How to subscribe sailsjs rabbitmq-adapter - rabbitmq

I have followed the steps explained in And When I persist the data in Message DataModel, it gets saved in MongoDB as well as in RabbitMQ ( ). But i am seeing this error message in the sails lift console.
sails-rabbitmq: waiting for orm hook to load before binding persistence handlers...
Any tips for avoiding this warning message?
As well my subscription program in api/services is not getting invoked.. For testing purpose, invoked this service from a sails controller, yet,
Message.getSubscribeSocket({ where: { stream: 'random' } })
.then(function (socket) {
socket.on('data', function (data) {
var message = JSON.parse(data);
// see, I told you it was "low-level"
// ...
Thanks in advance for your guidance


IPFS js cant connect to ws://

I am running a ipfs js instance which is working well but i get some error with web sockets and I am unsure why it is even calling a local IP ?
Firefox can’t establish a connection to the server at ws://
In firefox on deployed site no errors but in safari
The page at was not allowed to run insecure content from ws://
here is some of the code I am using, any pointers and to where this error is coming from would be great. The site however does what I want with IPFS so I am not sure what this error is related to. Thank you
import VueIpfs from 'ipfs'
const ipfs = VueIpfs.create()
mounted: function () {
// console.log(VueIpfs)
methods: {
async getIpfsNodeInfo() {
try {
// Await for ipfs node instance.
node = await ipfs
} catch (err) {
// Set error status text.
this.status = `Error: ${err}`
onFileSelected(event) {
this.selectedFile =[0]
async saveIPFS() {
try {
this.fileContents = await node.add(this.selectedFile)
} catch (err) {
// Set error status text.
this.status = `Error: ${err}`
This is not indeed an issue with your code.
I believe you are using webrtc-star for transport and discovery (it is the default for browser environment in js-ipfs, if you did not custom it, you should have it).
So, you use webrtc-star to discover other peers to talk to. Once you get to know these peers, your node will get to know all the multiaddrs that peer is announcing to the network. There will be nodes announcing several addresses, some of which are local IP addresses. js-libp2p has a feature to specify announce and noAnnounce addresses in its configuration, which allows people to be able to specify in these cases if you should not announce your local addr and announce the public one. However, this feature is not widely known at the moment.
However, from a libp2p/IPFS stand point, we need to find a better way of catching and logging these errors since they seem error related to your node/code, but they are a result of bad propagation of multiaddrs that other peers announce in the network.
I hope that I answered your question, and we will look into a patch to get rid of these errors

SignalR Core call function when connection is established

When my client successfully connects to the hub, I want the client to immediately join a group. I have a method in my hub to do that, I just need an event handler for when the connection is established, just like
function () {
connection.invoke('JoinGroup', 'GroupName');
in SignalR for plain ASP.Net.
Can I do that or do I have to set a timer to do it after x seconds after the start(); call was made?
I found out I can do
function (){
connection.invoke('JoinGroup', 'GroupName');
but it tells me that it Cannot send data if the connection is not in the 'Connected' State.
what do?
SignalR is notoriously difficult due to version mismatches etc.
Please see the following article:
In it, there's a section that specifies how to start (and wait for connection to be established):
var connection = new signalR.HubConnectionBuilder().withUrl("/chatHub").build();
connection.start().then(() => {
//try some stuff here :)
.catch(function (err) {
//failed to connect
return console.error(err.toString());
The javascript client uses promises that have to be resolved/rejected before you can use it.
The other option is to wrap inside async method and await the call (not sure if this will work correctly). Such as:
await connection.start();
//connection should be started now. beware of exceptions though

OpenTok - Subscriber failed to subscribe to a stream in a reasonable amount of time

I am implementing a Network Test for my Web-application using OpenTok's js library.
To do that, I create a publisher, connect to session, then make a subscriber connect to the publisher's stream.
The Test is working on other browsers (I have tested Chrome and Internet Explorer) but on Firefox version 57.0.1 I get an error - 'The stream was unable to connect due to a network error. Make sure you have a stable network connection and that it isn't blocked by a firewall.'
Make sure when you create the OpenTok Session you are using a 'routed' Session, not a 'relayed' one. Also make sure you are passing the 'testNetwork' property to the subscribe method. Here is a working sample:
// Sample code
var session = OT.initSession(APIKEY, SESSIONID);
session.connect(TOKEN, function(err) {
if (err) {
var publisher = session.publish();
publisher.on('streamCreated', function(event) {
session.subscribe(, null, {
testNetwork: true
}, function(err) {
if (err) alert(err.message);

