I tried the following grammar in antlr3 :
ifstmt : IF '(' relation ')' (stmt|block)
(ELSEIF '(' relation')' (stmt|block))*
(ELSE (stmt|block))?
But it is not accepting the else part which says:
if(a>b) stat; else if(a<b) stat; else stat;
And while interpreting the grammar with antlrworks, it says:
rule ifstmt has non-LL(*) decision due to recursive rule invocations reachable
from alts 1,2. Resolve by left-factoring or using syntactic predicates or using backtrack=true option.
If anyone could suggest acceptable grammar for if-elseif-else statment, it would be great.
I'm doing some experiments with ANTLR4 with this grammar:
: '(' srule ')'
| srule srule
| '(' ')';
this grammar is for the language of balanced parentheses.
The problem is that when I run antlr with this string: (()))(
This string is obviously wrong but antlr simply return this AST:
It seems to stop when it finds the wrong parenthesis, but no error message returns. I would like to know more about this behavior. Thank you
The parser recognises (())) and then stops. If you want to force the parser to consume all tokens, "anchor" your test rule with the EOF token:
: srule EOF
Btw, it's always a good idea to include the EOF token in the entry point (entry rule) of your grammar.
I'm new to antlr3, and I'm trying to write a lexer that accept '+' and '-' as a special symbol but when see '++' operator it should treat it as a error but I don't know how to implement it, now with below specification it tokenize '++' as two token '+' and '+'.
Keep your SPECIALSYMBOL as it is and handle the case in the parser rules : if you do not allow repeated SPECIALSYMBOL in your rules, a ++ should produce an error.
Why this simple grammar
grammar Test;
: Int | expr '+' expr;
: [0-9]+;
doesn't match the input 1+1 ? It says "No method for rule expr or it has arguments" but in my opition it should be matched.
It looks like I haven't used ANTLR for a while... ANTLRv3 did not support left-recursive rules, but ANTLRv4 does support immediate left recursion. It also supports the regex-like character class syntax you used in your post. I tested this version and it works in ANTLRWorks2 (running on ANTLR4):
grammar Test;
start : expr
expr : expr '+' expr
INT : [0-9]+
If you add the start rule then ANTLR is able to infer that EOF goes at the end of that rule. It doesn't seem to be able to infer EOF for more complex rules like expr and expr2 since they're recursive...
There are a lot of comments below, so here is (co-author of ANTLR4) Sam Harwell's response (emphasis added):
You still want to include an explicit EOF in the start rule. The problem the OP faced with using expr directly is ANTLR 4 internally rewrote it to be expr[int _p] (it does so for all left recursive rules), and the included TestRig is not able to directly execute rules with parameters. Adding a start rule resolves the problem because TestRig is able to execute that rule. :)
I've posted a follow-up question with regard to EOF: When is EOF needed in ANTLR 4?
If your command looks like this:
grun MYGRAMMAR xxx -tokens
And this exception is thrown:
No method for rule xxx or it has arguments
Then this exception will get thrown with the rule you specified in the command above. It means the rule probably doesn't exist.
System.err.println("No method for rule "+startRuleName+" or it has arguments");
So startRuleName here, should print xxx if it's not the first (start) rule in the grammar. Put xxx as the first rule in your grammar to prevent this.
I'm using ANTLR to generate recognizer for a java-like language and the following rules are used to recognize generic types:
: singleType ('.' singleType)*
: Identifier typeArguments?
: '<' typeArgument (',' typeArgument)* '>'
: referenceType
Now, for the following input statement, ANTLR produces the 'no viable alternative' error.
Iterator<Entry<K,V>> i = entrySet().iterator();
However, if I put a space between the two consecutive '>' characters, no error is produced. It seams that ANTLR cannot distinguish between the above rule and the rule used to recognize shift expressions, but I don't know how to modify the grammar to resolve this ambiguity. Any help would be appreciated.
You probably have a rule like the following in the lexer:
RightShift : '>>';
For ANTLR to recognize >> as either two > characters or one >> operator, depending on context, you'll need to instead place your shift operator in the parser:
rightShift : '>' '>';
If your language includes the >>> or >>= operators, those would need to be moved to the parser as well.
To validate that x > > y isn't allowed, you'll want to make a pass over the resulting parse tree (ANTLR 4) or AST (ANTLR 3) to verify that the two > characters parsed by the rightShift parser rule appear in sequence.
280Z28 is probably right in his diagnosis that you have a rule like
RightShift : '>>';
An alternative solution is to explicitly include the possibility of a trailing >> in your parser. (I have seen this in other grammars, but only in LALR.)
: ('<' typeArgument (',' typeArgument)* '>') |
('<' typeArgument ',' referenceType '<' typeArgument RightShift );
In Antlr3, that will need to be left factored.
Whether this is clearer or having a second pass that validates your right shift operator depends on how often you need to use this.
Following code gives "IFST2 rule is useless due to conficts" error. I am trying to print different things for if part of if and if/else blocks. How can I do this?
IFST1:IF {printf("if begin");};
IFST2:IF {printf("ifelse begin");};
'{' statement '}';
IFST1 '(' expr ')' singlestatement ELSEST singlestatement {};
IFST2 '(' expr ')' singlestatement %prec IFX {};
Check this for a general help on the issue. I think you'll have to "specialize" your case to match the general form. Though this is bison, not YACC, both are LALR parser generators.