My webpage has infinite scrolling, how should I test it? [closed] - testing

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am testing infinite scroll feature of my web application on a variety of pages. What aspects should I keep in mind?
What should be automated, using WebDriver for example.
The website is primarily targeting iOS/Android devices.

I would recommend NOT automating any UI feature, at least the visual part. I have found that testing functionality is fantastic with WebDriver, but that UI is harder, and generally not useful with automation.
For example, you could write a test that scrolls the page down, and verifies that new content is loaded. However, you would have no idea whether or not the layout of the content is any good, or even if its on the part of the page you are looking at, unless you thought of each possible scenario where the UI could be wrong, and you tested for each.
That being said, I would still use the UI to make sure it functions. I would scroll down the page, and click on a link to make sure that that link works. Rather than going to a URL, I would use the menu at the top.
In summation, I would test that the features function properly, but not test that the look good. That should be done in manual testing.

For UI testing (design) you can try Sikuli
Here is Sikuli Api you can integrate with WebDriver
Only issue is that Sikuli is not testing picture pixel by pixel... try it and you'll see PROS and CONS


How to decide which type of testing(Manual or automation) required when we get new web application? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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How to decide which type of testing(Manual or automation) required for a project or application to test?
What are the parameters we have to consider to select which type of testing(Manual or automation) to test very new application?
It depends on :-
Size of the project- If the project is large and consist of so many functionalities then automation testing is suggested
How many times you want to test a particular feature- If the requirement is to test regularly then automation test is best
Font size and image- This can not be tested through any automation tool so to test this, one should need to do manual testing
To find bugs- If one needs to find a lot of bugs, Manual testing is suggested.
You shouldn't have to choose between automation testing and manual testing the way you're asking. The way you're asking it gives me the feeling that the product is already waiting to be tested. In this case you would need to resort to manual testing.
Ideally you would want to have both and even more of automation. Some of the questions that you need to ask are:
Is this a new project or an existing one? If it's a new project then it's easier to plan for automation from the start. You could start implementing automation tests from the start. If it's an existing project then you'll need time to set up automation + write scripts etc. Then you have to resort to manual testing initially.
Is there any existing team? If yes, then what are they doing. You need to continue the process instead of suddenly disrupting it for anyone.
How much resources (money+people) do you have? Do you have manual testing resources? Are they busy or do they have bandwidth? How many automation test resources do you have?
What kind of project is it? Who does it go to? Does it have human lives depending upon it? Does it need a legal certificate of some kind for being tested?
There's just too many questions based on how your question is currently stated. I hope that this answers your question when we consider it generally. But if you're looking for a particular answer then please consider adding more context.

What is the difference between Proctractor and Selenium? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am in the stage to find out what is Selenium. Its website looks very old. Here is a nodejs version of it.
I also found a good in browser testing solution protractor.
Are they designed to do the same thing? Which one should I use? Why Selenium website is so old, out of favor?
All tools you mention above like protractor, nightwatch are all based on selenium. If you are looking for a nodejs based solutions you can either directly use WebDriverJS (popularly known as selenium) or use many other frameworks which are developed on top of it. Every framework below offers unique features, you need to pick what works best for you. The basic advantage of using framworks is that they do most of the heavy lifting for you, that way your code is small and maintainable. UI testing is hard, the smaller the code you have the easier it is to maintain
protractor (good support if your app is angular)

Testing Symfony3 best practices [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I would like to know which is the best technology for testing Symfony apps. My idea is to test all the Application layers, starting with the Database (repository and queries), the services , Controllers and Views.
I check about this but i'm not sure which direction to follow. I found out some tool like Phpspec and Behat but i'm not sure they fit my need and which one is the best... What do you guys suggest?
This is what we've been doing at work last 4 years.
Use Behat for testing the behaviour of the app. We mainly cover how GUI related features (twig, templates, browser, file upload, client side validation, API request&response etc) behave however if you wish you can also cover how the app functionality behaves like such as (DB CRUD operations, testing emailing features, commands, queuing systems such as RabbitMQ, Beanstalk etc.) so you're not limited at all.
Use PhpSpec for testing the functionality of the app or a part of a feature or whole. We cover services, util classes, listeners so on.
Do not test controllers because we keep them as "thin" as possible as we follow "thin controller, fat services" approach.
So in general, Behat is pretty powerful to cover most of the cases so we have more behat tests than PhpSpec. You can use any appropriate testing tool such as PhpUnit so you're free to test others.
Plenty of Behat examples
Plenty of Symfony examples
A few PhpSpec examples

What will be the best tool to automate a Single Page Application test cases [closed]

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Closed 11 months ago.
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I have a new website to test which is a Single page application (SPA) and I'm not sure which tool shall I use to automate it. I thought of Selenium and Protractor but Protractor would not be a good idea as my site has nothing to do with AngularJS and in that case is it like Selenium WebDriver is the only option or there are any other tool available in market?
If selenium is the only good option then what sort of challenge I can face?
I'd go for Watir-Webdriver and Ruby! Main benefits - easy to read and understand code, ruby flexibility, power and irb debugger, speed and reliability. As for challenges - one would be of integrating technologies (if your site uses C# as the backend - i would definitely go with C# and Selenium-Webdriver)
Yes you can go with selenium webdriver with a framework like POM(Page object Model).
Page object model gives flexibility and maintainability for you scripts.
Hope it will help you :)
In case of one page application its will be bad idea to use selenium.
add all the dll's to your project, run the webDriver in your code and so on ...
The best idea will be using (.Net webBrowser + MSHtml) [in case that your test will be on internet explorer web browser]
The Benefits:
Speed !
Build in Framework.

How to start with Selenium Webdriver? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I guess Selenium Webdriver would be the good choice but not sure, how I can use it for my day-to-day project work. Without external training, what could be the best way to go step by step and master webdriver?
As Eugene said -
Download Selenium IDE. Play along with it, recording and running test cases.
Go through the official docs.
Export test cases in the language of your choice.
Read a few blogs regarding WebDriver. Try a few code snippets.
Write your own logic for data driven or key driven test cases.
And basically keep learning.
Best of luck!
There is a free udemy course which will show you how to set up and start using WebDriver with junit. You can find it here:
Start Using Selenium WebDriver with Java
This short course is made by Alan Richardson, author of Selenium Simplified. This is an excellent book, but is directed at Selenium-RC. I am currently using the book to learn WebDriver by translating the exercises from Selenium-RC syntax.
In my experience, the best way to push yourself to learn something like automation is to have a project. For example, if you have tests you run quite often at work, consider automating them in your spare time as part of the learning process.