Compiling .ridl file - com

Is there a utility for compiling the .ridl file used by C++Builder, to generate a C header?
As far as I can tell, TLIBIMP can only extract RIDL from TLB, and generate C++ headers from TLB. I do not see an option to generate headers from RIDL.
Using the Microsoft SDK 7.1's "midl.exe" on the .ridl file I get a bunch of errors:
.\MyObject.ridl(114) : error MIDL2072 : inapplicable attribute : [version] [ Parameter 'param1' of Procedure 'func1' ( Interface 'IMyObject' ) ]
Also there are some good warnings:
.\MyObject.ridl(343) : warning MIDL2400 : for oleautomation, optional parameters should be VARIANT or VARIANT * : [optional] [ Parameter 'param2' of Procedure 'func2' ( Interface 'IMyObject' ) ]
which I since learned about, but didn't know when originally defining my interface. It'd be good to have these sort of warnings available when defining an interface in C++Builder.
I'm guessing that .ridl is an extension invented by Embarcadero, and [version] is a tag in that extension. The error specifically refers to the version(1.0) that appears in the header for enums that I defined. (Each use of an enum as function parameter triggers the warning).
(If I fix the errors by removing this excess version tag then it generates headers correctly that I can use in a C program built with C++Builder).

A RIDL file is specific to Embarcadero compilers only. Embarcadero uses RIDL instead of standard IDL, and RIDL is not compatible with MIDL.exe.
In pre-2009 versions, the IDE edited the TLB file directly, and then linked it as-is into executables. This was error-prone, hard to maintain and edit, and did not lend itself well to VCS systems. So RIDL was created, and TLB files became intermediate files created dynamically during project compiling, like OBJ and RES files.
There is no tool to create C/C++ source files directly from a RIDL file. However, there is a GenTLB.exe tool to create a TLB file from a RIDL file, and then you can use the TLIBIMP.exe tool to create C/C++ source files from the TLB file.
Note, however, that the C/C++ source files generated by TLIBIMP.exe are only usable in C++Builder, as they rely on Embarcadero-specific compiler extensions and RTL headers/types. If you want to use the TLB file with other compilers, you will have to use their own TLB import tools/capabilities.


How to generate and export one big OBJECT .o library blob from CMake instead of STATIC .a library

I am generating a STATIC library on Linux with the name myLi using CMake, but apart from myLib.a I would like to generate one big blob of .o (OBJECT) file that contains everything in it (all the sources/object files), but I can't figure out how to do it with CMake (with makefile it's easy done). I have tried the following:
set(${SOURCE_FILES} src/file1.cpp src/file2.cpp .. )
add_library(myLib OBJECT ${SOURCE_FILES})
target_link_libraries(myLib PRIVATE ${LIBS_THAT_REQUIRED})
add_library(FinalLibrary STATIC $<TARGET_OBJECTS:myLib> ...)
I would expect to find myLib.o blob somewhere, but I can't figure out how I can generate it.
Any thoughts?
TL;DR: you can't, what you describe is not an object file, and your interest in producing such an artifact is probably misplaced.
How to generate and export one big OBJECT .o library blob from CMake instead of STATIC .a library
Object files are not among the targets that CMake provides for defining. They are of course produced incidentally in the process of building program and library targets, but they are not an end goal. You might be able to set them up as custom targets, but substantially no one does this.
And they do not do it because there is nothing anyone typically wants to do with an object file that you cannot do with a static library containing that object file, or containing multiple object files that jointly contain the same content. There are, however, one or two things that you can do with a library that you cannot do directly with an object file.
I would like to generate one big blob of .o (OBJECT) file that contains everything in it (all the sources/object files)
That's not what an object file is. An object file is the result of compiling one translation unit (roughly, one source file plus any headers / included files / whatever), and it does not contain source.
And I have no idea what you have in mind to do with such a thing. An archive of the unbuilt source is potentially interesting. One or more programs or libraries built from the source is potentially interesting. An installation package containing some or all of the above is potentially interesting. But the intermediate object files are not interesting, except as stepping stones on a path to one of the others, and none of the aggregates I just listed are object files.
I would expect to find myLib.o blob somewhere, but I can't figure out how I can generate it.
I have no idea why you would expect that unless the library were built from a single source file (which seems not to be the case for you). And if it were built from a single source file then I expect that you would have been able to find the corresponding object file. Which would not contain source, unless possibly in the form of debug information.
A static library is a container for object files. They are created by compiling some number of source files to object files, then putting those object files into the library. (From which they also can be extracted, at least with many common library formats.) There is no other intermediate involved in creating one.
To get a one big object file you need to compile a one big source file. C/C++ sources can be concatenated before the compilation and this is called a Unity build.

