Crystal reports Record number not including "suppressed records(detail section)" - record

How can get the record number in details section not including the suppressed?
I have tried the following:
1. Right Click on any of the fields and select "Format Field.."
2. In the "Format" editor, go to "Common" tab.
4. Now go to the formula button "X+2" beside "Display String" and place the following code:
numberVar x;
WhilePrintingRecords ;
ToText({Employee.Employee ID},0) \\<Database Record>
Created formula #aa and placed the following code:
numberVar x;
WhilePrintingRecords ;
but it gives me a record number starting from 0. I want it to start from 1. can anybody help me?

I Used of this way and formula in my section :
Format Section -> [My Section] -> Suppress(No Drill Down)
{mydataSet_TTX.IsValid}= 0
And Use A Running total with count filed For Row Number Then For Prevention Record That not show in report "that Suppressed" Use This formula for Running Total
Your Running Total -> Right Click -> Edit Running Total - > Evaluate
-> Use a formula
NOT({mydataSet_TTX.IsValid}= 0)
After change this parts , save report design and get preview … row number is corrected ... Record number not including “suppressed records(detail section)”
good luck.


Applying a column based condition in an interactive report on first page load in Oracle APEX

I have a requirement in Oracle Apex's Interactive report. At first load, only that data should appear whose Operation is not deleted. This should also reflect in the export of the report.
However, they want to provide an option that is user should be able to see the deleted operation data when they require. Please note, there is no Operation filter on the page. Can anyone please help.
Thanks in Advance.
Add a page item P1_SHOW_DELETED to the page. Set the page item value to default "N" (or set it to "N" with a computation before regions). Use "Select List" and give it values "Yes" and "No" (return values Y and N)
Update your query to use the page item. Make sure you have P1_SHOW_DELETED in "Page Items to Submit" attribute of the interactive report.
SELECT <columns>
FROM <tables>
WHERE <existing where clause> AND operation_deleted = :P1_SHOW_DELETED
At this point the delete rows will no be shown on page load - test and confirm.
Add a dynamic action on P1_SHOW_DELETED on change with a true action of type "Refresh" and region = your interactive report.
--- UPDATE ---
For multiple values for the operation column and you want to exclude/included the value "deleted", then this is an option.
SELECT <columns>
FROM <tables>
WHERE <existing where clause> AND
(('Y' = :P1_SHOW_DELETED AND operation = 'Deleted') OR (operation != 'Deleted'))

MS Word 16+ VBA Index - Insert TABS

Creating an index to break out acronyms - am trying to get
TLA [tab] Three Letter Acronym.......5
acronym, tab, expanded version Page(s) for index.
But it won't let me add a tab. Updated the Index1 Style but still nothing.
I can use Subcategories to help sort it out - SYNTAX MUST BE EXACT included spaces that tend to creep in...
{ XE "tBXP" } for the definition and
{ XE "tBXP:Template BIM-Execution Plan" } for the sub entry so the def shows under the sorted index
Unfortunately doesn't answer why I can't do this in the text in the entry!

SQL return displaying incorrectly

I have a table which displays data from a SQL table onto my site, the issue I am having is depending on the alpha data being displayed the placement of the word moves, i.e. when displaying the word GOOD it displays in the position I want but when it displays the word FAIR it then shift to the left.
Any advice on how to stop this from happening ?
If you're using a while loop to get results from your data table,you can use php to create a new element for displaying your data like so:
$open = mysqli_query($connection, $query)
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($open)) {
$DataName = $row['NameOfData']
echo "<h3>$DataName</h3>"}
Replace NameOfData with the row you're trying to get. Look up "PHP Mysql row outputting" for more information

DevExpress XtraReport - Round Down

Can you tell me how to do rounding like in crystal report? eg: round([field],-2)
How to do Round like the example above. Like we did on Crystal Report. I want to do rounding down on DevExpress XtraReport.
If it value eg. 2514942 I want output: 2514900
Thank you..
you can use CalculatedField for such functionality
add calc field on the same level as your "[field]"
assign to the calc field the expression like "Round([field] / 100, 2) * 100" to reset last two numbers
bind your control to newly created calc field
also here tutorial for the calc fields

Question about oracle xe search query

this is my second time using ORACLE xe and Apex. Here is what I'm trying to do .. I'm trying to execute the following query SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEES WHERE JOB_TITLE = 'CLERK'
but not from sql command prompt but from gui/apex and here is how- I have created page one with one textfield and one submit button.
Now of course I'd type in the text field value CLERK and I'd like onclick on submit button that I be taken to page2 let say, and on that page2 to receive argument for the query. The query will be located at page2 of course.
I believe that this is fairly simple for someone who knows oracle, I know of course how I'd do this with PHP/Mysql its simple as it can be all I need is this :
#1 Get value from input
#2 Pass it to the next page using javascript or whatever
#3 Execute query on the next page using the value passed in where
Thank you, explanation tips hints link .. anything is welcome
You can refer to any item in an Apex application from any other page. For example, on page 1 you have an item P1_JOB_TITLE, then on page 2 you write a query like:
(warning: make sure that page 1 doesn't have a "reset" process which would clear the value of the item when the page is submitted)
Note, however, that the item doesn't have to be on a different page if you don't want it to - you could have it on the same page as the report.