I'd like to apply a filter instead of simply copying all files over from the asset folder. (such as do not include font files if we are running in production)
Is this possible?
(If it isn't possible, can anyone give any additional insights on how I might accomplish that?)
Yeah, you will need to edit config's directive conventions.assets: https://github.com/brunch/brunch/blob/master/docs/config.md#conventions
config =
assets: (path) ->
(not /\.woff/.test path) and /assets(\/|\\)/.test path
I am using powermail where I have added a file upload which I want to restrict with PNG,JPG and PDF file formats. Since I unfortunately do not work as long as TYPO3 and the extension Powermail I do not know exactly where I have to make the changes.
I have already seen in another forum post that you can make the adjustments in the setup.
upload.file_extensions = jpg,png,pdf
Best regards
You can configure the allowed fileextension as TypoScript constant plugin.tx_powermail.misc.uploadFileExtensions.
So, the TypoScript (in constant section) should look like:
plugin.tx_powermail.misc {
uploadFileExtensions = jpg,png,pdf
file_extensions seems to be a configuration value years ago (The mentioned post was from 2011), but does not exist in the current powermail code.
It might be useful to know that in Powermail 9.0.2 this configuration doesn't work. This is how to acheive the same result in Powermail 9
plugin.tx_powermail.settings.setup.misc.file.extension = jpg,png,pdf
I'm using Docusaurus to publish documentation for an open source library's API. The headings of my source markdown files correspond to the names of methods and properties for classes in the library. This all works fine.
However, the anchors that are created in the HTML are all lowercase. I want them to respect the capitalization used in the markdown file.
For example, this markdown header:
Generates the following HTML:
<a aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1" class="..." id="dosomething"></a>.
<a class="..." href="#dosomething" title="...">#</a>
As you can see, camelCase is transformed to lowercase. I would like to keep capitalization intact. Is it possible?
P.S. The markdown files are automatically generated from jsdoc comments. In jsdoc, links to a method or properties include capitalization.
Inside your project, navigate to the directory node_modules > github-slugger;
Open the index.js file;
Remove the line if (!maintainCase) string = string.toLowerCase()
The function will become something like this:
function slugger (string, maintainCase) {
if (typeof string !== 'string') return ''
// if (!maintainCase) string = string.toLowerCase() <-- remove this!
return string.trim()
.replace(specials, '')
.replace(emoji(), '')
.replace(whitespace, '-')
If you update the docusaurus, you may need to apply this change again;
It may be necessary to edit the doc to see the changes, because of cache. Here I edited the doc file and it worked;
You must restart the docusaurus service after you make this change. And probably needs to clear the cache with npm cache clear --force;
Also, I think you should delete the folder .docusaurus to force the rebuild of all documents.
The .md file:
id: intro
# Random title
### WriNTinG with CaSeS
test 1
### .doAnotherThink()
test 3
### .doCamelCaseWithSeveralLETTERS()
test 3
I must say that this one was hard. First I tried to track down the anchor tags, then the description. Eventually I found about the github-slugger, and looked like that was the way.
But once I made the changes, nothing had happened to the document! So after hours trying, I gave up… Then, just for curiosity, I decide to see what the slug function did to the document, by adding a second header with the same name. And — luck! — it kept the original case.
It turns out that you can simply use explicit IDs to solve this issue: https://docusaurus.io/docs/next/markdown-features/headings#explicit-ids
I have a content directory called foo and I want all files under that directory to have an extra metadata item foovar: default, unless explicitly overridden in the file header. I think I'm supposed to do this with EXTRA_PATH_METADATA, but I can't figure out what incantation it wants.
(for my current use case I'm trying to apply template: sometemplate within this dir, but I'm interested in solving the general case as it would make several related headaches go away)
I think what you're looking for is actually DEFAULT_METADATA. Check out this portion of the documentation:
The default metadata you want to use for all articles and pages.
So, in your case it might look something like this in your config file:
DEFAULT_METADATA = {'foovar': 'default'}
Then to assign your custom template(s), see this portion of the documentation.
This wasn't possible at the time I asked. I've since sent the devs a PR adding support, and it's been merged to master. Presumably it will go out in the next release. It makes EXTRA_PATH_METADATA recursive, so you can apply settings to a subdir like this:
EXTRA_PATH_METADATA = {'dirname/subdir': {'status': 'hidden'}}
I'm trying to dynamically define a version in the URI routing.
My immidiate ideas were to
I've configured in the application.conf a row stating my current version:
myApp.ver = 0.1
I wan't to use it in the routes file as part of the URI, for example:
GET /myApp/{version}/welcome controller.myApp.Welcome()
The idea is not to pass the version number to the Welcome() method
but to get the version from the application.conf file.
I've searched for defining parameters in the route file but didn't find information that helped me.
b) Another idea was to have a variable in the routes, something like:
CurrentVersion = 0.1
in the routes file and use it in the URI.
How can I solve this? I havn't found an example for this.
If you want to do this for every route, it should be possible to set the application.baseUrl to include your version number. To do this conveniently you can define the version in your application.conf instead of the Build.scala file, as described here.
myApp.name = myApp
myApp.ver = 0.1
application.baseUrl = ${myApp.name}/${myApp.ver}
If you want to do it only for some routes, there doesn't seem to be a simple solution. If you could ignore parameters in routes, I'd say use a regexp parameter and verify it in your global router - unfortunately this doesn't seem possible without passing the parameter to the controller.
So I see two other options:
Hardcode the version number in the routes file and do a search and replace every time it changes.
Create a plugin for the sbt build process and let it replace the version in your routes file.
In Play 1.2.x, in your conf/routes file, add a route like this:
GET /myApp/${play.configuration.getProperty("myApp.ver")}/welcome myApp.Welcome()
Here is what I need to do:
In my CodeIgniter application, I have a folder named "modules", and each module contains (among others) a folder named assets, which contains all the resources that need to be available from the browser.
The file structure is in this format:
The MyModule folder is dynamic, so I need to add a rule that does not rewrite the paths like
/modules/ANY MATCH/assets
but I can't figure out the proper Regular Expression...
My current pattern is the following:
but the ^.$ obviously doesn't work... I'm a complete RegEx noob :/
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks for your time!
I think you want
or better, if ANY MATCH is always a single folder only: