Rails has_many with accepts_nested_attributes_for - ruby-on-rails-3

I am having 2 models having has_many through relationships:
user model:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :agreements
accepts_nested_attributes_for :agreements
Agreement model
class Agreement < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
I am sending my agreements through seeds.rb file:
Agreement.create(:agg_name => "Agreement1", :agg_template =>
"Agreement1 Template",:agg_type => "News")
Agreement.create(:agg_name => "Agreement2", :agg_template =>
"Agreement2 Template")
Now my aim is to show agg_name which has no agg_type (i.e. Agreement2) with check box in the general devise form which has f.email, f.password and f.confirm_password
Please try to help me out.


How can I reference the same model twice and create the association in a multiple select form?

I have two classes (Game and Report) and want to link them with an additional attribute (default = yes or no).
The game should then have default_reports and optional_reports.
The association is then updated by selecting the default and optional reports in a select (multiple) in the games create/edit form.
I have tried using has_many and through as well as polymorphic associations, but nothing seems to fit the use case, where the associated objects are fixed and you only want to manage associations.
class Game < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :game_reports
has_many :reports, :through => :game_reports
class Report < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :game_reports
has_many :games, :through => :game_reports
class GameReport < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :game
belongs_to :report
Any help is appreciated!
this is just the model. the view and form to create the records is an entirely different matter.
you can always add a conditions option to has_many. I'm assuming you're going to add default to game_reports so change your class to something like.
class Game < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :game_reports
has_many :reports, :through => :game_reports
has_many :default_reports, through: :game_reports, source: :report, conditions: { game_reports: { default: true } }
Rails 4.2+, use a Polymorphic association with scope and specify the foreign_key and foreign_type options.
class GameReport
belongs_to :report, :polymorphic => true
class Game
has_many :game_reports, :as => :report, :dependent => :destroy
has_many :reports, -> { where attachable_type: "GameReport"},
class_name: GameReport, foreign_key: :game_report_id,
foreign_type: :game_report_type, dependent: :destroy
Other approachs:
Rails Polymorphic Association with multiple associations on the same model

Selecting Areas for Sales Reps

I have an application that is for sales reps.
I'm trying to pull different institutions information based on 2 things
If they are a client
If they are in the state that the user (sales rep) is over.
So I want to show all the institutions that are clients in the current_user (sales reps) area. How can I do that?
Since I haven't done this before and I'm newer to rails I'm not sure how to do this.
Here are my models (I've shortened the code):
User(Sales Rep)
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :states, :through => :rep_areas
has_many :institutions, :through => :company_reps
has_many :rep_areas
has_many :company_reps
class State < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :users, :through => :rep_areas
has_many :rep_areas
has_many :institutions
attr_accessible :code, :name
class Institution < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :company, :phone, :clientdate, :street, :city, :state_id, :zip, :source, :source2, :demodate1, :demodate2, :demodate3, :client, :prospect, :notcontacted
belongs_to :state
has_many :users, :through => :company_reps
has_many :company_reps
I'd suggest to proceed in this way:
states = current_user.states.to_a
# the following are all the Institution record in all the user's areas
inst_in_states = Institution.where(state_id: states)
# it will take an array and make an "IN" query
# the following are all the user's own clients, additionally on the states
# the user is in.
clients_in_states = current_user.institutions.where(state_id: states)
# as above, but additionally use the :company_reps join

Rails 3 - WARNING: Can't mass-assign protected attributes: user_ids

I have a has_many through relationship between Course and User.
class Course < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
has_many :enrollments, :dependent => :delete_all
has_many :users, :through => :enrollments
attr_accessible :description, :duration, :name, :prerequisites, :short_name, :start_date, :user_id
accepts_nested_attributes_for :users, :allow_destroy => true
attr_accessible :users_attributes
and User:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :subjects, :class_name => "Course" # to get this call user.subjects
has_many :enrollments, :dependent => :delete_all
has_many :courses, :through => :enrollments
and Enrollment:
class Enrollment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :course
belongs_to :user
attr_accessible :course_id, :user_id
Now I'm trying to set user_ids from inside Course, using a nested form. It keeps giving me that Mass Assignment warning, and nothing is saved. I read I was supposed to add attr_accessible user_id but it still doesn't work.
Even if I do something like this from the rails console:
#c.update_attributes({:user_ids => [7,8]})
with #c being the course
Any help would be greatly appreciated,
Thank you.
It's user_ids, not user_id.
You need to add user_ids to your attr_accessible.

Rails ActiveRecord Query (Cross model)

I have an app that lets users input dates & interests that relate to those dates .I need to send them deals (a few days before the date - Via Email) that are based off of their interests and location. I have all the models setup and recording the data properly, just wondering how to query the models for the dates and then send the appropriate deal based off of the city and interests.
*Each city and interest category has only 1 deal
*I have several different models for types of dates (Holidays, Occasions, Friends Birthdays ect).. all are pretty much identical in structure.
*All interests for each type of date are stored in person_interests.
Class User
belongs_to :province
belongs_to :city
has_many :friends_bdays
has_many :occasions
has_many :person_interests, :as => :person
has_many :interests, :through => :person_interests
has_many :user_holidays
has_many :holidays, :through => :user_holidays
has_many :anniversaries
class Deal < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :interest
belongs_to :city
belongs_to :store
class Store < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :deals
belongs_to :city
belongs_to :province
class PersonInterest < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :interest
belongs_to :person, :polymorphic => true
class Interest < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :person_interests
has_many :deals
class Occasion < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
belongs_to :admin_user
has_many :person_interests, :as => :person
has_many :interests, :through => :person_interests
class Anniversary < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
has_many :person_interests, :as => :person
has_many :interests, :through => :person_interests
class Friend_bday < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :user
has_many :person_interests, :as => :person
has_many :interests, :through => :person_interests
You can achieve this using a variation of the solution below:
Install the squeel gem
class User
def deals(reload=false)
#deals = nil if
#deals ||= Deal.where{
( (:city => city_id) | ( :interest_id => interest_ids) ) &
:deal_date => (Time.now..3.days.from_now)
Now, user.deals returns the deals that will be active in next 3 days matching the user's city OR interests.
Edit 1:
Based on your comment it looks like you don't need the squeel gem. You can achieve what you want using regular AR syntax.
class User
def deals(reload=false)
#deals = nil if reload
#deals ||= Deal.where(
:city => city_id,
:interest_id => interest_ids,
:deal_date => (Time.now..3.days.from_now)

How do I delete a record from all tables it is referred to?

Good morning fellow Overflowers,
Small problem with model associations. I have these model associations:
class Categorization < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :exhibit
belongs_to :category
class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :categorizations
has_many :exhibits, :through => :categorizations
acts_as_indexed :fields => [:title]
validates :title, :presence => true, :uniqueness => true
class Exhibit < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :categorizations
has_many :categories, :through => :categorizations, :source => :category
acts_as_indexed :fields => [:title, :bulb]
validates :title, :presence => true, :uniqueness => true
belongs_to :foto, :class_name => 'Image'
So, essentially Categorization ends up with these columns (date/time stamps omitted):
categorization_id, exhibit_id and category_id.
My problem is that when I delete an Exhibit, its reference on the Categorization table is not deleted thus getting a DB error on my view. I have to first unassign the Exhibit from any Category and then delete it safely. Or (given for example that the Exhibit I delete has :exhibit_id=>'1') when I give in the rails console: Categorization.find_by_exhibit_id(1).destroy
Thanks for any help!!
You can set the :dependent options on associations that you want Rails to follow when you delete their parents:
class Exhibit < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :categorizations, :dependent => :destroy