How to identify implemented code location in open source project binaries?

There is a c code in wireshark packet-s7comm.c, after building how i will identify which generated binary is having its implementation ?
The packet-s7comm.c file should be compiled into the epan library, as seen in the CMake code here:
#Included so that Visual Studio can properly put header files in solution
You can't see the packet-s7comm.c file included specifically here, because it is contained in the dissectors object library target.

Making a module work like an intrinsic Fortran module

I have a module module1 in a file called mymodule.f90. What should I do in order to make module1 usable like fortran intrinsic module?, i.e. it need only be called in a use statement (use module1) in any programs, subroutines, or functions that use it but I don't need to link /path/to/mymodule/ when compiling those procedures.
I use gfortran, but possibly in the future I will also have to use the Intel fortran compiler.
So maybe I'm misunderstanding you, but you want to use a module without having to tell the compiler where to find the .mod file (that contains the interface definitions for whatever module1 exports), or the linker where the object code can be found?
If so, for GFortran the solution is to download the GCC source code, add your own module as an intrinsic module, and then build your own custom version of GFortran. As a word of warning, unless you're familiar with the GFortran/GCC internals, while this isn't rocket science, it isn't trivial either.
For Intel Fortran, where you presumably don't have access to the source code of the compiler, I suppose you're out of luck.
My suggestion is to forget about this, and instead tell the compiler/linker where your .mod files and object files can be found. There are tools like make, cmake etc. that can help you automate this.
When you compile mymodule.f90 you will obtain an object file (mymodule.o) and a module file (mymodule1.mod). The compiler needs to have access to the module file when it compiles other files that use mymodule1, and the linker needs to have access to the object file when it generates the binary.
You don't need to specify the location of intrinsic modules because they are built in into the compiler. That will not be the case with your modules: you may be able to set up your environment in a way that the locations of your files allow the compiler to find the files without explicitly specifying their paths in compilation or linking commands, but the fact that you don't see it does not mean it's not happening.
For the Intel compiler, the answer is given by :
Directories are searched for .mod files in this order:
1 Directory of the source file that contains the USE statement.
2 Directories specified by the module path compiler option.
3 Current working directory.
4 Directories specified by the -Idir (Linux* and OS X*) or /include (Windows*) option.
5 Directories specified with the CPATH or INCLUDE environment variable.
6 Standard system directories.
For gfortran I have not found such a clear ordered list, but relevant information can be found in
It should be clear to you that a compiler won't be able to understand module files created by other compilers, or even by different enough versions of the same compiler. Therefore, you would need a copy of your "always available" module for each compiler you use, and if you are using multiple versions of a compiler you may need up to one per version - each of them in a different directory to avoid errors.
As you can see, this is not particularly practical, and it is indeed far from common practice. It is usually easier and more clear to the user to specify the path to the relevant module file in the compilation command. This is quite easy to set up if you compile your code using tools such as make.
Finally, remember that, if you make such arrangements for module files, you will also need to make arrangements for the corresponding object files at the linking stage.

