Is there a good way to run specflow tests in a new app domain? - appdomain

Due to some constraints on our production code, we have some .NET services that need to be run with their own config file. We've been using app-domains to provide arbitrary config files to these services at test run time.
The problem comes when we try and use SpecFlow for these tests - since each step is called separately and from an overall runner class that we don't have direct access to, pushing test data across app-domain boundaries for every single STEP is pretty messy and results in everything being in all sorts of odd lambdas, plus serializability needs to be considered when most of the time we shouldn't need to care about that in a test code context (internal data objects, that sort of thing).
Does anyone have a method by which SpecFlow can be convinced to run all of its steps in a provided app-domain, or generally just play nicer with the app-domain concept in general?
Would it be possible to write a plugin / test generator that did this, and if so would this be very technically complicated? I had a look at that sort of extensibility but couldn't find the right place to start to do this, so I may have missed it.
(I'm aware that "Refactor your service so you don't need arbitrary config files" would also solve the underlying problem, but for the purposes of this question please assume I can't do that - I'm interested in whether SpecFlow can be configured to solve this, whether on its own or by extending it.)
Edit: After some more investigation I think this -should- be possible by using a custom unit test generator plugin? The problem I then have is there's basically zero documentation on that, and not many examples around on the internet. If you can give me a good example that I can look at to adapt that would go a long way...


Is there a way we can chain the scenarios in karate like java method chaining

I have been using Karate for the past 6 months, I am really impressed with the features it offers.
I know karate is meant to test API(s) individually but we are also trying to use it for E2E tests that involves calling multiple scenarios step by step.
Our feature file looks like below
1.Call Feature1:Scenario1
2.Call Feature2:Scenario2
Note: We are re-using a scenarios for both API Testing and E2E testing.Sometimes I find it difficult to remember all feature files.
Can we chain the scenario call like java, I doubt feature file will let us to do that. We need your valuable suggestion. pls let us know if you feel our approach is not correct
First, I'd like to quote the documentation:
Variables set using def in the Background will be re-set before every Scenario. If you are looking for a way to do something only once per Feature, take a look at callonce. On the other hand, if you are expecting a variable in the Background to be modified by one Scenario so that later ones can see the updated value - that is not how you should think of them, and you should combine your 'flow' into one Scenario. Keep in mind that you should be able to comment-out a Scenario or skip some via tags without impacting any others. Note that the parallel runner will run Scenario-s in parallel, which means they can run in any order.
So by default, I actually recommend teams to have Scenario-s with multiple API calls within them. There is nothing wrong with that, and I really don't understand why some folks assume that you should have a Scenario for every GET or POST etc. I thought the "hello world" example would have made that clear, but evidently not.
If you have multiple Scenario-s in a Feature just run the feature, and all Scenario-s will be executed or "chained". So what's the problem ?
I think you need to change some of your assumptions. Karate is designed for integration testing. If you really need to have a separate set of tests that test one API at a time, please create separate feature files. The whole point of Karate is that there is so little code needed - that code-duplication is perfectly ok.
Let me point you to this article by Google. For test-automation, you should NOT be trying to re-use things all over the place. It does more harm than good.
For a great example of what happens when you try to apply "too much re-use" in Karate, see this:

How to automate testing of Tridion templates (with TOM.NET)

I have a recurring problem in templating projects. I can't really test my work in any other way than running the templates in Template Builder. This is a major problem if I'm working on a TBB that is used on several different templates because it means that after changing the code in the TBB I should retest all the templates (and probably with several different pages/components as there might be slightly different cases depending on the content).
As you can see in big projects where TBBs are reused a lot changing them costs a lot of time due to the amount of testing necessary and I would be eager to find a solution for this. I know that unit testing is virtually impossible with the current TOM.NET (most classes/methods are internal) so what could be an alternative way to achieve automated testing?
One solution that I have looked into is to use Core Service to initiate rendering process of a template with some test content and then check if the output is as expected but achieving this requires quite a lot of code and thus produces unwanted overhead (I think it still takes less time than manually retesting the cases). Also this doesn't really allow you to test individual TBBs unless you (programmatically) create separate templates with individual (or a subset of) TBBs. The good thing of this solution is that you could run the tests on your local laptop while developing, assuming you can connect to Tridion-server (you'd still have to upload your code to Tridion before running the tests so its not completely ideal solution).
I know that other alternative is to use DD4T/CWA where you can pretty much handle all the testing in the front-end as the templates are (usually) quite simple.
Any other ideas?
I agree that the emphasis is on automated testing rather than unit testing (which, after all, is mostly about object oriented programming). With Tridion work, it's about transforming data. What you need to test data transforms is to have known inputs, and to be able to make assertions about the outputs. I've tried various approaches over the years, but the most effective so far has been the following:
1) For every template, keep test content in a dedicated Folder, and test pages in a dedicated Structure Group. The content is the input to your tests, and isn't intended to change unless the test requirements change.
2) Put the components on the pages. Publish the pages. Keep it simple: you can often have a page for a single test scenario. You can automate publishing the pages if that helps.
3) Use web testing tools to verify the output. This could be HtmlUnit, Selenium or whatever.
Basically - Tridion is an engine for executing transforms. You don't need a specialised test execution engine for this part, although it's useful to use one for testing the output.
Mocking the package sounds attractive, but as Vesa says, it can turn into a huge amount of work. The simple approach I have outlined works in practice, and was proved on a significant project. You could add variations on the theme if you like: one thing I've considered, but never done on a project, is to use the blueprint to give you more isolation. For example, you could test your page templates by localising your component templates to generate static and predictable component presentations. Suffice it to say that there's enough scope for creativity once you unshackle yourself from the baggage of unit testing approaches.
I have some experience with the CoreService scenario. You will just need to write some helpers to upload your templates, create coumpound templates and run it. The tricky part, however, is verification.
You will need to write some test templates that will help you with verification. One way is to write .Net template that you will pass expected values to and it will do the verification. The other way is to write DreamWeaver template that will print values from package and you will then check it against expected. The advantage of this method is that these values will be returned to you as the result of CoreService Render action and you can do all the verification on the client side.
But the most difficult part is the dataset creation. It will probably take most of your time.
You could try to isolate the majority of the code in classes that can be unit tested.
I guess the main problem here is that Engine and Package are sealed, so you cannot easily mock them up. But you can minimize the interaction with those objects and put the meat of your code in classes that take the relevant input and return the output that should be put in the package etc.
I think you could get a lot of coverage of your TBBs just from unit tests with this approach.
At a customer I've seen an implementation where the tests are invoking the same webservice that Template Builder uses, and they use these to execute the templates, evaluate the results, etc.
Probably worth exploring.
I would suggest writing your own TestRunner with 2 goals: Create test data and run tests.
Create test data: The idea is to create a sample dataset (all fields, some fields, and only mandatory fields automatically). (Bonus points for using Chuck Norris quotes instead of lorem ipsum). The title of the Sample content uses a naming scheme - like [TestContent] and/or is in its' own folder with metadata attached (to find it later).
Create test pages: Find the TestContent. Use GetListUsingItems to find pages where the template is used. Copy the page, and paste it into a TestContent StructureGroup, save. Open the page, add the test content, remove the other content, and save page with special naming schema.
Run tests: Find the TestContent, preview each one, write out report with rendering time, success status, and # of chars.
I consider your problem completely technology agnostic regardless of the approach you use (Thinking in the context of Tridion).
The problem is that you are modifying one thing that is used in multiple places (Component/Page Templates) and those places need to be tested before you push
that as a valid change.
Even if you do proper changes, assume the code runs fine and you have a result, maybe is not the result that is expected by other TBBs that consume your
That is the problem itself unfortunately :(
If the problem is that you have to test all the Templates using that TBB, that is still a problem with no solution.
If the problem is that you don't want to impact the current platform with your changes/testing nor interfere with other developments going on
is a different scenario.
I would solve the second one by creating a separate publication inheriting from the publication with valid code/data to test
(or have that created in advance), make your changes there and test.
This approach makes sense if you are using the TBB as part of many Component/Page Templates.
If you have the luxury of the granularity in the front end (your tbb produces an atomic piece of code) the complexity of the scenario would be slightly
reduced, but you still have to test all the scenarios anyway

does anyone have parasoft .test or jtest experience

First i have no experience on parasoft .test or jtest experience. I have read the datasheet that the product could automatically generate unit test.
but I am woundering how useful the auto generated unit test are. Does it really do not need any other effort by developer?
any experience sharing are welcome.
thanks a lot!
We used JTest for our product recently. We didn't use the standard product, we used the Eclipse Plugin. The standard product is built on the OSGI framework (read: it's like Eclipse), but you have to import and create your projects. We were already using Eclipse, so it made sense for us to simply use the plugin, which has all of the same capabilities.
While there are many things that JTest can do for you, there are also many irritating things about it. For example, Jtest's static analysis tool is what is really worthwhile, IMHO. It can look for lots of errors and has a pretty good reporting system. But, while unit test generation is okay, but I think I spent as much or more time fixing and enhancing the generated tests than I would have just making them myself. Administering Jtest is also somewhat complicated and involved.
The built-in mechanisms to make unit tests, stub objects, parameterized unit tests, etc. are not well documented. At least, my little brain couldn't make good use of them in the two years we used the product. However, a lot of their super awesome features (like GUI tracing, command-line interface, the Bug Detective, reporting system etc.) all require extra, very expensive licenses.
Really, Jtest just gives you an easy way to manage the execution of static and unit testing. But it's really expensive. I can't believe they charge thousands of dollars per license of that stuff. You'll also find that they will want to train you, which you almost need because the documentation is pretty bad. Which is odd, because the user's guide is like 900 pages long.
But here's a big hint: you can do it for free. If I had to do it over, I would have pushed hard for using these products (which, oddly enough, look and feel very similar to Jtest)
I wouldn't get Jtest thinking that this will be a small something to add to your developer's routine. Jtest can become a huge time and process sink.
Jtest is very very useful.Yes it generates it own test cases which requires lot more efforts for fixing them.I use it in different form.I delete all the generated unnecessary test cases.I made one another file which create database connection and set various other parameters sets.Also after configuration the code will work without mocking if all of the code is ready and if it is not ready than you can stubs the required methods.
Static code analyzer is good(for checking null pointer exception)
Checking code conventions is very good.
Write your custom code guidlines as use cases and execute it on your code.
Code coverage.
Debug while testing.
The auto generated unit tests still needs a developer to decide what results are correct or not, so you have to sit down and do the job. A lot of the boiler plate code is of course auto generated, so a small time saver there. I haven't used it much, but did evaluate jtest for an earlier employer. Seemed like a great product, if I remember correctly. :)
Alas there will never be a silver bullet that addresses all unit testing requirements, but JTest & .Test (& C++Test for that matter) about as close as you will get. Uggwar is correct that the developer will still need to verify outcomes for the basic auto generated tests, however there is a whole lot more to it.
These tools can be used to create basic regression tests, these are there to tell you when something has changes, not whether what it is testing is right or wrong. You can also trace a running application and then generate JUnit/NUnit/CPPUnit tests that recreate what was going on in the application. These tend to be far more useful tests, which are used as regression tests for items of functionality.
Other functionality includes the ability to generate stubs, use spreadsheets as datasources and provide an object repository. There is a while lot more too ....
Give them a try.

How to approach implementing an interface in a TDD way

So I'm trying to convert myself to a more test- and behaviour- driven approach to my development. It's good for me, and I've seen good results in the few projects I've used it for so far.
My current project is a FUSE-based filesystem - I want to add some functionality over basic filesystem access so FUSE seemed like a good fit. All I really need to do is implement a set of functions that fit the appropriate interface, wrap it up appropriately, and go.
However, test first, I remind myself. I've already written a set of cucumber features to lay out the basic expectations of how the overall app should work, so now it's time to get down to testing the innards.
Now, I could just write unit tests for each of the functions I need to write for the interface, and then get to coding the interface - but that doesn't seem overly test-driven to me. Sure the tests exist, but the interface is really what's driving things.
Am I going about this wrong? Or am I expecting too much?
Give me a "what-what" in the comments if you think this should be community wiki - I can't even decide if this has a right answer.
Step 1. What is one thing the interface must do? One thing.
Step 2. How will you prove it does that one thing?
Step 3. Write a test to prove the interface really does that one thing.
Step 4. Run the test -- it will fail. You haven't actually written the interface.
Step 5. Code the interface.
Step 6. The test will pass.
Move on to the next thing the interface must do.
This has little to do with the functions you've already designed. This is totally focused on externally visible feature the interface must have. It may turn out that your functions are the right thing. Or it may turn out that you over-engineered these functions. Or under-engineered them. The point is to drive your design from the things a component must do and the tests to prove what it must do.
Even if it's only focused on Ruby, The rspec book has a good introduction on the BDD cycle.
I want to add some functionality over basic filesystem access so FUSE seemed like a good fit
It is hard to develop fuse fs. Two main problems is VERY hard debugging and multi-threading. Also I had (and now have) problems with testing my fs. Maybe inotify will satisfy your requirements.

