Change Karma configuration/files on the fly - config

Is there a way to change configuration options for Karma once the Karma server has started?
e.g. if there is an additional file that Karma needs to load, how can you tell Karma to do that?
I'm using autoWatch: false and singleRun: false, triggering the runner through the API after karma.server.start has been called from a different process with an initial config.
The function accepts an options object as its first argument, but it seems to disregard the options entirely and stick with the original set of files.


Protractor disable SELENIUM_PROMISE_MANAGER in one suite

Due to disabling Selenium's control flow in the future, I'm trying to write new specs using async/await.
To do this, I have to use SELENIUM_PROMISE_MANAGER: false config option, which is unfortunately making my old specs that use Promise Manager fail.
I've tried setting this option in beforeAllhook, but then I get the following error:
TypeError: Unable to create a managed promise instance: the promise manager has been disabled by the SELENIUM_PROMISE_MANAGER environment variable: undefined
If it's possible, I'd like to avoid having separate protractor conf files for async/non-async specs - it would make my grunt exec command even more complicated that it is now.
Is there any other option to set this flag only for one or few specs/suites?
The 'SELENIUM_PROMISE_MANAGER: false' in protractor config file should be global level, find a way to disable on spec level.
Possbile Solution:
add 'promise.USE_PROMISE_MANAGER = false' before spec use await, and revert to true at the end of spec. I'm not try as that, if it workable, please tell me.

Can I run Durandal's Tests Framework outside of PhantomJS?

The Durandal Test Framework runs Jasmine tests within PhantomJS.
Where I'm implementing this for the first time I'm getting a lot of errors, and reading through these on the command prompt is proving to be very tedious.
If I load up the spec.html file in my web browser, it tells me that no specs were found:
Yet PhantomJS is able to find the specs with no problem:
Is there a way I can configure these Jasmine tests to run through my web browser and not through (or as well as) PhantomJS?
I've set up a new index.html file and have replaced the var runTests = ... section with a simple require() call:
Durandal's system.spec.js file is loaded in the browser, but Jasmine is still stating that no specs were found.
Jasmine's tests weren't being run because I wasn't telling it to re-execute. The solution to this was to simply re-execute by calling this within the require callback:
require(['../test/specs/system.spec.js'], function() {
Note: A drawback of this is that the 'no specs found' bar is still present and the 'raise exceptions' control on the re-executed specs doesn't appear to function:

How to integrate karma in webpack

I am a webpack newbie and have a question about testing.
I have a project which uses webpack, typescript and karma as test runner and I would like to run my tests on every file change (e.g. in "watch" mode)
I am aware of karma-webpack and it works well when I run karma as own process (karma start ...)
But what I want is to integrate karma in the webpack flow.
So, from my naive point of view, I thought karma has to be defined in preloading of webpack (such as a linter).
But I found nothing....
I can not believe that this common workflow is not possible (run tests on every source change)
Can anybody of you give me a suggestion?
Time flies and it's June 2018 already. As there isn't much documentation about this online I want to give out my 2 cents.
I have currently a setup working where I bundle my tests with webpack a watch for changes in order to rerun automatically the tests.
I'm using karma-webpack using the configuration explained in the Alternative usage section and I think it's the proper way to solve the problem asked in the question.
files: [
// only specify one entry point
// and require all tests in there
preprocessors: {
// add webpack as preprocessor
'test/index_test.js': [ 'webpack' ]
// require all modules ending in "_test" from the
// current directory and all subdirectories
const testsContext = require.context(".", true, /_test$/)
Watching for changes of the whole bundle as #Adi Prasetyo suggests is wrong in my opinion. We should only watch for changes in the tests files and the files that are imported inside them, which can be achieved with configuration shown in the last URL.
Very important for hot reloading to work (at least in my case it was what made it work), you need to setup webpack-dev-middleware configuration in order to update the tests bundle everytime a change happens in some test file or the files being imported inside them. This is the config I'm using:
webpackMiddleware: {
watchOptions: {
aggregateTimeout: 300,
poll: 1000, // customize depending on PC power
More info about it here.
I have same problem, as the TDD workflow that i use. After writing test then change the code the test doesn't re-run. Run test on every file change is possible.
As karma files have 3 options: Included, served, watched.
You can specify the bundle as pattern then tell karma to watch it
files: [
// watch final file so when source change and it's final file, re run the test
{ pattern: './dist/js/*.wp.js', watched: true},
but when we use karma start no webpack active and watching. So use concurrently to run karma and webpack. Note that webpack should watch only the source code and karma should watch the bundle file.
Then we can add script property to package.json like so
"scripts": {
"test": "karma start karma.config.js",
"build": "webpack",
"dev": "concurrently \"webpack --progress --colors --watch\" \"karma start karma.config.js --colors\"",
Then run npm run dev to start coding
Well I've never heard of webpack up until now, but I know karma fairly well. I'm not 100% sure what you are asking here, so let me know if this isn't helpful at all. You can setup karma to do exactly what you want it to do (run tests on every file change).
There are two options that you must set in the karma.conf.js file: autoWatch: true and singleRun: false.
module.exports = function(config) {
// set other options and stuff...
autoWatch: true,
singleRun: false
autoWatch set to true enables watching files and executing tests whenever any file changes. Setting singleRun to false means that you only need to execute karma start (or however you integrate it into webpack) once to run your tests, instead of having to enter the command every single time you make a change or want to run your suite; it just keeps karma running in the background.