How to reuse Fortran modules without copying source or creating libraries

I'm having trouble understanding if/how to share code among several Fortran projects without building libraries or duplicating source code.
I am using Eclipse/Photran with the Intel compiler (ifort) on a linux system, but I believe I'm having a bigger conceptual problem with modules than with the specific tools.
Here's a simple example: In ~/workspace/cow I have a source directory (src) containing cow.f90 (the PROGRAM) and two modules m_graze and m_moo in m_graze.f90 and m_moo.f90, respectively. This project builds and links properly to create the executable 'cow'. The executable and modules (m_graze.mod and m_moo.mod) are stored in ~/workspace/cow/Debug and object files are stored under ~/workspace/cow/Debug/src
Later, I create ~/workplace/sheep and have src/sheep.f90 as the program and src/m_baa.f90 as the module m_baa. I want to 'use m_graze, only: ruminate' in sheep.f90 to get access to the ruminate() subroutine. I could just copy m_graze.f90 but that could lead to code getting out of sync and doesn't take into account any dependencies m_graze might have. For these reasons, I'd rather leave m_graze in the cow project and compile and link sheep.f90 against it.
If I try to compile the sheep project, I'll get an error like:
error #7002: Error in opening the compiled module file. Check INCLUDE paths. [M_GRAZE]
Under Properties:Project References for sheep, I can select the cow project. Under Properties:Fortran Build:Settings:Intel Compiler:Preprocessor I can add ~/workspace/cow/Debug (location of the module files) to the list of include directories so the compiler now finds the cow modules and compiles sheep.f90. However the linker dies with something like:
Building target: sheep
Invoking: Intel(R) Fortran Linker
ifort -L/home/me/workspace/cow/Debug -o "sheep" ./src/sheep.o
./src/sheep.o: In function `sheep':
/home/me/workspace/sheep/src/sheep.f90:11: undefined reference to `m_graze_mp_ruminate_'
This would normally be solved by adding libraries and library paths to the linker settings except there are no appropriate libraries to link to (this is Fortran, not C.)
The cow project was perfectly capable of compiling and linking together cow.f90, m_graze.f90 and m_moo.f90 into an executable. Yet while the sheep project can compile sheep.f90 and m_baa.f90 and can find the module m_graze.mod, it can't seem to find the symbols for m_graze even though all the requisite information is present on the system for it to do so.
It would seem to be an easy matter of configuration to get the linker portion of ifort to find the missing pieces and put them together but I have no idea what magic words need to be entered where in the Photran UI to make this happen.
I confess an utter lack of interest and competence in C and the C build process and I'd rather avoid the diversion of creating libraries (.a or .so) unless that's the only way to make this work.
Ultimately, I'm looking for a pure Fortran solution to this problem so I can keep a single copy of the source code and don't have to manually maintain a pile of custom Makefiles.
So can this be done?
Apologies if this has already been documented somewhere; Google is only showing me simple build examples, how to create modules, and how to link with existing libraries. There don't seem to be (m)any examples of code reuse with modules that don't involve duplicating source code.
As respondents have pointed out, the .mod files are necessary but not sufficient; either object code (in the form of m_graze.o) or static or shared libraries must be specified during the linking phase. The .mod files describe the interface to the object code/library but both are necessary to build the final executable.
For an oversimplified toy problem such as this, that's sufficient to answer the question as posed.
In a larger project with more complex dependencies (in my case, 80+KLOC of F90 linking to the MKL version of LAPACK95), the IDE or toolchain may lack sufficient automatic or user-interface facilities to make sharing a single canonical set of source files a viable strategy. The choice seems to be between risking duplicate source files getting out of sync, giving up many of the benefits of an IDE (i.e. avoiding manual creation of make/CMake/SCons files), or, in all likelihood, both. While a revision control system and good code organization can help, it's clear that sharing a single canonical set of source files among projects is far from easy given the current state of Eclipse.
Some background which I suspect you already know: Typically (including ifort) compiling the source code for a Fortran module results in two outputs - a "mod" file that contains a description of the Fortran entities that the module defines that the compiler needs to find whenever it sees a USE statement for the module, and object code for the linker that implements the procedures and variable storage, etc., that the module defines.
Your first error (the one you solved) is because the compiler couldn't find the mod file.
The second error is because the linker hasn't been told about the object code that implements the stuff that was in the source file with the module. I'm not an Eclipse user by any means, but a brute force way of specifying that is just to add the object file (xxxxx/Debug/m_graze.o) as an additional linker option (Fortran Build > Settings, under Intel Fortran Linker > Command Line). (Other tool chains have explicit "additional object file" properties for their link stage - there may well be a better way of doing this for the Intel chain.)
For more involved examples you would typically create a library out of the shared code. That's not really C specific, the only Fortran aspect is that the libraries archive of object code needs to be provided alongside the mod files that the Fortran compiler generates.
Yes the object code must be provided. E.g., when you install libnetcdf-dev in Debian (apt-get install libnetcdf-dev), there is a /usr/include/netcdf.mod file that is included.
You can now use all netcdf routines in your Fortran code. E.g.,
program main
use netcdf
but you'll have link to the netcdf shared (or static) library, i.e.,
gfortran -I/usr/include/ main.f90 -lnetcdff
However, as user MSB mentioned the mod file can only be used by gfortran that comes with the distribution (apt-get install gfortran). If you want to use any other compiler (even a different version that you may have installed yourself) then you'll have to build netcdf yourself using that particular compiler.
So creating a library is not a bad solution.

