How to use cell reference in a cell with brackets in Excel 2007? - excel-2007

In Excel, I want to reference cell in a cell. how do I do this?
Ex: in cell A1, I will type md.resourcetyperef(1234567890), but I want to reference 1234567890 which is in another spreadsheet.

Considering md.resourcetyperef() is your UDF, and 1234567890 is at A1 cell in another sheet named AnotherSheet then try this:


Vlookup vba automatisation

I'm a beginner in VBA programmation, I want to create a button to help me search the price of a product from column A of sheet1 and to search for the price of that product from sheet2, column D of the same workbook.
The vlookup formula I use is:
My issue is that I have more than 100000 products and I want to use a button to simplify the process.
Change your top row formula to =VLOOKUP(A2;sheet2!$A$2:$G$712;4), select the cell you enetered the formula into, and then drag the formula down by using the little square in the bottom right hand corner of the cell you entered the formula into.
If you want to do it entirely in VBA, you can autofill using
Dim source As Range("A1")
Dim destination As Range("A1:A10")
source.AutoFill Destination:=destination
This will autofill from A1 to A10, as an example. You can also specify the autofill type with Type:
Dim source As Range("A1")
Dim destination As Range("A1:A10")
source.AutoFill Destination:=destination Type:=xlFillLinearTrend
The default type is xlFillDefault, which tries to find a pattern automatically and use the according fill type. Other types can be looked up here.

How to make dynamic cell in formula based on pointed value in excel spreadsheet

I have an issue with the cell range in formula and I don't know how to change it based on a predefined value in the spreadsheet. For example, from figure I have cells B8:B12=0 (5 cells), however, if I want to change range to range B10:B12=0 (3 cells) I should delete them from formula. How can I do the reference to a specific cell in a spreadsheet where I can simply change value 5 to 3 and it will change automatically, without interfering formula each time? I'm new to VBA, any help is appreciated.
As it was mentioned before, you should try offset function and do something like:
AND(SUM(OFFSET(D13,-1,-2,-(G6),1))=0). Then the cells in the range B8:B12 would be possible to change inserting range in cell G6.
Use the =INDIRECT function to define your target cells, e.g.
If I entered the text B3 into cell A1, then this formula would return the text value in cell B3.
Let me know if it works for you.

VBA Excel: How to assign range of cells to another range of cells?

New Excel VBA user here. I feel like I made a silly syntax mistake.
I am trying to copy some vertical cells in one worksheet, to horizontal cells in another worksheet.
Worksheets("Master").Range("D14:F14").Value = Worksheets("Temp").Range("B12:B14").Value
However, the above command seems to only paste the value of B12 to cells D14:F14. Is there a way to paste the cells of B12, B13, and B14 to D14:F14?
Use Application.Transpose():
Worksheets("Master").Range("D14:F14").Value = Application.Transpose(Worksheets("Temp").Range("B12:B14").Value)
Or PasteSpecial:
Worksheets("Master").Range("D14").PasteSpecial xlPasteAll, , , True
If you only want values then the first is best. When transposing with PasteSpecial one must use the xlPasteAll. It will throw an error if one tries to paste values only with transpose as true.

Copy and paste formula result as value

I wanted to know if able to paste the result of the formula below into a value in VBA. I would like to copy the formula from my temporary workbook and paste it in another workbook.
Yes. Here is an example
Range("A32").Formula = "=LEFT(C32,SEARCH(""invoice"",C32,1)-1)"
Range("A32").Value = Range("A32").Value '~~> This will convert the formula into value

Get data from sheet depending on cell value

I have a spread sheet that has multiple sheets, the first being "Main Sheet". The subsequent sheet names are the same as the values in column A of "Main Sheet".
Main Sheet
Column A5 = 12345
Column A6 = 23456
I want to get the value of cell "Main Sheet"(B5) from sheet "12345"(B10) (the value in "Main Sheet"(A5)) and the value of cell "Main Sheet"(B6) from sheet "23456"(B10).
As the "Main Sheet" is continuously growing, I need to do this by a formula.
Any suggestions?
Your notation makes it seem like you're not using MS Excel, but if you ARE, this should solve your problem.
You will want to use the INDIRECT function. It will turn a string into a reference to a cell.
This means that you can do something like the following (in B1 of Main Sheet):
=INDIRECT(CONCATENATE("'", 'Main Sheet'!A1, "'!B10"))
Assuming that:
'Main Sheet'!A1 == abc123
The formula will give you the contents of: