I've installed EOAUTH extension, i can authenticate with google, but I'm wondering how to get user information after that - yii-extensions

Wishing You a Happy New year I start with my first problem of the year
here's what I do in login method of user controller:
$ui = new EOAuthUserIdentity(
//Set the "scope" to the service you want to use
'scope'=>'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.profile',
if ($ui->authenticate()) {
throw new CHttpException(401, $ui->error);
its logged and in place of name it display the token key.. i need to get email at least to store it to db... Please help me out.. thanks in advance

In the UserIdentity class, You need to write a line i.e
$this->setState('name', 'value');
This is used to set the `Yii::app()->user->name
so if you set it as
$this->setState('name', $record->email);
in your UserIdentity class then Yii::app()->user->name will return you the email or whatever you want

I tried lot to get user detail by using above code.. Unfortunately I failed.. Then I started with eauth integration..I downloaded the demo example in the url and added extension to my extension folder inside protected and configured the main.php.. I got integration of more than 10 login integration.. I commented the services extension inside component tag in main.php to get Google and Yahoo login integration.. It works... Which made me to access the user name also.. Thanks for support..
demo of eauth
For integration find the link below
Integration link for eauth


Create new user with new tenant in ABP Framework

I customized a new registration page in Blazor Wasm and want to create a new User with new Tenant. I wanted to use ITenantAppService.CreateAsync but it occurred permission problem.
var tenantDto = await _tenantAppService.CreateAsync(new TenantCreateDto()
Name = dto.UserName,
AdminEmailAddress = dto.EmailAddress,
AdminPassword = dto.Password,
Isn't it possible to create a Tenant by anonymous user?
I think I need to remove this permissions from tenantService or I need to give these permissions to anonymous user.
How can I create new tenant for new user?
I found solution.
Firstly, I tried to remove permissions but I didn't know how to remove easily. Then I tried firstly creating a user without tenant, then give him tenant.create permission but it didn't work.
Finally, I created a class
CustomTenantAppService : TenantManagementAppServiceBase, ITenantAppService
and implemented methods of ITenantAppService, so I could do everything that I want.

intermittent error from rally 'Not authorized to perform action: Invalid key' for POST request in chrome extension

I developed a chrome extension using Rally's WSAPI v2.0, and it basically does the following things:
get user and project, and store them
get current iteration everytime
send a post request to create a workitem
For the THIRD step, I sometimes get error ["Not authorized to perform action: Invalid key"] since end of last month.
[updated]Error can be reproduced everytime if I log in Rally website via SSO before using the extension to send requests via apikey.
What's the best practice to send subsequent requests via apikey in my extension since I can't control end users' habits?
I did see some similar posts but none of them is helpful... and in case it helps:
I'm adding ZSESSIONID:apikey in my request header, instead of user /
password to authenticate, so I believe no security token is needed
url starts with https://rally1.rallydev.com/slm/webservice/v2.0/
issue is fixed after clearing cookies for
https://rally1.rallydev.com/, but somehow it appears again some time
I checked the cookie when the issue was reproduced, and found one with name of ZSESSIONID and its value became something else rather than the apikey. Not sure if that matters though...
code for request:
function initXHR(method, url, apikey, cbFunc) {
let httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest();
httpRequest.open(method, url);
httpRequest.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', ' application\/json');
httpRequest.setRequestHeader('Accept', ' application\/json');
httpRequest.setRequestHeader('ZSESSIONID', apikey);
httpRequest.onreadystatechange = function() {
return httpRequest;
usReq = initXHR ('POST', baseURL+'hierarchicalrequirement/create', apikey, function(){...});
Anyone has any idea / suggestion? Thanks a million!
I've seen this error when the API key had both read-only and full-access grants configured. I would start by making sure your key only has the full-access grant.

Get workspace details in podio api

Is there any way to get work space name and URL if the API request is authenticated as app.
Podio::authenticate_with_app($app_id, $app_token);
the above code return PodioForbiddenError
Sorry, but the I don't think this is allowed within the scope hierarchy.
Please refer to https://developers.podio.com/authentication/scopes
But, if you only need space name, id, url and couple of other minor details you could still get it by using fields parameter. This is described here: https://developers.podio.com/index/api (scroll down to the end of page).
Here is how I debug it with Ruby:
Podio.client.authenticate_with_app(<app_id>, <app_token>)
app = Podio::Application.find(app_id, {'fields' => 'space.view(full)'})
puts app['space']['name']
puts app['space']['space_id']
puts app['space']['url']

Login as user without password (For an Admin Use-Case.)

To check if the view of a user is working or to make change out of the users view point (in development) it can be quite useful to incarnate a certain user.
How would I do this with Meteor? Best would be a solution which is independent of the Account Authentication.
To impersonate a user in production, you can call setUserId on the server, and Meteor.connection.setUserId on the client. For more details, see my blog post.
If you're using Meteor.userId() and Meteor.user() to identify your person in your javascript you could use something like this to override it at the very top of your client js
Meteor.userId = function (impersonate_id) {
return (impersonate_id) ? impersonate_id : Meteor.default_connection.userId();
Meteor.user = function (impersonate_id) {
var userId = Meteor.userId(impersonate_id);
if (!userId)
return null;
return Meteor.users.findOne(userId);
And now when you use Meteor.userId or Meteor.user modify your code so everywhere you use Meteor.user & Meteor.userId accepts an argument. So when you want to impersonate a user just pass it argument of the _id of the user you want to log in as
Meteor.user("1"); //Loads the data for user with _id 1
Meteor.user(); //Loads the actual logged in user
Also this will only work if you're actually the admin and your publish function allows you to see all your user's data

How to get useID/Email of logged in user in Google Contacts API after OauTh Token

I developed a program which works well and I can import data from gmail but. I want to keep track how is the user given permission to manage contacts. But after a hard search I did not get any Idea about the loged in user. My code is as follows.
var parameters = new OAuth2Parameters
ClientId = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ClientID"].ToString(),
ClientSecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ClientSecret"].ToString(),
RedirectUri = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["RedirectURL"].ToString(),
Scope ="https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.profile"
parameters.AccessCode = Request.QueryString["Code"].ToString();
Session["Token"] = parameters.AccessToken;
But I dont how to get email of logged in user. Please let me that
Thanks in advance
Request an additionall scope of https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email and then you can access the user info as well. There is also a userinfo.profile witch contains other info on the user like name, profile picture, language and so on.
Your code looks like C# but I only have a Python example of using multiple scopes and sharing tokens.
Code: https://code.google.com/p/google-api-oauth-demo/
Article: http://www.hackviking.com/2013/10/python-get-user-info-after-oauth/