What is proper naming convention for MSVC dlls, static libraries and import libraries

What is standard or "most-popular" naming convention for MSVC library builds.
For example, for following platforms library foo has these conventions:
import: ---
static: libfoo.a
shared: cygfoo.dll
import: libfoo.dll.a
static: libfoo.a
shared: libfoo.dll
import: libfoo.dll.a
static: libfoo.a
What should be used for MSVC buidls? As far as I know, usually names are foo.dll and foo.lib, but how do you usually distinguish between import library and static one?
Note: I ask because CMake creates quite unpleasant collision between them naming both import and static library as foo.lib. See bug report. The answer would
help me to convince the developers to fix this bug.
You distinguish between a library and a .dll by the extension. But you distinguish between a import library and a static library by the filename, not the extension.
There will be no case where an import library exists for a set of code that was built to be a static library, or where a static library exists for a dll. These are two different things.
There is no single MSVC standard filename convention. As a rule, a library name that ends in "D" is often a debug build of library code, msvcrtd.dll vs msvcrt.dll but other than that, there are no standards.
As mentioned by others, there are no standards, but there are popular conventions. I'm unsure how to unambiguously judge what is the most popular convention. In addition the nomenclature for static vs. import libraries, which you asked about, there is also an analogous distinction between the naming of Release libraries vs. Debug libraries, especially on Windows.
Both cases (i.e. static vs. import, and debug vs. release) can be handled in one of two ways: different names, or different directory locations. I usually choose to use different names, because I feel it minimizes the chance of mistaking the library type later, especially after installation or other file moving activities.
I usually use foo.dll and foo.lib for the shared library on Windows, and foo_static.lib for the static library, when I wish to have both shared and static versions. I have seen others use this convention, so it might be the "most popular".
So I would recommend the following addition to your table:
shared: foo.dll
import: foo.lib
static: foo_static.lib
Then in cmake, you could either
add_library(foo_static STATIC foo.cpp)
add_library(FooStatic STATIC foo.cpp)
set_target_properties(FooStatic PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME "foo_static")
if for some reason you don't wish to use "foo_static" as the symbolic library name.
There is no standard naming convention for libraries. Traditional library names are prefixed with lib. Many linkers have options to prepend lib to a library name on the command line.
The static and dynamic libraries are usually identified by their file extension; although this is not required. So libmath.a would be a static library whereas or libmath.dll would be a dynamic library.
A common naming convention is to append the category of the library to the name. For example, a debug static math library would be 'libmathd.a' or in Windows, 'lib_math_debug'. Some shops also add Unicode as a filename attribute.
If you want, you can append _msvc to the library name to indicate the library requires or was created by MSVC (to differentiate from GCC and other tools). A popular convention when working with multiple platforms, is to place the objects and libraries in platform specific folders. For example a ./linux/ folder would contain objects and libraries for Linux and similarly ./msw/ for Microsoft Windows platform.
This is a style issue. Style issues are often treated like religious issues: none of them are wrong, there is no universal style, and they are an individual preference. What ever system you choose, just be consistent.
As far as I know, there's no real 'standard', at least no standard most software would conform to.
My convention is to name my dynamic and static .lib equally, but place them in different directories if a project happens to support both static and dynamic linkage. For example:
The library to link against depends on the choice of the library directories, so it's almost totally decoupled from the rest of the build process (it won't appear in-source if you use MSVC's #pragma comment(lib,"foo.lib") facility, and it doesn't appear in the list of import libraries for the linker).
I've seen this quite a few times. Also, I think that MSVC/Windows based projects tend to stick more often with a single, official linkage type - either static, or dynamic. But that's just my personal observation.
In short:
shared: foo.dll
import: foo.lib
static: foo.lib
You should be able to use this directory-based pattern with CMAKE (never used it). Also, I don't think it's a 'bug'. It's merely lack of standardization. CMAKE does (imho) the right thing not to establish a pseudo-standard if everyone likes it differently.
As the others have said, there is no single standard to file naming on windows.
For our complete product base which covers 100's of exes, dlls, and static libs we have used the following successfully for many years now and it has saved a lot of confusion. Its basically a mixing of several methods I've seen used throughout the years.
