Create menu flyout using c# - xaml

I want to create menu flyout using C#. I tried this
List<string> l = new List<string>();
l.Add("Bring to Front");
l.Add("Send to Back");
MenuFlyout m = new MenuFlyout();
MenuFlyoutItem mn = l;
It gives error,how to do that?

This code works:
MenuFlyout m = new MenuFlyout();
MenuFlyoutItem mn = new MenuFlyoutItem();
mn.Text = "Item 1";


has no method getColumnModel EXTJS4

I am new to EXTJS. I am working on migrating the existing extjs3 code to extjs4.
How can I replace the code in order to work in extjs4?
var cm = this.grid.getColumnModel();
cm is being used as below:
var c = cm.getColumnAt(i);
Thanks in advance!
var columns = this.grid.getView().getHeaderCt().getGridColumns();
That will return an array of all the columns in the grid. You can then replicate the actions you listed above:
// replaces cm.getColumnCount();
// replaces var c = cm.getColumnAt(i);
var c = columns[i];

XPages - unsorted Dojo Data Grid opens incorrect document

I'm using a Dojo Data grid together with a REST service to display view data. When I double click on a row, an XPage is opened. My problem is that, if one of the columns in the grid is not sorted, the wrong XPage is opened. What could be the problem here?
<xe:djxDataGrid id="P_Alle_DDG" store="restService2"
styleClass="DojoViewTable" title="Pendenzen - Alle" autoHeight="20"
rowsPerPage="25" selectable="true" selectionMode="multiple"
singleClickEdit="true" rowSelector="2" style="font-size:12pt"
<xe:this.onRowDblClick><![CDATA[var idx = arguments[0].rowIndex;
var unid = restService2._items[idx].attributes["#unid"];
var url = 'Reparatur.xsp?documentId='+unid+'&action=openDocument';
window.document.location.href = url;]]></xe:this.onRowDblClick>
UPDATE: With the following JavaScript code the problem has been solved:
var grid = arguments[0].grid;
var index = arguments[0].rowIndex;
var item = grid.getItem(index);
var unid = item.attributes["#unid"];
var url = 'Reparatur.xsp?documentId='+unid+'&action=openDocument';
window.document.location.href = url;
Tony, try this method of opening the document. The code if very similar to yours, but the key difference is that I made a view column that contains the unid, I called it "docid". This works for me.
var grid = arguments[0].grid;
var index = arguments[0].rowIndex;
var item = grid.getItem(index);
var unid = item["docid"];
var url = "New_PO.xsp?doc=" + unid;
window.document.location.href = url;

Orchard - Creating Query Programmatically

I am creating a custom module in Orchard. After I enable my module I would like to create a query programmatically.
I do that in my Migrations.cs file thanks to implementation of IDependency interface.
I am able to create the query but I do I programmatically set filters of that query?
var announcementsQuery = _contentManager.Create("Query");
announcementsQuery.As<TitlePart>().Title = "Announcements";
I found out how to do this:
var announcementsQuery = _contentManager.Create("Query");
announcementsQuery.As<TitlePart>().Title = "Announcements";
announcementsQuery.As<QueryPart>().ContentItem.ContentType = "Announcement";
var filterGroupRecord = new FilterGroupRecord();
var filterRecord = new FilterRecord()
Category = "Content",
Type = "ContentTypes",
Description = "Announcement",
Position = 1,
State = "<Form><Description>Announcement</Description><ContentTypes>Announcement</ContentTypes></Form>"
filterGroupRecord.Filters.Insert(0, filterRecord);
announcementsQuery.As<QueryPart>().FilterGroups.Insert(0, filterGroupRecord);

Visualization SPmenuField in SPGridView

I have created SPGridView and added one SPMenuField as the first column and some BoundFields. Then I added MenuTemplate to the first column. But there are rectangles with white color border. I want to hide them. How can I do it ?
Here is the code I use:
SPMenuField colMenu = new SPMenuField();
colMenu.HeaderText = "Title";
colMenu.TextFields = "Title";
colMenu.MenuTemplateId = "TitleListMenu";
colMenu.NavigateUrlFields = "WebId, ListId, ID";
colMenu.NavigateUrlFormat = "default.aspx?WebID={0}&ListID={1}&ListItemID={2}";
colMenu.TokenNameAndValueFields = "Param1=ID";
colMenu.SortExpression = "Title";
MenuTemplate typeListMenu = new MenuTemplate();
typeListMenu.ID = "TitleListMenu";
// ... //
Here is the answer on my question. It is nesseccery to narrow the .ms-menuimagecell css class.

SharePoint get value of rich text box control created programatically

I'm writing a custom web part that need to use a couple of rich text box controls. I'm placing the controls onto the web part programatically. When the web part gets a save postback I'm able to capture the data from all the fields except the two rich text box ones. What's the trick to be able to get the value of a rich text box?
The code I"m using to place my form controls is:
private void CreateInputControls()
SPList list = SPContext.Current.Site.RootWeb.Lists["MyList"];
SPContentType cType = list.ContentTypes[0];
Table table = new Table();
table.CellPadding = 3;
table.CellSpacing = 0;
SPContext newContext = SPContext.GetContext(System.Web.HttpContext.Current, list.DefaultView.ID, list.ID, list.ParentWeb);
foreach (SPField field in cType.Fields)
if (!field.Hidden && field.CanBeDisplayedInEditForm)
FieldLabel fieldLabel = new FieldLabel();
fieldLabel.ControlMode = SPControlMode.New;
fieldLabel.ListId = list.ID;
fieldLabel.FieldName = field.InternalName;
fieldLabel.ItemContext = newContext;
fieldLabel.RenderContext = newContext;
fieldLabel.Field.Required = fieldLabel.Field.Required;
FormField formField = new FormField();
formField.ControlMode = SPControlMode.New;
formField.ListId = list.ID;
formField.FieldName = field.InternalName;
formField.ItemContext = newContext;
formField.RenderContext = newContext;
formField.ID = field.InternalName;
formField.EnableViewState = true;
TableRow row = new TableRow();
TableCell cellLabel = new TableCell();
TableCell cellField = new TableCell();
The code I'm using to save a new item is:
private void UpdateItem(string bannerImageURL, string thumbnailImageURL)
SPList list = SPContext.Current.Site.RootWeb.Lists["MyList"];
SPContentType cType = list.ContentTypes[0];
SPItem item = list.AddItem();
foreach (SPField field in cType.Fields)
if (!field.Hidden && field.CanBeDisplayedInEditForm)
FormField formField = (FormField)inputPanel.FindControl(field.InternalName);
if (formField != null)
// Saves data for all fields EXCEPT for rich text box (sharepoint multiline columns).
item[field.Title] = formField.Value;
Maybe there's an issue with the field name. Try to use the InternalName.
item[field.InternalName] = formField.Value;
I have been struggling with this and am using a workaround which I thought I'd post as this was quite frustrating.
The problem is that the RTE control is rendered empty and then populated from a hidden control with JavaScript on the client. However this hidden control is accessible server side thus:
switch (formField.Field.Type)
case SPFieldType.Note:
var rtf = (RichTextField)formField.Controls[0];
item[field.Title] = rtf.HiddenInput.Value;
item[field.Title] = formField.Value;
This may need extending for other field types but you get the idea...