Generate just custom tags with Doxygen - alias

Is it possible to define custom tags and generate a documentation just of these tags in doxygen?


How to generate description and keywords metatags in Doxygen HTML output?

For better SEO, I'd like to generate the "description" and "keywords" metatags in the HTML output produced by Doxygen. I've noticed that these metatags are present in the original Doxygen HTML documentation. But I cannot figure out how to supply these metatags in my own projects. Also, I'd like to use different metatags in different HTML pages (the Doxygen documentation merely repeats the same metatags in all HTML pages.)

NSwagStudio Liquid templates

How do you use liquid templates with NSwagStudio to change how files are generated?
OK, it seems there are some samples of liquid templates there:
You can copy them and start editing them.
Then, you just need to point to your folder to use them to generate custom code.
There is a wiki:

Angular Meta Tag zero result in Meta tag analyser

I am using Meta and Title service to add dynamic meta description and title and I was able to view the result when I inspect the element but in the Meta tag analyzer it show zero result.
Any idea about this?
The analyzer tool you are using probably analyzes the HTML document and thus (like many search engines) will not pick up on any meta or title elements you inject dynamically using JavaScript.

How to add meta tags in multiple languages

We have a multilanguage single page html site. What we do is, we take the browser's language on document.ready and translate page content in that language and also we have given facility to change the language so that the user can view the page in that language.
<h1 key="key_title"><h1>
This is a tag in our site. translate() function will set html or text of this tag languagewise. And so all the tags are translated.
The question is how can we manage meta kewords and description in multiple languages? The meta tags are by default in english. And are changed dynamically. We have solutions that suggests using Transcribe. Is there is any easy way.?
If you translate on document.ready, you could extend your javascript code to modify the meta keyword and description tags too.
See this example:

Is it possible to add Google Analytics to doxygen generated files?

Is it possible to add Google Analytics to the HTML files generated by doxygen dynamically (e.g. in the Doxyfile) at the time they are auto-created? Can someone give an example of how this could be done from within the GUI or from within the Doxyfile?
Assuming the same HTML code needs to be added to each of the generated HTML files, you could replace Doxygen header using the HTML_HEADER option on the Doxyfile:
HTML_HEADER= = header.html
Doxygen can generate an initial header.html using the following command:
doxygen -w html <header> <footer> <stylesheet>
Where <header>, <footer> and <stylesheet> are the filenames that should be generated for the respective components.