on transparent area of that sprite.
I'm aware of this answer Cocos2d 2.0 - Ignoring touches to transparent areas of layers/sprites, and also this great article
I was able to make it work with KKPixelMaskSprite, but only when sprite is used from file, but not from batch node. Whenever I use batch node (Sprite sheet), to get sprite , it stops working.
I have different sprites on each other, and I want detect this way -> if touch is in current sprite bounding box, is that part transparent on sprite or no?
P.S.I'm using cocos2d 1.0. I don't want to use any Physics engine for now, I just want to ignore touches on transparent areas of sprite (that was created using batch node ) .How can I do that? Or might there any tool can be helpfull?
Thanks a lot in advance.
You can use CGMutablePathRef to make non-rectangular sprite collision detection.
CGPoint loc =[mySprite convertToNodeSpace:touchPoint];
if([mySprite isPointInsideMap:loc])
//touched inside..
//Add this method in your MySprite class derived from CCSprite.
if (CGPathContainsPoint(mCollisionPath, NULL, inPoint, NO) )
return true;
return false;
////Create Path
CGMutablePathRef mCollisionPath = CGPathCreateMutable();
CGPathMoveToPoint(mCollisionPath, NULL, 0, 0 );
CGPathAddLineToPoint(mCollisionPath, NULL, 11, 82 );
CGPathAddLineToPoint(mCollisionPath, NULL, 42, 152 );
CGPathAddLineToPoint(mCollisionPath, NULL, 86, 202 );
CGPathAddLineToPoint(mCollisionPath, NULL, 169, 13 );
This answer is more diffuse than you might expect, as I will not give you a code example, but this is how I'd implement this:
You have the location of the sprite's bounding box (corner of the sprite, including the transparency area if applicable), and the position of the touch on screen. Using this information, you can work out the location of the touch inside of the sprite. In other words, you can find the pixel touched, independant of the game screen.
Now that you have that pixel location (x and y), open the image (presumably a PNG), and get the RGB[A] value for that pixel. Each PNG has a transparency key. This is the alpha channel If the interior-pixel colour of the PNG at (x;y) == transparency key then that pixel is transparent
If you can get the alpha value for the pixel in question, if it is equal to 0 then the pixel is transparent.
edit: semantics ("alpha channel")
I would try to change the boundingbox in your is Touch for me, and reduce it for the different sprites...

Ready An Existing PDF Page Size (ex. 8.5 x 11, 11 x 17) VB.Net

Like the title says i'd like to read an existing pdf page size with VB.Net. I've been working with Itext.Sharp, and the Acrobat.dll. Is this possible??
There are a number of different "Boxes" a given page can have:
Media Box (required): The initial page size when printing viewing.
Crop Box (optional): Supersedes the media box. Defaults to match the media box. Must be a subset or match the media box.
There's also art/trim/bleed boxes, but they don't matter as much and are much less common.
So, the page size:
PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(myPath);
// gets the MEDIA BOX
Rectangle pageRect = reader.getPageSize(1); // 1 -> first page
// gets the crop box if present, or the media box if not.
Rectangle cropRect = reader.getCropBox(1);
// and finally
Rectangle artBox = reader.getBoxSize( 1, "art");
// could be "art", "bleed", "crop", "media", or "trim"
I'd go with getCropBox().
I also recommend checking out the JavaDoc for things like this. At the very least you would have come up with getPageSize() on your own. No, it's not C#. Yes, it's very useful.
Also note that these Rectangles need not be based on 0,0 (which would be the lower left corner on an unrotated page).
Further, you should check the page's rotation, getPageRotation(int), and swap height and width if the rotation is 90 or 270. There is getPageSizeWithRotation(int), but it only works with the media box, so I'd do it yourself if I were you. It's only a few extra lines of code:
// rotation has to be 0, 90, 180, or 270. "360" isn't kosher IIRC.
if (reader.getPageRotation(pageNum) % 180 != 0) {
float tmp = width;
width = height;
height = tmp;