Problems creating a polling system for a twitch bot - scripting

I am attempting to create a script that is capable of polling a twitch channel. I have written the basic idea of it but i'm having trouble working out the kinks. I have experience programming in C and Java but am still very new to mIRC. I'm having issues with my scripts simply not doing anything.
The input for !startpoll should look like this:
!startpoll Question goes here? ~ option1 ~ option2 ~ option3 ~ option4 ~ option5
on 5:text:!startpoll*:#: {
if(%pollopen == 1) msg $chan Error, A poll is already started please end it before starting another. | return
set %pollopen 1
msg $chan A poll has begun
tokenizelist 126 $2-
if($4 == null) {
msg $chan Vote 1 for $2 or 2 for $3 $+ .
set %text1 $2
set %text2 $3
set %responses 2
elseif($5 == null) {
msg $chan Vote 1 for $2 $+ , 2 for $3 or 3 for $4 $+ .
set %text1 $2
set %text2 $3
set %text3 $4
set %responses 3
elseif($6 == null) {
msg $chan Vote 1 for $2 $+ , 2 for $3 $+ , 3 for $4 or 4 for $5 $+ .
set %text1 $2
set %text2 $3
set %text3 $4
set %text4 $5
set %responses 4
elseif($7 == null) {
msg $chan Vote 1 for $2 $+ , 2 for $3 $+ , 3 for $4 $+ , 4 for $5 or 5 for $6 $+ .
set %text1 $2
set %text2 $3
set %text3 $4
set %text4 $5
set %text5 $6
set %responses 5
else msg $chan Error only 5 possible responses may be given.
on *:text:!vote*:#: {
if(pollopen == 1) {
if($nick isin %nicklist) {
msg $chan You may only vote once.
else $addtok( $nick , %nicklist , 32 )
if($2 == 1) inc %option1
elseif($2 == 2) inc %option2
elseif(($2 == 3) && (%responses > 2)) inc %option3
elseif(($2 == 4) && (%responses > 3)) inc %option4
elseif(($2 == 5) && (%responses > 4)) inc %option5
else msg $chan Only the numbers 1-5 are accepted as voting responses.
elseif(pollopen == 0) msg $chan No poll is open.
on 5:text:!endpoll:#: {
$sorttok(%option1 %option2 %option3 %option4 %option5 , nr)
if($1 == %option1) msg $chan %text1 is the top choice.
elseif($1 == %option2) msg $chan %text2 is the top choice.
elseif($1 == %option3) msg $chan %text3 is the top choice.
elseif($1 == %option4) msg $chan %text4 is the top choice.
elseif($1 == %option5) msg $chan %text5 is the top choice.
set %text1 null
set %text2 null
set %text3 null
set %text4 null
set %text5 null
set %responses null
set %option1 0
set %option2 0
set %option3 0
set %option4 0
set %option5 0
set %pollopen 0
alias tokenizelist {
var %x 1
tokenize $1 $2-
while ($(,$ $+ %x) != $null) {
echo $ $+ %x = $v1
inc %x
I really appreciate any help or advice you could have!


Print rows where one column is the same but another is different

Given files test1 and test2:
$ cat test*
I want to find rows where name is the same but severity has changed (ie foo) and print the change. I have got this far using awk:
awk 'BEGIN{FS=","} FNR>1 && NR==FNR { a[$1]; next } ($1 in a) && ($3 != a[$3]) {printf "Alert %s severity from %s to %s\n", $1, a[$3], $3}' test1 test2
which prints:
Alert foo severity from to 9
Alert bar severity from to 1
So the match is wrong, and I can't print a[$3].
You may try this awk:
awk -F, '$1 in sev && $3 != sev[$1] {
printf "Alert %s severity from %s to %s\n", $1, sev[$1], $3
{sev[$1] = $3}' test*
Alert foo severity from 0 to 9
mawk 'BEGIN { _+=(_^=FS=OFS=",")+_ }
FNR == NR || +$_<=+___[__=$!!_] ? !_*(___[$!!_]=$_) : \
$!_ = "Alert "__ " severity from "___[__]" to " $_' files*.txt
Alert foo severity from 0 to 9