AWS Cognito - Encountering Error Converting Circular Structure to JSON

I am trying to setup Cognito UnAuthenticated creds for users coming to my site. However, I am encountering "Error Converting Circular Structure to JSON" after the user id is assigned from Cognito and I am calling the synchronize method on the Sync Manager... please see the code below..
Any help in resolving this is greatly appreciated
// Initialize the Amazon Cognito credentials provider
AWS.config.region = 'us-east-1'; // Region
AWS.config.credentials = new AWS.CognitoIdentityCredentials({
IdentityPoolId: 'us-east-1:my-id-pool-id'
function getMeACognito() {
var syncClient = new AWS.CognitoSyncManager();
syncClient.openOrCreateDataset('yaHeardPrefs', function(err, dataset) {
dataset.put('userPrefs', 'samplePrefs', function(err, record){
console.log('(Sync error)Received error while saving prefs = ' + err);
onSuccess: function(data, newRecords) {
onFailure: function(err){
console.log('Error while sync = ' + err);
onConflict: function(err) {
console.log('error / conflict = ' + err);
and the error i am getting is -
aws-sdk-2.3.15.min.js:25 Uncaught TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON
Note that I do understand what a circular structure conversion error in JSON is based on few google searches... However, I am not in control of the JSON object being created by Cognito library here... and hence, need help in figuring out a path to resolution. If any of you have faced this before and had a solution for this, please reply.
In my application above, for every new Cognito user created at the browser client, I was creating a new dataset and adding some info to it.
I had also setup Cognito to trigger a Lambda function for user creates.
Hence, during new user creations, Cognito was triggering the Lambda function and was synchronously waiting for the function to return successfully before marking the user dataset update operation as "complete" / "successful".
Within the Lambda function, I was also trying to update the same dataset for the user that was created at the browser with some additional information. This seems to have triggered a update back to the Cognito browser client. Afterall the prime functionality of Cognito is to keep its various clients at sync as user's info changes.
As stated in the SO answer here, this went away when I stopped trying to update the same dataset at client and the lambda function at the same time.

IBM Worklight - onFailure and onSuccess execution at Client.connect() and invokeProcedure() NOT exclusive when timeout?

We are seeing a surprising scenario when we are on a slow network connection and our calls to the WL Server time out.
This happens at WL.Client.connect as well as on invokeProcedure:
we execute the call with a timeout of 10 seconds
the network connection is slow so the call times out
the defined onFailure procedure associated to that call is executed
the WL Server responds with a valid response after the timeout
the onSuccess procedure associated to that call is executed
Is this the designed and intended behavior of the WL Client Framework? Is this specified in the InfoCenter documentation or somewhere?
All developers in our team expected these two procedures to be exclusive and our code was implemented based on this assumption. We are now investigating options on how to match a timed-out/failed response to a success response to make sure we achieve an exclusive execution of onFailure or onSuccess code/logic in our app.
Note: we did not test that with connectOnStartup=true and since the initOptions does not provide an onSuccess procedure (since WL handles that internally) it might be even harder to implement an exclusive execution in this case.
That seems like expected behavior, but don't quote me on that.
You can get the behavior you want (only call the failure callback when it fails, and only call the success callback when it succeeds) using jQuery.Deferreds. There are ways of creating these deferred objects with dojo and other libraries. But, I just tested with jQuery's implementation, which is shipped with every version of IBM Worklight.
$(function () {
var WL = {};
WL.Client = {};
WL.Client.invokeProcedureMock = function (options) {
var dfd = $.Deferred();
var options = {
onSuccess: dfd.resolve,
onFailure: dfd.reject
.done(function (msg) {
// handle invokeProcedure success
.fail(function (msg) {
//handle invokeProcedure failure
I put the code above in a JSFiddle, notice that even if I call the onSuccess callback, it won't have any effect because I already called the failure callback (which rejected the deferred). You would add your application logic inside the .done or .fail blocks.
This is just a suggestion, there are likely many ways to approach your issue.