In a nutshell all our files of both a prefix and suffix (not including the extension itself). They all start with "om" (based on our company name), and then have a 1 or 2 character combination that roughly identifies the area of code.
The suffix explains what type of built-file they are and includes up to three letters used in combination depending on the build which includes Unicode, Static, Debug (Dll builds are the default and have no explicit suffix identifier). When we started this system Unicode was not so prevalent and we had to support both Unicode and Non-unicode builds (pre Windows 2000 os), now everything is exclusively built unicode but we still use the same nomenclature.
So a typical .lib "set" of files might look like
omfThreadud.lib (Unicode/Debug/Dll)
omfThreadusd.lib (Unicode/Static/Debug)
omfThreadu.lib (Unicode/Release/Dll)
omfThreadus.lib (Unicode/static)
All files are built-in into a common bin folder, which eliminates a lot of dll-hell issues for developers and also makes it simpler to adjust compiler/linker settings - they all point to the same location using relative paths and there is never any need for manual (or automatic) copying of the libraries a project needs. Having these suffixes also eliminates any confusion as to what type of file you may have, and guarantees you can't have a mixed scenario where you put down the debug dll on a release kit or vice-versa. All exes also use a similar suffix (Unicode/Debug) and build into the same bin folder.
There is likewise one single "include" folder, each library has one header file in the include folder that matches the name of the library/dll (for example omfthread.h) That file itself #includes all the other items that are exposed by that library. This keeps its simpler if you want functionality that is in foo.dll you just #include "foo.h"; our libraries are highly segmented by areas of functionality - effectively we don't have any "swiss-army knife" dlls so including the libraries entire functionality makes sense. (Each of these headers also include other prerequisite headers whether they be our internal libraries or other vendor SDKs)
Each of these include files internally uses macros that use #pramga's to add the appropriate library name to the linker line so individual projects don't need to be concerned with that. Most of of our libraries can be built statically or as a DLL and #define OM_LINK_STATIC (if defined) is used to determine which the individual project wants (we usually use the DLLs but in some cases static libraries built-in into the .exe make more sense for deployment or other reasons)
#if defined(OM_LINK_STATIC)
#pragma comment (lib, OMLIBNAMESTATIC("OMFTHREAD"))
#pragma comment (lib, OMLIBNAME("OMFTHREAD"))
These macros (OMLIBNAMESTATIC & OMLIBNAME) use _DEBUG determine what type of build it is and generate the proper library name to add to the linker line.
We use a common define in the static & dll versions of a library to control proper exporting of the class/functions in dll builds. Each class or function exported from the library is decorated with this macro (the name of which matches the base name for the library, though that is largely unimportant)
class OMUTHREAD_DECLARE CThread : public CThreadBase
In the DLL version of the project settings we define OMFTHREAD_DECLARE=__declspec(dllexport), in the static library version of the library we define OMFTHREAD_DECLARE as empty.
In the libraries header file we define it based on how the client is trying to link to it
#if defined(OM_LINK_STATIC)
#define OMFTHREAD_DECLARE __declspec(dllimport)
A typical project that wants to use one of our internal libraries would just add the appropriate include to their stdafx.h (typically) and it just works, if they need to link against the static version they just add OM_LINK_STATIC to their compiler settings (or define it in the stdafx.h) and it again it just works.
As far as I know there still aren't any conventions with regards to this. Here's an example of how I do it:
The full filename shall be lowercase only and shall only contain alphanumerics with predesignated underscores. The submodule field, including its leading underscore, is optional.
Project: holds project name/identifier. Preferably as short as possible. ie "dna"
SubModule: optional. holds module name. Preferably as short as possible. ie "dna_audio"
Platform: identifies the platform the binary is compiled for. ie "win32" (Windows), "winrt", "xbox", "android".
Architecture: describes the architecture the binary is compiled for. ie "x86", "x64", "arm". There where architecture names are equal for various bitnesses use its name followed by the bitness. ie. "name16", "name32", "name64"
CompilerRuntime: optional. Not all binaries link to a compiler runtime, but if they do, it's included here. ie "vc90" (Visual Studio 2008), "gcc". Where applicable apartment can be included ie "vc90mt"
BuildType: optional. This can hold letters (in any order desired), each which tell something about the build-specifics. d=debug (omitted if release) t=static (omitted if dynamic) a=ansi (omitted if unicode)
Examples (assuming a project named "DNA"):