how could i send a document for signature based on rest calls - echosign

I am new to echo sign. I want to implement echo sign using REST API. my question is how could i send a document for signature based on rest calls. is there any sample code for sending documents via rest.

There's not much documentation available but you can start from here:!/agreements/
SOAP documentation seems to be better, giving you a better understanding about the required fields, classes, etc. You can take a look at it here but you'll need to be logged in:
You can also take a look at these implementations:


What is profile in accept heading of wiki api request

For example, when you perform an call from summary api of wikipedia, there is this header in the request
accept:application/json; charset=utf-8; profile=""
What is the purpose of this particular bit. I would like to understand since the value changes when you, for example, use the VisualEditor or access the api with different mean.
This specifies the response format and provides convenient access to a human-readable documentation.
The URL in your header leads to nowhere, but does exist and is probably valid for 1.3.7 as well.

Single API endpoint pros and cons

I am creating API and trying to figure out is planned approach any good.
That API is not public and it will be used by SPA and mobile app that I build.So I am thinking of GraphQL-like design but without posting json and with regular HTTP methods.
Something like this for GET methods:
Example 1 - get users with specific fields(_join indicates sql table join), ordering and,name,email,address,tel,country_join&orderBy=asc&orderColumn=name&offset=0&limit=10
Example 2 - get users based on search parameters with all fields, ordering and,email&orderBy=asc&orderColumn=name&offset=0&limit=10
I assume this is bad since REST is standard, otherwise I would see much more examples of this approach.
But why is this bad? For me it seems easier to develop and more flexible to use.
Is proper REST API for examples I provided easier to implement, safer, easier to use or cache?
The main difference I see between putting the variables in the url vs the request body are:
the length of the data as the url length is limited while the request body is not
special characters to be escaped in the url which can lead to long and unclear url
These are 2 pros in favor of data in request body, but I agree that data in url is much simpler to test and use as tou don't need an http client tool like curl or postman to validate your endpoints.
REST however has stricter conventions if you want to fully implement it:
use the right http requests (get, post, patch, delete and put) to implement crud operations on one single endpoint
return the right http code as a result
use standard data format for input and output (json or XML)
For better interoperability between systems it's advised to comply with REST and microservices design patterns.
For small applications we can follow some shortcuts and not comply fully. I have integrated several services so far and each time I can tell you no one of them implements standard REST :-)

Passing params to POST API

I am new to designing REST APIs. I have trying to create following APIs for online game play
GET domain/api/games // return all games
POST domain/api/games // create a new game on behalf of current user
Now my issue is that when I try to create game using POST, I want userId to be sent to the API. I am not sure how to do this. Also note that I have another get API to get details of individual game, something like
GET domain/api/games/{gameId}
so I cannot pass userId to POST like domain/api/games/{useID} as it will conflict will above API.
So how do I pass usedId to POST. Also I don't want to use query params. Any suggestions to design this would be great.
When you are making a POST to a service, the parameters you communicate are known as BODY params, they don't go on the query string.
Different technologies have different APIs for interacting with POST params, but the underlying theory is the same, and is described by the W3C HTTP standard
The specifics of how to use POST params vary depending on the language and technology you're using. For example, if you are using jquery, there are a couple different ways to do it, with with the $.post('url', data, callback) method or with the $.ajax(...) option.
When reading POST params on the server, you'll generally access them using some some sort of request object, that will store your parameters in memory for you to access. This is highly dependent of the language and framework you're using, but here are links to some common ones:
It should be either part of the context (you can pass it through header) or part of the game object. I prefer the context option, the httpheader can contain some auth bearer token so that you can figure out the user on the backend through the token.

What does "consume an API" mean?

Here is an excerpt from an assignment I am currently doing:
Build a dummy app that:
Contains a REST API that operates over a single resource.
Contains a Backbone client that consumes that API and can list, show, create, update, and remove that resource.
My understanding was that the term "consume" implies total coverage of the API's exposed ressources. However, the assignment says "consumes that API and can [CRUD] that resource".
Is that sentence redundant or is my understanding of the term wrong?
(Bonus question: why searching Google for this question returns countless language-specific tutorials for "consuming an API" but none explain what the term actually means?).
To consume an API means to basically use any part of it from your application.
Consuming an API here means creating a client which can send requests to the API that you build.
It appears that you need to create and API which can handle Create, retrieve, update and delete (CRUD) of a resource. For instance if your REST api is to create a blog, your API should handle CRUD functions for the object/resource blogpost.
POST - Create a blog post
GET - Retrieve a blog post
PUT - Update a blog post
DELETE - Delete a blog post.
It is about the direction of the app's interaction with API - it either provides an API, or consumes it, so there are providers and consumers of API, and this is just a less general and ambiguous term than 'using'.
Simply consuming an API means using it in your application.
For, e.g., GET request to https://someapi/Users will give you all the users.
You need to request this URL https://someapi/Users to get all the users and then you can use it into your application.
I always think about Albert Einstein's quote of "If you can’t explain it to a six year old, you don’t understand it yourself." when someone asks a question that you might take for granted due to technical experience you have on a subject.
I think the following article does an excellent job explaining it: How do you explain API to a 5-year-old?
simply means : using the API.
You can do it with HTTP method (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE..) using something like Postman (Tool) or maybe you have a client app/library that calls these methods implicitly.

Structuring online documentation for a REST API

I'm building my first Rest API which serialize data to JSON and XML formats.
I would like to provide an index page to API clients, where they would be able to choose implemented endpoints.
What information do I need to include to make my API most useful, and how should I organize it?
That's a very complex question for a simple answer.
You may want to take a look at existing API frameworks, like Swagger Specification (OpenAPI), and services like and
Also, here's an example of the same REST API described, organized and even styled in three different ways. It may be a good start for you to learn from existing common ways.!/Blockchain_Tools/v1_bitcoin_search_txid
At the very top level I think quality REST API docs require at least the following:
a list of all your API endpoints (base/relative URLs)
corresponding HTTP GET/POST/... method type for each endpoint
request/response MIME-type (how to encode params and parse replies)
a sample request/response, including HTTP headers
type and format specified for all params, including those in the URL, body and headers
a brief text description and important notes
a short code snippet showing the use of the endpoint in popular web programming languages
Also there are a lot of JSON/XML-based doc frameworks which can parse your API definition or schema and generate a convenient set of docs for you. But the choice for a doc generation system depends on your project, language, development environment and many other things.