NSTabView not showing tab bar items on top - objective-c

I am trying to create a simple OSX app that has a split view (top to bottom). The second view of split view is a NSTabview having three tabs. Everything looks fine but NSTabview is not showing tabs bars (it is not tabless) however when i click around it works and switch to other tabs.


UITabBarController duplicating the first UITabBarItem and nested tab bar title

I am using a UITabBarController with 3 tabs. The text of only the first tab is being duplicated. By using the view inspector, and inspecting the duplicated item, we can see that it is exactly the same object reference between the two tab bar items, which doesn't make sense. How can the same view appear simultaneously with 2 different frames. I'm not doing anything special to wire up these tabs, and only the first tab is duplicated. They are wired through interface builder. I also tried stripping it down to the bare minimum, where I'm not executing any code to customize the tab bar - the problem still persists. It occurs on iOS10.
It looks like this:
I found the answer. I was setting the title in the View controller of the first tab's view controller like this:
[self.parentViewController setTitle:#"Song Lists"];
Removing that got rid of the Left-aligned version of the tab text, and leaves the centre-aligned version which is defined in the storyboard tab title.

Using UITabBarController in a subview

I have a view in my app to which I want to add tabs, but only in the lower half of the view. The top half of this view is supposed to be fixed. Something like this:
By pressing the tabs on that UITabBar I want to toggle the contents of the lower half, but without changing the contents of the upper half. I used tab bars before with UITabBarController, but using storyboard I can't add the controller because it creates two completely different views. How can I do this?

Storyboard with multiple UITabBarControllers

I have the following storyboard setup:
I would expect, that the two UITabBarControllers (blue and red) connecter to the orange UINavigationController and each display the different view controller and the "shared" one. However when running the app only one of the UITabBarControllers (the red one) has both view controllers. The other UITabBarController (blue) only has one item in the tab bar, which is not the orange one.
I have given all the different view controllers unique ID's but it doesn't change anything.
I could just duplicate the orange view controller but that would sort of be inconvenient, as everything is the same and it would clutter the storyboard.
Is there a way to accomplish the desired result with out cloning the orange view controller (ie. through code somehow)?
I will list the steps as we just started a new project:
Here, we have only the starting view controller.
select it, click Editor on menu bar Embed in navigator controller.
add a view controller from the right-bottom window.
embed in with the new view controller, two tab bars.
connect the starting view controller with both of the tab bars with a push segues(using buttons).
customise both of the tab bars.
test by clicking the two buttons.
I hope this is clear and helpful.
This happened in the design time the later connected tab bar replaces some property of the previously connected tab bar. I don't think this can be fixed (at least the way we are doing it). if that property could be set to both tab bars the interface builder would do it for us. I don't think that could be solved.

Phantom Bar showing up at bottom of screen

I've got an iOS7 iPad app. I use storyboards. My root view controller is a tab bar controller. One of my tabs is a split view controller to view reports, which has a table view controller (embedded in a navigationController) in the left-hand split and view controller in the detail side.
I'm finding that I have a random bar across the bottom of both controllers. In the screen shot you can see it at the bottom of the left-hand pane. If I were to select a report which loads the detail side, you'd see the same thing there as well. No matter what I do I can't get it to go away... gotta be missing something simple. Any tips?
Here's the storyboard view. Note that there's some sort of a bar showing up in the Split view controller, but it's not there in the nav controller. I don't know if this bar is related to the problem or not. I suspect it's being inferred from the tabbarcontroller's bottom bar.

Scrolling Tab Bar with Navigation Tab in each view

Project need to show 7 tab bars in the application. So as per TabBar controller I am able to show the 4 tabs at a time along with "More" button which after clicking shows remaining tabs.
Also I need to show Navigation Tab for each View.
I am able to achieve this till now. But we need to make the Tab Bar in scrolling manner so that user can scroll the remaining tabs and after clicking particular tab that view is loaded along with Navigation Controller.
So can any body tell me how to achieve Scrolling TabBar along with Navigation bar in each view.
Any sample code will be more great full......
Thanks in advance.
You already mentioned the "more"-button... This should be the way to manage too many tabs, in order not to break the common iPhone l&f and keep users on track.