DeleteFolder Environ gives an error "Path not found" -

here is a portion of the code:
oFSO.DeleteFolder Environ("C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Temp") & "\* " & oFSO.GetFile(strZipFile).Name, True
when i try to execute it it gives me this error : "Path not found"

oFSO.DeleteFolder _
Environment.ExpandEnvironmentVariables("C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Temp") & _
or use a complicated string concatenation (without the % around the environment variable)
oFSO.DeleteFolder _
"C:\Users\" & Environ("USERNAME") & "\AppData\Local\Temp") & "\* " ....
However when dealing with this kind of paths, the best approach is to use Environment class
Dim userData = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData)
Dim tempFolder = Path.Combine(userData, "temp")
Now the rest of your path seems to be a bit wrong.
"* " (a space after the wild card?) followed by a filename doesn't seems to be correct)


Application freeze when I use an external library

My application contains a main file allowing to generate an executable using Codedom. This executable is make from my file Source.vb.
I would like to use an external library in the latter. In particular, this is Rebex: this will allow me to download a file from a server sFTP.
Here are my Codedom settings:
Public Shared Function compile_Stub(ByVal input As String, ByVal output As String, ByVal resources As String, ByVal showError As Boolean, Optional ByVal icon_Path As String = Nothing) As Boolean
Dim provider_Args As New Dictionary(Of String, String)()
provider_Args.Add("CompilerVersion", "v3.5")
Dim provider As New Microsoft.VisualBasic.VBCodeProvider(provider_Args)
Dim c_Param As New Compiler.CompilerParameters
Dim c_Args As String = " /target:winexe /platform:x86 /optimize "
If Not icon_Path = Nothing Then
c_Args = c_Args & "/win32icon:" & icon_Path
End If
c_Param.GenerateExecutable = True
c_Param.OutputAssembly = output
c_Param.CompilerOptions = c_Args
c_Param.IncludeDebugInformation = False
c_Param.ReferencedAssemblies.AddRange({"C:\Users\marsh\Desktop\project\Galaxy\packages\Rebex.Common.5.0.7119\lib\net35\Rebex.Common.dll", "C:\Users\marsh\Desktop\project\Galaxy\packages\Rebex.Networking.5.0.7119\lib\net35\Rebex.Networking.dll", "C:\Users\marsh\Desktop\project\Galaxy\packages\Rebex.Sftp.5.0.7119\lib\net35\Rebex.Sftp.dll", "mscorlib.dll", "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\System.Management.dll", "System.Dll", "System.Drawing.Dll", "System.Windows.Forms.Dll", "System.Data.Dll", "System.Xml.Dll"})
c_Param.GenerateInMemory = True
Dim c_Result As Compiler.CompilerResults = provider.CompileAssemblyFromSource(c_Param, input)
If c_Result.Errors.Count = 0 Then
Return True
If showError Then
For Each _Error As Compiler.CompilerError In c_Result.Errors
MessageBox.Show("ERREUR de compilation" & vbNewLine &
"FileName: " & _Error.FileName & vbNewLine &
"Ligne: " & _Error.Line & vbNewLine & "ErrorText: " &
_Error.ErrorText & vbNewLine &
"Column: " &
_Error.Column & vbNewLine &
"Type d'erreur (True = avertissement, False = Erreur ): " &
_Error.IsWarning & vbNewLine & "ErrorNumber: " &
Return False
End If
Return False
End If
End Function
Despite having correctly implemented the libraries in question in my Codedom settings, nothing happens when I try to use them: no error, my application stops at the execution. The Rebex libraries are provided by the NuGet installation: Rebex.Common.dll, Rebex.Networking.dll, Rebex.Sftp.dll. The parameters that I have written in my code to import these libraries are however in agreement with this documentation.
My executable freeze when I implement this part of the code in my Stub Source.vb:
Dim sftp As New Rebex.Net.Sftp()
' log in
sftp.Login(username, password)
I really do not understand where this problem comes from. The fact that no error appears blocks me more: I do not know which way to go to solve the error. Could you help me? get bitlocker Password ID from Active Directory

I have a program that I am trying to add a bitlocker lookup tool that will search active directory for the machine name, and display the "Password ID" as well as the "Recovery Password"
So far my script/code works flawlessly for the lookup and displaying the Recovery Password, but I cannot get it to display the Password ID.
I've tried:
Which returns the error "System.InvalidCastException: Conversion from type 'Byte()' to type 'String' is not valid."
Which returns "System.Byte[]"
Which returns "System.DirectoryServices.ResultPropertyValueCollection"
So far in my searching I've only seen C# examples, and I haven't been able to translate.
The same for Recovery Password works however:
Here is the larger snippet of what I have for context:
Dim RootDSE As New DirectoryEntry("LDAP://RootDSE")
Dim DomainDN As String = RootDSE.Properties("DefaultNamingContext").Value
Dim ADsearch As New DirectorySearcher("LDAP://" & DomainDN)
ADsearch.Filter = ("(&(objectClass=computer)(name=" & MachineName & "))")
Dim ADresult As SearchResult = ADsearch.FindOne
Dim ADpath As String = ADresult.Path
Dim BTsearch As New DirectorySearcher()
BTsearch.SearchRoot = New DirectoryEntry(ADpath)
BTsearch.Filter = "(&(objectClass=msFVE-RecoveryInformation))"
Dim BitLockers As SearchResultCollection = BTsearch.FindAll()
Dim Item As SearchResult
Dim longTempstring As String = ""
For Each Item In BitLockers
If Item.Properties.Contains("msFVE-RecoveryGuid") Then
Dim tempstring As String = Item.Properties("msFVE-RecoveryGuid")(0).ToString
longTempstring = longTempstring & tempstring & vbNewLine
End If
If Item.Properties.Contains("msFVE-RecoveryPassword") Then
End If
So I figured out that I needed to convert the bytes to hex in order to get them to match what is viewed in the Microsoft Management Console. Once I began doing that the only problem I ran into is that I discovered the indexing of the byte arrays are not in the same order as they are in Active Directory. -- so instead of looping I had to list out each index of the Byte array and sort them to their proper positions so that they match how they show up in AD.
My end function is:
Function bitread(ByVal GUID As Byte())
Dim tempVar As String
tempVar = GUID(3).ToString("X02") & GUID(2).ToString("X02") _
& GUID(1).ToString("X02") & GUID(0).ToString("X02") & "-" _
& GUID(5).ToString("X02") & GUID(4).ToString("X02") & "-" _
& GUID(7).ToString("X02") & GUID(6).ToString("X02") & "-" _
& GUID(8).ToString("X02") & GUID(9).ToString("X02") & "-" _
& GUID(10).ToString("X02") & GUID(11).ToString("X02") _
& GUID(12).ToString("X02") & GUID(13).ToString("X02") _
& GUID(14).ToString("X02") & GUID(15).ToString("X02")
Return tempVar
End Function
Called with:

Getting BC31019 excepetion while compiling at runtime on Windows 10

we are generating a mass of documents very dynamically. Therefore we concatenate source code and build a dll at runtime. This is running since windows XP.
Now we are in tests of windows 10 and it fails compiling this dll with the error "BC31019: Unable to write to output file 'C:\Users[name]AppData\Local\Temp\xyz.dll': The specified image file did not contain a resource section"
For testing purposes we remove all generated source code and replace it by a rudimental class with only one function (throwing an exception with specified text) and no referenced assemblies.
This is also running on all machines except windows 10. Same error.
Can anybody guess why?
This is the rudimental method
Public Sub Compile()
Dim lSourceCode = "Namespace DynamicOutput" & vbCrLf &
" Public Class Template" & vbCrLf &
" Sub New()" & vbCrLf &
" End Sub" & vbCrLf &
" Public Sub Generate(ByVal spoolJob As Object, ByVal print As Object)" & vbCrLf &
" Throw New System.Exception(""Generate reached"")" & vbCrLf &
" End Sub" & vbCrLf &
"" & vbCrLf &
" End Class" & vbCrLf &
"End Namespace"
Dim lParams As CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters = New CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters
lParams.CompilerOptions = "/target:library /rootnamespace:CompanyName /d:TRACE=TRUE /optimize "
lParams.IncludeDebugInformation = True
lParams.GenerateExecutable = False
lParams.TreatWarningsAsErrors = False
lParams.GenerateInMemory = True
Dim lProviderOptions As New Dictionary(Of String, String) From {{"CompilerVersion", "v4.0"}}
Dim lResult As CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerResults = Nothing
Using provider As New VBCodeProvider(lProviderOptions)
lResult = provider.CompileAssemblyFromSource(lParams, lSourceCode)
End Using
' ... check for errors
Dim lInstance As Object = lResult.CompiledAssembly.CreateInstance("CompanyName.DynamicOutput.Template")
lInstance.GetType.GetMethod("Generate").Invoke(lInstance, New Object() {Me.SpoolJob, Me.Print})
End Sub

Trying to Convert a PHP code to

MY PHP Code is
$geourl = '' . $google_apikey .
'&output=json'. '&q=' . urlencode($_GET['url'] . ', USA').'&gl=us';
My ASPX code looks like this
Dim google_apikey As String="sdasdasd"
Dim geourl As String= "" & google_apikey & _
"&output=json" & "&q=" & urlencode(request.QueryString("pc")& ", USA")"&gl=us"
The Error i get is Compiler Error Message: BC30205: End of statement expected.
Instead of Period (.) i have used & is it valid in, what is the problem with the above string, urlencode ?
Think you missed a concatenator right at the end. Should it be:
Dim geourl As String= "" & google_apikey & _
"&output=json" & "&q=" & UrlEncode(request.QueryString("pc")& ", USA") & _
I would recommend you using the String.Format method to make your code more readable:
Dim google_apikey As String="sdasdasd"
Dim geourl As String = String.Format("{0}&output=json&q={1},USA&gl=us", UrlEncode(google_apikey), UrlEncode(Request.QueryString("pc"))) How to pass a string with spaces to the command line

