Heroku + Error occured while executing heroku run rake command - ruby-on-rails-3

I am trying to deploy a sample app at Heroku. Whole code is pushed to heroku.
Now i am running a 'heroku run rake' command to create db and one table at heroku. But I am getting some error.
"A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not
I am not getting th way to resolve it.
Rails Console:


Error: connect EACCES - Local (undefined:undefined)

I'm having this problem I can't seem to find a solution for it. I am trying to connect heroku in pycharm ide. I have followed all the steps but whenever I type
'''$ heroku login'''
it shows the error as
Error: connect EACCES - Local (undefined:undefined).
I have installed heroku CLI too. I tried a lot but couldn't find the solution.

While making build Cause: error=13, Permission denied

Hi am working on expo project while I try to run my project, am facing issue.
`> Task :app:exponentPrebuildStep FAILED
Execution failed for task ':app:exponentPrebuildStep'.
A problem occurred starting process 'command './node_modules/expokit/detach-scripts/run-exp.sh''
Cause: error=13, Permission denied
I don't know how to fix it, tried clean, invalidate caches, rebuild but everything is working fine but when I give expo start -c and run my project then am facing this error and I tried expo publish rerun my app but I don't know why this error is coming MacBook.

Ejecting to bare expo can't install on iOS simulator

I recently had to switch to the bare workflow from the managed workflow. After running expo eject I tested on android, which suffered from an issue with expo-constants not being available, after installing that it worked just fine. I moved on to installing it on the iOS simulator and got an error trying to install. Been trying to debug it but not having any luck. Logs are below:
success Successfully built the app
info Installing "/Users/***/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/***-dtoeptcccdubmbcvblrjlzhwexaq/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/***.app"
An error was encountered processing the command (domain=IXUserPresentableErrorDomain, code=1):
This app could not be installed at this time.
Could not install at this time.
Failed to chmod /Users/***/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/8666E576-E2C9-4711-B8EB-2A7720C08B84/data/Bundle/Application/F519E6C9-3AFC-49F4-B0E5-9D40C41F54D6/***.app/*** : No such file or directory
Underlying error (domain=MIInstallerErrorDomain, code=4):
Failed to chmod /Users/pedromcunha/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/8666E576-E2C9-4711-B8EB-2A7720C08B84/data/Bundle/Application/F519E6C9-3AFC-49F4-B0E5-9D40C41F54D6/***.app/*** : No such file or directory
info Launching "com.***.***"
error Failed to launch the app on simulator, An error was encountered processing the command (domain=FBSOpenApplicationServiceErrorDomain, code=1):
The request to open "com.***.***" failed.
The request was denied by service delegate (SBMainWorkspace) for reason: NotFound ("Application "com.***.***" is unknown to FrontBoard").
Underlying error (domain=FBSOpenApplicationErrorDomain, code=4):
The operation couldn’t be completed. Application "com.***.***" is unknown to FrontBoard.
Application "com.***.***" is unknown to FrontBoard.
I redacted any sensitive info with ***. It says that the build was successful but after looking into the build itself I don't see any executable. Here's the folder contents of the .app package.
Any help is much appreciated.

QUEUE=* not found error on Foreman

I'm trying to use foreman to run my app locally, using the same Procfile I use when deploying my app on Heroku, where it works perfectly. However, when running foreman start on my terminal, foreman gives an error saying:
line 41: exec: QUEUE=*: not found
What I gather from this is that foreman doesn't recognize QUEUE=* as a command. So why does it work on Heroku? And what can I do to run the command exactly as it is run in production mode?
I ran into the same issue. You want to put the queue param at the end.
worker: bundle exec rake jobs:work QUEUE=hi

Can Push to Heroku But Can't Run Migration

I can push a Rails app to Heroku with ...
git push heroku
but when I try to migrate with ...
heroku run rake db:migrate
I get ...
Running rake db:migrate attached to terminal... failed
! You do not have access to the app my-app-name-1234.
Edit: my .git/config contains ...
[remote "heroku"]
url = git#heroku.com:young-mist-1198.git
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/heroku/*
Any ideas? Things look reasonable on the Heroku side and it seems like if my ssh key were bad, it wouldn't even let me push.
OK, I figured it out and in case it helps someone else ...
heroku auth:login
somehow I was not authorized and just needed to re-login.
try this
heroku run bash --app appname
heroku run rake db:migrate