BDD GUI Automation

I've started a new role in my life. I was a front end web developer, but I've now been moved to testing web software, or more so, automating the testing of the software. I believe I am to pursue a BDD (Behavior Driven Development) methodology. I am fairly lost as to what to use, and how to piece it together.
The code that is being used/written is in Java to write a web interface for the application to test. I have documentation of the tests to run, but I've been curious how to go about automating it.
I've been directed to Cucumber as one of the "languages" to help with the automation. I have done some research and come across a web site for a synopsis of BDD Tools/Frame works,
8 Best Behavior Driven Development (BDD) Tools and Testing Frameworks. This helped a little but then I got a little confused of how to implement it. It seems that Selenium is a common denominator in a lot of the BDD frameworks for testing a GUI, but it still doesn't seem to help describe what to do.
I then came across the term Functional Testing tool, and I think that confused me even more. Do they all test a GUI?
I think the one that looked like it was all one package was SmartBear TestComplete, and then there is, what seems to be, another similar application by SmartBear called, SmartBear TestLeft, but I think I saw that they still used Cucumber for BDDing it. There a few others that looked like they might work as well, but I guess the other question is what's the cheapest route?
I guess the biggest problem I have is how to make these tests more dynamic, as the UI/browser dimensions can easily change from system to system, and how do I go about writing automation that can handle this, and tie into a BDD methodology?
Does anyone have any suggestions here? Does anybody out there do this?
Thanks in advance.
BDD Architecture
BDD automation typically consists of a few layers:
The natural language steps
The wiring that ties the steps to their definition
The step definitions, which usually access page objects
Page objects, which provide all the capabilities of a page or widget
Automation over the actual code being exercised, often through the GUI.
The wiring between natural language steps and the step definitions is normally done by the BDD tool (Cucumber).
The automation is normally done using the automation tool (Selenium). Sometimes people do skip the GUI, perhaps targeting an API or the MVC layer instead. It depends how complex the functionality in your web page is. If in doubt, give Selenium a try. I've written automation frameworks for desktop apps; the principle's the same regardless.
Keeping it maintainable
To make the steps easy to maintain and change, keep the steps at a fairly high level. This is frequently referred to as "declarative" as opposed to "imperative". For instance, this is too detailed:
When Fred provides his receipt
And his receipt is scanned
And the cashier clicks "Refund to original card"
And the card is inserted...
Think about what the user is trying to achieve:
When Fred gets a refund to his original card
Generally a scenario will have a few Givens or Thens, but typically only one When (unless you have something like users interacting or time passing, where both events are needed to illustrate the behaviour).
Your page objects in this scenario might well be a "RefundPageObject" or perhaps, if that's too large, a "RefundToCardPageObject". This pattern allows multiple scenario steps to access the same capabilities without duplication, which means that if the way the capabilities are exercised changes, you only need to change them in one place.
Different page objects could also be used for different systems.
Getting started
If you're attacking this for the first time, start by getting an empty scenario that just runs and passes without doing anything (make the steps empty). When you've done this, you'll have successfully wired up Cucumber.
Write the production code that would make the scenario run. (This is the other way round from the way you'd normally do it; normally you'd write the scenario code first. I've found this is a good way to get started though.)
When you can run your scenario manually, add the automation directly to the steps (you've only got one scenario at this point). Use your favourite assertion package (JUnit) to get the outcome you're after. You'll probably need to change your code so that you can automate over it easily, by e.g.: giving relevant test ids to elements in your webpage.
Once you've got one scenario running, try to write any subsequent scenarios first; this helps you think about your design and the testability of what you're about to do. When you start adding more scenarios, start extracting that automation out into page objects too.
Once you've got a few scenarios, have a think about how you might want to address different systems. Avoid using lots of "if" statements if you can; those are hard to maintain. Injecting different implementations of page objects is probably better (the frameworks may well support this by now; I haven't used them in a while).
Keep refactoring as you add more scenarios. If the steps are too big, split them up. If the page objects are too big, divide them into widgets. I like to organize my scenarios by user / stakeholder capabilities (normally related to the "when" but sometimes to the "then") then by different contexts.
So to summarize:
Write an empty scenario
Write the code to make that pass manually
Wire up the scenario using your automation tool; it should now run!
Write another scenario, this time writing the automation before the production code
Refactor the automation, moving it out of the steps into page objects
Keep refactoring as you add more scenarios.
Now you've got a fully wired BDD framework, and you're in a good place to keep going while making it maintainable.
A final hint
Think of this as living documentation, rather than tests. BDD scenarios hardly ever pick up bugs in good teams; anything they catch is usually a code design issue, so address it at that level. It helps people work out what the code does and doesn't do yet, and why it's valuable.
The most important part of BDD is having the conversations about how the code works. If you're automating tests for code that already exists, see if you can find someone to talk to about the complicated bits, at least, and verify your understanding with them. This will also help you to use the right language in the scenarios.
See my post on using BDD with legacy systems for more. There are lots of hints for beginners on that blog too.
Since you feel lost as to where to start, I will hint you about some blogs I have written that talks a bit about your problem.
Some categories that may help you:
This, rather long and old post, might give you hints as well:
Notice that versions are dated, but hopefully it can give some ideas as what too look for.
I am not an expert on the test automation but I am currently working on this part. So let me share some idea and hope it will help you at the current stage.
We have used selenium+cucumber+intellij for testing web application. We have used testcomplete+cucumber+intellij for testing java desktop application.
As to the test of web application, we have provided a test mode in our web application, which allows us to get some useful details of the product and the environment; and also allows us to easily trigger events through clicking the button and inputting text into the test panel under test mode.
I hope these are helpful for you.