Writing from lines into columns based on third column

I have files that look like this -- already sorted by year (inside years sorted by id, which appears to be equivalent to strict sorting by id, but this may not always apply).
I would like to rewrite them like this (ids for year N after 1999 in column 2N-1, corresponding votes in column 2N):
2000 IDS, VOTE, 2001 IDS, VOTE, 2002 IDS, VOTE, 2003 IDS, VOTE
1,1,3,1, , ,4,2
2,0, , , , ,5,0
I don't know how to do it. My basic thinking with awk was:
if $3 == 2000, { print $1, $4 }
if $3 == 2001, { print " "," ", $1, $4 } etc
But there are two problems:
this way the columns for years other than 2000 would start with a lot of empty lines
I have found no intelligent way to generalise the print command, so I would have to write 20 if-statements
The only working idea I have is, to create 20 unneeded files and glue them with paste which I have never used, but which seems suitable, according to man on my system.
The key is to use multidimensional arrays
BEGIN {FS = ","}
NR == 2 {minYear = maxYear = $3}
NR > 1 {
id[year, count[year]] = $1
vote[year, count[year]] = $4
if (year < minYear) minYear = year
if (year > maxYear) maxYear = year
if (count[year] > maxCount) maxCount = count[year]
sep = ""
for (y=minYear; y<=maxYear; y++) {
printf "%s%d ID,VOTE", sep, y
sep = ","
print ""
for (i=1; i<=maxCount; i++) {
sep = ""
for (y=minYear; y<=maxYear; y++) {
printf "%s%s,%s", sep, id[y, i], vote[y, i]
sep = ","
print ""
$ awk -f transpose.awk input_file
2000 ID,VOTE,2001 ID,VOTE,2002 ID,VOTE,2003 ID,VOTE
If you really want hte spaces in the output, change the last printf to
printf "%s%s,%s", sep,
((y, i) in id ? id[y, i] : " "),
((y, i) in vote ? vote[y, i] : " ")
This is functionally the same as #Glenn's and no better than it in any way so his should remain the accepted answer but I came up with it before looking at his and thought it might be useful to post it anyway to show some small alternatives in style and implementation details:
$ cat tst.awk
BEGIN { FS=OFS="," }
NR == 1 { next }
id = $1
year = $3
votes = $4
if ( ++numYears == 1 ) {
begYear = year
endYear = year
yearIds[year,++numIds[year]] = id
yearVotes[year,numIds[year]] = votes
maxIds = (numIds[year] > maxIds ? numIds[year] : maxIds)
for (year=begYear; year<=endYear; year++) {
printf "%s IDS%sVOTE%s", year, OFS, (year<endYear ? OFS : ORS)
for (idNr=1; idNr<=maxIds; idNr++) {
for (year=begYear; year<=endYear; year++) {
id = votes = " "
if ( (year,idNr) in yearIds ) {
id = yearIds[year,idNr]
votes = yearVotes[year,idNr]
printf "%s%s%s%s", id, OFS, votes, (year<endYear ? OFS : ORS)
$ awk -f tst.awk file
1,1,3,1, , ,4,2
2,0, , , , ,5,0
With respect and permission of glenn jackman I am taking his suggested code the only thing I am trying to add here is get maximum and minimum year in awk's variable itself and NOT calculating it inside main block of awk program, since OP confirmed that Input_file is sorted by year. Answers by Glenn and Ed sir are awesome, just thought to add a variant here.
BTW we could use awk in stead of using tail and heads in variables too here :)
awk -v max=$(tail -1 Input_file | cut -d, -f3) -v min=$(head -2 Input_file | tail -1 | cut -d, -f3) '
BEGIN { FS = "," }
NR > 1 {
id[year, count[year]] = $1
vote[year, count[year]] = $4
if (count[year] > maxCount) maxCount = count[year]
sep = ""
for (y=min; y<=max; y++) {
printf "%s%d ID,VOTE", sep, y
sep = ","
print ""
for (i=1; i<=maxCount; i++) {
sep = ""
for (y=min; y<=max; y++) {
printf "%s%s,%s", sep, id[y, i], vote[y, i]
sep = ","
print ""
}' Input_file