I am trying to call an external program using Process:
Dim strExe As String = "E:\Projects\Common Files\mktorrent.exe"
Dim p As New Process
Dim pinfo As New ProcessStartInfo
pinfo.UseShellExecute = False
pinfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True
pinfo.Arguments = " -a -l " & FileSizeMarker & " " & fn
pinfo.FileName = strExe
pinfo.WorkingDirectory = fn.Substring(0, fn.LastIndexOf("\"))
pinfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Normal
pinfo.CreateNoWindow = True
p.StartInfo = pinfo
The problem is with the filename (variable fn above). If it has spaces, the command chokes - without spaces, it works fine. I have tried adding 1, 2 or3 quotes, like this:
fn = Chr(34) & Chr(34) & Chr(34) & fn & Chr(34) & Chr(34) & Chr(34)
and also
fn = "\") & Chr(34) & fn & "\"& Chr(34)
and many other combinations, but it still gives me an error. Any thoughts on how I can get this to work?
It's really an old - but unsolved - problem.
My 2 cents of contribution.
Use CHR(34) before-and-after the string, delimiting it like:
Arg = "Name=" & chr(34) & "John Doe da Silva" & chr(34)
Just it!
Please check the below link, its in C#, may be its helpful to you
Word command-line-arguments space issues
Windows does not provide a common way of keeping arguments with spaces as single arguments. However there are a number of relatively common standards that you've tried.
So it comes down to either determining what argument processing mktorrent.exe uses or, as you're trying to pass a filename, using "MSDOS" 8.3 format for the path which will have no spaces.
For the latter, this answer points to the Win32API GetShortPathName.
Of course, 8.3 filenames can be disabled with modern Windows (all Windows NT-based systems I believe -- not that it often is). So your only full solution is to determine what argument processing mktorrent supplies.
Since your comment suggesting the quotes are not being passed through I confirmed I see 'testing' 'testing' '1 2 3' in the MsgBox output of this vbscript:
Option Explicit
Dim arg
Dim line
For Each arg in WScript.Arguments
line = line & " '" & arg & "'"
MsgBox Trim(line)
when executed using:
Dim strExe As String = "C:\Windows\System32\wscript.exe"
Dim p As New Process
Dim pinfo As New ProcessStartInfo
pinfo.UseShellExecute = False
pinfo.RedirectStandardOutput = True
pinfo.Arguments = " G:\Utils\Arguments.vbs testing ""testing"" ""1 2 3"""
pinfo.FileName = strExe
pinfo.WorkingDirectory = "G:\Utils"
pinfo.WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Normal
pinfo.CreateNoWindow = True
p.StartInfo = pinfo
So wscript is seeing the quotes and is accumulating three arguments for the script.
BTW I just noticed your example attempts at getting quotes around the filename modify the fn variable. Did you cater for this with the .WorkingDirectory line, which should be using the unmodified filename?
This allows me to pass spaces to cmd. Hours of research turned up nothing; this thread came up constantly, hopefully this will help someone else.
Dim startprgm As New ProcessStartInfo("cmd.exe", "/C """"C:\Program Files (x86)\Folder\File""""" + strArguments)
note that the 4 double quotes lead the path, this part is important. leading the argument (/C) with 5 quotes doesn't work, but the trailing five can be divided into 4 and 1; and structured as such:
Dim startprgm As New ProcessStartInfo("cmd.exe", "/C """"C:\Program Files (x86)""""\Folder\File" + strArguments)
If you open cmd.exe and just send a command, you just need the first quote on the path (it doesn't need to be closed) but VB needs the trailing ones to "close" the quotes out.
best of luck, guys.
Dim current_path, current_rulename, cmd1 as STRING
current_path = "C:\this folder\file name.exe"
current_rulename = "file name.exe"
cmd1 = "netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name = """ + current_rulename + """ dir = in action = block program = """ + current_path + """"
cmd1 &= " & "
cmd1 &= "netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name = """ + current_rulename + """ dir = out action = block program = """ + current_path + """"
cmd1 &= " & pause"
Process.Start("cmd", "/c " + cmd1)
Basically, the variables with spaces need to be enclosed like this:
""" + string_with_spaces + """
Broken into parts:
cmd1 =
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name =
""" + current_rulename + """
dir=in action=block
""" + current_path + """
This code joins two separate commands that use STRINGS with spaces.
Be simple:
Process.Start("c:\Your exe file", """" & "string with space" & """")