I have text like
I {love|enjoy|like{| reading| posting on}} {stack|stackover}. {:D |:)
|^^ |}{They{| are {forums|boards} that}|The {boards|forums|bbs}}
provide {free|awesome|infomrative|new} {guides|ideas|tutorials|posts}
(and {tools|downloads|books}!)
in String^ Szablon
and want to generate text from that.
I write a code:
while ((str = din->ReadLine()) != nullptr) //read from the file
int rndInt;
int i=0;
while (i<5){
Regex^ spin = gcnew Regex("{[^{}]*}");
String^ delimStr = "|";
Match^ m = spin->Match(tekst);
if ( m->Success )
array<Char>^ delimiter = delimStr->ToCharArray( );
array<String^>^ words;
words = m->Value->Split( delimiter );
words[0] = words[0]->Replace("{","");
words[words->Length-1] = words[words->Length-1]->Replace("}","");
Random^ r = gcnew Random();
int x=r->Next(0,words->Length);
String^ aktualny=words[x];
tekst = tekst->Replace(m->Value,aktualny);
else {i=8;}
and it's working, but it generate me all the time the same results
I would like to ask if having a PDF it is possible, using pdfbox libraries, to update it at a specific point.
I am trying to use a solution already online but seems the gettoken() method does not enter code heresection the words properly to allow me to find the part I would like to modify.
This is the code(Groovy):
for( int i = 0; i < dataContext.getDataCount(); i++ ) {
InputStream is = dataContext.getStream(i);
Properties props = dataContext.getProperties(i);
String searchString= "Hours worked";
String replacement = "Hours worked: 2";
File file = new File("\\\\****\\UKDC\\GFS\\PRE\\PREPROD\\Alchemer\\Template\\***.pdf");
PDDocument doc = PDDocument.load(file);
for ( PDPage page : doc.getPages() )
PDFStreamParser parser = new PDFStreamParser(page);
List tokens = parser.getTokens();
logger.info("in Page");
for (int j = 0; j < tokens.size(); j++)
Object next = tokens.get(j);
//logger.info("in Object");
if (next instanceof Operator)
Operator op = (Operator) next;
String pstring = "";
int prej = 0;
//Tj and TJ are the two operators that display strings in a PDF
if (op.getName().equals("Tj"))
logger.info("in Tj");
// Tj takes one operator and that is the string to display so lets update that operator
COSString previous = (COSString) tokens.get(j - 1);
String string = previous.getString();
string = string.replaceFirst(searchString, replacement);
} else
if (op.getName().equals("TJ"))
logger.info("in TJ:"+ op.getName());
COSArray previous = (COSArray) tokens.get(j - 1);
for (int k = 0; k < previous.size(); k++)
Object arrElement = previous.getObject(k);
if (arrElement instanceof COSString)
COSString cosString = (COSString) arrElement;
String string = cosString.getString();
if (j == prej || string.equals(" ") || string.equals(":") || string.equals("-")) {
pstring += string;
} else {
prej = j;
pstring = string;
if (searchString.equals(pstring.trim()))
logger.info("in searchString");
COSString cosString2 = (COSString) previous.getObject(0);
int total = previous.size()-1;
for (int k = total; k > 0; k--) {
logger.info("in updatedStream");
// now that the tokens are updated we will replace the page content stream.
PDStream updatedStream = new PDStream(doc);
OutputStream out = updatedStream.createOutputStream(COSName.FLATE_DECODE);
ContentStreamWriter tokenWriter = new ContentStreamWriter(out);
logger.info("in tokenWriter");
Executing the code I am trying to search "Hours worked" String and update with
"Hours worked: 2"
There are 2 questions:
1.When I execute and check the logs can see the Tokens are not created properly:
enter image description here
enter image description here
So are created two different COSArrays meantime I have all in one Line:
enter image description here
and this can be a problem if I have to search a specific word.
When it find the word it seems it is working but it apply a strange char:
enter image description here
So Here 2 questions:
How to manage to specify the token behaviour (or maybe for the parser) to get an entire phrase in the same token until a special char happen?
Hot to format the new char in the new PDF?
Hope you can help me, thanks for your support.
I cannot get the loop to work in the buildDimArray method to store the number combinations "11+11", "11+12", "11+21", "11+22", "12+11", "12+12", "12+21", "12+22", "21+11", "21+12", "21+21", "21+22", "22+11", "22+12", "22+21", and "22+22" into the 2d arraylist with each expression going into one column of the index dimBase-1 row. The loop may work for other people, but for some reason mine isn't functioning correctly. The JVM sees the if dimBase==1 condition, but refuses to check the other conditions. The "WTF" not being printed as a result from the buildDimArray method. If dimBase=1, it prints successfully, but doesn't for the other integers. The dimBase==3 condition needs a loop eventually. The "WTF" is for illustrative purposes. I could get away with a 1d arraylist, but in the future I will likely need the 2d arraylist once the program is completed.
package jordanNumberApp;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* Dev Wills
* Purpose: This code contains some methods that aren't developed. This program is supposed to
* store all possible number combinations from numbers 1-dimBase for the math expression
* "##+##" into a 2d arraylist at index row dimBase-1 and the columns storing the
* individual combinations. After storing the values in the arraylist, the print method
* pours the contents in order from the arraylist as string values.