Count in specific way in awk

I have a problem. This is a small fragment of my input file
SOL168 MGD750
SOL259 MGD11
SOL363 MGD38
SOL168 MGD142
SOL363 MGD784
SOL660 MGD752
SOL440 MGD38
SOL440 MGD38
I need to count specific repetition. You can count, If in the first column in two different lines you have the same SOL and in the second column you have in one line MGD1-225, you must have in another line MGD 676-900
For example
SOL115 MGD201
SOL115 MGD782
and this count as one
another example
SOL749 MGD751
SOL749 MGD111
In my input file, I will expect output
because SOL363 have bonds with MGD38(from the first layer) and also MGD784 (from the second layer) - first vertical water bridge
SOL168 have bonds with MGD750 (second layer) and MGD142(first layer)
Now it works, my whole script
for index in {1..100} # I do this script on 100 files, that is s why I use for loop
awk '
BEGIN { FS = "MGD" }
$2 >= 1 && $2 <= 225 { layer1[$1]++ }
$2 >= 676 && $2 <= 900 { layer2[$1]++ }
for (sql in layer1) {
if (layer1[sql] == 1 && layer2[sql] == 1)
print total
' eq5_15_333_lipid_sol_fragment_$index.ndx >> vertical_water_bridges.txt
Using MGD as your field separator, $2 becomes the numerical layer indicator and awk can express your problem statement pretty directly:
BEGIN { FS = "MGD" }
$2 >= 1 && $2 <= 225 { layer1[$1]++ }
$2 >= 676 && $2 <= 900 { layer2[$1]++ }
total = 0
for (sql in layer1) {
if (sql in layer2)
print total
$ awk -f a.awk file

find common elements in >2 files

I have three files as shown below
"aba" 0 0
"aba" 0 0 1
"abc" 0 1
"abd" 1 1
"xxx" 0 0
"xyz" 0 0
"aba" 0 0 0 0
"aba" 0 0 0 1
"xxx" 0 0
"abc" 1 1
"xyx" 0 0
"aba" 0 0
"aba" 0 1 0
"xxx" 0 0 0 1
"abc" 1 1
I want to find the similar elements in all the three files based on first two columns. To find similar elements in two files i have used something like
awk 'FNR==NR{a[$1,$2]++;next}a[$1,$2]' file1.txt file2.txt
But, how can we find similar elements in all the files, when the input files are more than 2?
Can anyone help?
With the current awk solution, the output ignores the duplicate key columns and gives the output as
"xxx" 0 0
If we assume the output comes from file1.txt, the expected output is:
"aba" 0 0
"aba" 0 0 1
"xxx" 0 0
i.e it should get the rows with duplicate key columns as well.
Try following solution generalized for N files. It saves data of first file in a hash with value of 1, and for each hit from next files that value is incremented. At the end I compare if the value of each key it's the same as the number of files processed and print only those that match.
awk '
FNR == NR { arr[$1,$2] = 1; next }
{ if ( arr[$1,$2] ) { arr[$1,$2]++ } }
for ( key in arr ) {
if ( arr[key] != ARGC - 1 ) { continue }
split( key, key_arr, SUBSEP )
printf "%s %s\n", key_arr[1], key_arr[2]
' file{1..3}
It yields:
"xxx" 0
"aba" 0
EDIT to add a version that prints the whole line (see comments). I've added another array with same key where I save the line, and also use it in the printf function. I've left old code commented.
awk '
##FNR == NR { arr[$1,$2] = 1; next }
FNR == NR { arr[$1,$2] = 1; line[$1,$2] = $0; next }
{ if ( arr[$1,$2] ) { arr[$1,$2]++ } }
for ( key in arr ) {
if ( arr[key] != ARGC - 1 ) { continue }
##split( key, key_arr, SUBSEP )
##printf "%s %s\n", key_arr[1], key_arr[2]
printf "%s\n", line[ key ]
' file{1..3}
NEW EDIT (see comments) to add a version that handles multiple lines with same key. Basically I join all entries instead saving only one, changing line[$1,$2] = $0 with line[$1,$2] = line[$1,$2] ( line[$1,$2] ? SUBSEP : "" ) $0. At the time of printing I do the reverse splitting with the separator (SUBSEP variable) and print each entry.
awk '
FNR == NR {
arr[$1,$2] = 1
line[$1,$2] = line[$1,$2] ( line[$1,$2] ? SUBSEP : "" ) $0
FNR == 1 { delete found }
{ if ( arr[$1,$2] && ! found[$1,$2] ) { arr[$1,$2]++; found[$1,$2] = 1 } }
num_files = ARGC -1
for ( key in arr ) {
if ( arr[key] < num_files ) { continue }
split( line[ key ], line_arr, SUBSEP )
for ( i = 1; i <= length( line_arr ); i++ ) {
printf "%s\n", line_arr[ i ]
' file{1..3}
With new data edited in question, it yields:
"xxx" 0 0
"aba" 0 0
"aba" 0 0 1
This python script will list out the common lines among all files :
import sys
i,l = 0,[]
for files in sys.argv[1:]:
for line in open(files): l[i].add(" ".join(line.split()[0:2]))
commonFields = reduce(lambda s1, s2: s1 & s2, l)
for files in sys.argv[1:]:
print "Common lines in ",files
for line in open(files):
for fields in commonFields:
if fields in line:
print line,
Usage : python file1 file2 file3 ...
For three files, all you need is:
awk 'FNR==NR { a[$1,$2]; next} ($1,$2) in a' file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt
The FNR==NR block returns true for only the first file in the arguments list. The next statement in this block forces a skip over the remained of the code. Therefore, ($1,$2) in a is performed for all files in the arguments list excluding the first one. To process more files in the way you have, all you need to do is list them.
If you need more powerful globbing on the command line, use extglob. You can turn it on with shopt -s extglob, and turn it off with shopt -u extglob. For example:
awk 'FNR==NR { a[$1,$2]; next} ($1,$2) in a' file1.txt !(file1.txt)
If you have hard to find files, use find. For example:
awk 'FNR==NR { a[$1,$2]; next} ($1,$2) in a' file1.txt $(find /path/to/files -type f -name "*[23].txt")
I assume you're looking for a glob range for 'N' files. For example:
awk 'FNR==NR { a[$1,$2]; next} ($1,$2) in a' file1.txt file{2,3}.txt

How to get total column from awk

I am testing awk and got this thought .So we know that
raja#badfox:~/Desktop/trails$ cat num.txt
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
4 1 2 31
raja#badfox:~/Desktop/trails$ awk '{ if ($1 == '4') print $0}' num.txt
4 1 2 31
so the command going to check for 4 at 1st column in filename num.txt .
So now i want output as there is a 4 at column 4 also and for example if i have 100 column of information and i want get the output as how many columns i have with the term i am searching .
I mean from the above example i want column 4 and column 1 as the output and i am searching for 4 .
If you are trying to find the rows which contain your search item (in this case, the value 4), and you want a count of how many such values appear in the row (as well as the row's data), then you need something like:
awk '{ count=0
for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) if ($i == 4) count++
if (count) print $i ": " $0
That doesn't quite fit onto one SO line.
If you merely want to identify which columns contain the search value, then you can use:
awk '{ for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) if ($i == 4) column[i] = 1 }
END { for (i in column) print i }'
This sets the (associative) array element column[i] to 1 for each column that contains the search value, 4. The loop at the end prints the column numbers that contain 4 in an indeterminate (not sorted) order. GNU awk includes sort functions (asort, asorti); POSIX awk does not. If sorted order is crucial, then consider:
awk 'BEGIN { max = 0 }
{ for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) if ($i == 4) { column[i] = 1; if (i > max) max = i } }
END { for (i = 1; i <= max; i++) if (column[i] == 1) print i }'
You are looking for the NF variable. It's the number of fields in the line.
Here's an example of how to use it:
if (NF == 8) {
print $3, $8;
} else if (NF == 9) {
print $3, $9;
Or inside a loop:
# This will print the line if any field has the value 4
for (i=1; i<=NF; i++) {
if ($i == 4)
print $0