AngularJS : e2e tests with Karma Scenario Test Runner using cached source?

I am trying to set up some AngularJS e2e tests with Karma Scenario Test Runner. I did some modifications to the source files, but Karma doesn't seem to use these latest versions when testing.
In the source files, I added ids to some elements. Karma still couldn't find them, so I added a pause in the e2e test, so that I can mark and "Inspect elements" (using Chrome) on the current page in the test runner. The source code seems correct, except the latest changes are missing, i e, the ids aren't there. So what's happening here? Do I need to explicitly tell Karma the files have been updated somehow?
You can fix this issue by forcing angularjs to clear the application cache:$rootScope, $templateCache) {
$rootScope.$on('$viewContentLoaded', function() {
In Chrome developer tools settings, check "Disable cache (while DevTools is open)".
Obviously, this is a much more general issue than Angular's e2e test runner, but I decided to leave it here for now, in case somebody else has the same question.

Test browser code with Intern through Grunt and Phantomjs

I have been playing with Intern and made my tests work in the browser. To better integrate with my current workflow I'm trying to run my tests through grunt with phantomjs. However all my attempts have failed. I've been looking at this question as a reference Intern WebDriver and PhantomJS but can't figure out all of the steps to make it work.
First of all: Is it even possible to run the tests through grunt and phantomjs?
A little bit of info:
I don't want/can't connect to Sauce Labs or a Selenium testing environment.
I want to test browser code while having jQuery as a shimmed dependency
I have Grunt 0.4.1 and phantomjs 1.9.1 installed
I'm not testing any ajax request (as the linked question is having problem with)
I'm not familiar with neither Selenium nor Sauce Lab
If it is possible to test through grunt and phanomjs, how would I go about doing it?
I guess that I have to start the GhostDriver
phantomjs --webdriver=8910
But then what are the important pieces of info in the Intern config to make this work?
proxyPort: 9000,
proxyUrl: 'http://localhost:9000/',
environments: [
browserName: 'phantom',
version: '1.9.0',
platform: 'Linux'
webdriver: {
host: 'localhost',
port: 8910
maxConcurrency: 3,
useSauceConnect: false,
// ...
How does the environments browserName map to phantomjs? I've tried the browserNames 'phantom' as well as 'phanomjs' with different versions and platforms (running Mac 10.7)
My Gruntfile section for intern looks like:
intern: {
phantom: {
options: {
config: 'tests/intern',
reporters: ['webdriver']
Running this setup without any test-suite that includes browser code outputs
'ReferenceError: document is not defined' in 'node_modules/intern/lib/reporters/webdriver.js:41:19'
Adding browser tests gives 'ReferenceError: window is not defined' in 'src/vendor/jquery/jquery-1.9.1.js:9597:5'
Running it through node gives the same 'window is not defined' error.
node node_modules/intern/client.js config=tests/intern
What am I doing wrong/missing here?
There are two problems with your Gruntfile configuration:
The default run type for the Grunt task is 'client', which means it runs the Node.js client by default, not the test runner. You need to set runType: 'runner' in your Gruntfile options to run tests against your specified environments.
The webdriver reporter is for use in a browser client only and is specified automatically by the test runner when it is needed. You should typically never use it directly. The reporter you specify in the Gruntfile should be the one you want the test runner to use; the console default is usually appropriate.
These two things in combination mean that you’ve configured Intern to try to use a reporter that only works in a browser in conjunction with the test runner inside the Node.js client, hence the error. Once corrected, the remaining configuration should work properly to run on PhantomJS, assuming it is already running on localhost at port 8910.