public class JordanNumberSystem {
// a-d are digits, assembled as a math expression, stored in outcomeOutput, outcomeAnswer
public static int dimBase, outcomeAnswer, a, b, c, d;
public static String inputOutcome, outcomeOutput;
public static final int NUM_OF_DIMENSIONS = 9; //Eventually # combinations go up to 9
public static ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> dimBaseArray;
public static Scanner keyboard;
* Constructor for JordanNumber System
* accepts no parameters
public JordanNumberSystem() // Defunct constructor
// Declare and Initialize public variables
this.dimBase = dimBase;
this.outcomeOutput = outcomeOutput;
this.outcomeAnswer = outcomeAnswer;
// Set all values of variable values
public static void setAllValues()
// Initialize
dimBase = 1;
outcomeAnswer = 22; // variables not used for now
outcomeOutput = "1"; // variables not used for now
//a = 1;
//b = 1;
//c = 1;
//d = 1;
dimBaseArray = new ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>();
keyboard = new Scanner(System.in);
public static void buildDimArray(int dim)
dimBase = dim;
//create first row
dimBaseArray.add(dimBase-1, new ArrayList<String>());
if( dimBase == 1)
a = b = c = d = dimBase ;
System.out.println("WTF"); // SHOWS
else if (dimBase == 2)
{ // dim = 2
a = b = c = d = 1 ;
System.out.println("WTF"); // doesn't show
// dimBaseArray.get(dimBase-1).add(a+""+b+"+"+c+""+d);
for( int i = 1 ; i <= dim ; i++)
for( int j = 1 ; j <= dim ; j++)
for( int k = 1 ; k <= dim ; k++)
for( int l = 1 ; l <= dim ; l++)
else if (dimBase == 3)
a = b = c = d = dimBase;
}catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e)
public static void printArray(int num) // Prints the contents of the array
{ // Fixing the printing method
int i = num-1;
for( String string : dimBaseArray.get(i))
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e)
public static void main(String[] args) throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
setAllValues(); // sets the initial a,b,c,d values and dimBase, initializes 2d arraylist
// Get the Dimension Base number
System.out.println("Enter Dimension Base Number. Input an integer: ");
int dimBaseInput = keyboard.nextInt(); // Receives integer
dimBase = dimBaseInput;
if( dimBase != 1 && dimBase != 2 && dimBase != 3)
{// Error checking
System.out.println("invalid Dimension Base Number should be 1 or 2 ");
// Build the arraylist, print, clear, exit
}// End of class
public void loadFileRecursiv(String pathDir)
File fisier = new File(pathDir);
File[] listaFisiere = fisier.listFiles();
for(int i = 0; i < listaFisiere.length; i++)
loadFileRecursiv(pathDir + File.separatorChar + listaFisiere[i].getName());
String cuExtensie = listaFisiere[i].getName();
String nume = cuExtensie.split(".")[0];
String acronimBanca = nume.split("_")[0];
String tipAct = nume.split("_")[1];
String dataActString = nume.split("_")[2];
//Date dataAct = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy").parse(dataActString);
//String denBanca = inlocuireAcronim(acronimBanca);
insertData(listaFisiere[i], cuExtensie, acronimBanca, tipAct, dataActString);
//fisiere[i].renameTo(new File("u02/ActeConstitutive/Mutate"));
I have a simple code that checks all files and folders recursevely when a path is given. Unfortunately, i have a NULLPOINTEREXCEPTION for for(int i = 0; i < listaFisiere.length; i++) this line. What can be the problem? Thank you!
check whether listaFisiere is null or not
If not null, change this line as for(int i = 0; i < listaFisiere.length(); i++)
you can change your code as below
for(File path:listaFisiere)
loadFileRecursiv(pathDir + File.separatorChar + path.getName());
String cuExtensie = path.getName();
String nume = cuExtensie.split(".")[0];
String acronimBanca = nume.split("_")[0];
String tipAct = nume.split("_")[1];
String dataActString = nume.split("_")[2];
//Date dataAct = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy").parse(dataActString);
//String denBanca = inlocuireAcronim(acronimBanca);
insertData(path, cuExtensie, acronimBanca, tipAct, dataActString);
//fisiere[i].renameTo(new File("u02/ActeConstitutive/Mutate"));
I have a csv file with thousands of rows. However I want my program to read the first line on startbtn but only output certain cells. So for example my csv file has this in row 1:
test 1 test 2 test 3 1stat ignore test 1 test 2 test 3 1stat ignore
But I want my textbox to show only cells 1, 5 and 6 for example so my textbox looks like this:
test 1
test 1
The code I have so far is this:
private: System::Void StartBtn_Click(System::Object^ sender, System::EventArgs^ e) {
String^ fileName = "same_para_diff_uprn.csv";
StreamReader^ din = File::OpenText(fileName);
String^ str;
str = din->ReadLine();
array<Char>^chars = {','};
array<String^>^split = str->Split( chars );
IEnumerator^ myEnum = split->GetEnumerator();
while ( myEnum->MoveNext() )
String^ s = safe_cast<String^>(myEnum->Current);
if ( !s->Trim()->Equals( "" ) )
textBox1->Text += gcnew String (s);
String^ fileName = "same_para_diff_uprn1.csv";
StreamReader^ din = File::OpenText(fileName);
String^ delimStr = ",";
array<Char>^ delimiter = delimStr->ToCharArray( );
array<String^>^ words;
String^ str = din->ReadLine();
words = str->Split( delimiter );
textBox1->Text += gcnew String (words[10]);
textBox1->Text += gcnew String ("\r\n");
I am trying to write a method that receives a sentence (str) and prints it without punctuation (.,?!:").
Right now my method is removing some punctuation but not all.
public static String dePunct(String str)
String noPunct = str;
int length = str.length();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
if (str.charAt(i)=='.' || str.charAt(i)==','|| str.charAt(i)=='!'|| str.charAt(i)=='?'|| str.charAt(i)==':'|| str.charAt(i)=='"')
StringBuffer strSB = new StringBuffer(str);
StringBuffer newStrSB =s trSB.replace(i,i+1, "");
noPunct = newStrSB.toString();
length = noPunct.length();
return noPunct;
String a = sentence.replaceAll("[.,:!\\?]","");